I fully agree with my new friend’s theory below. My only addition is that it may be a mono dark type due to clobbopus/eelektrik being monotype. This riddle is also making me question if H-Qwilfish will be the one to get an evo and instead #5 will.
Also I forgot that Cursola is also a mono Ghost type- not only that but it’s also a regional evolution of Galarian corsola! So to me #7 is a H-Qwilfish & H-Qwilfish Evo, both Mono-Dark type!
*POTENTIAL SPOILERS* To keep up the hype- A big recap of what I believe are the closest answers to this riddle while still leaving room for a few swaps. I think I’ve got Khu’s number 😜. Mega clean thread below for explanations #pokemonleaks@RuffledRowlit@aDrive_tK@eclipse_tt
It’s BDSP week but I wanted to get this out before games & news drops
Also just maybe the last new Pokémon/evo slot has a tini tiny possibility to also be an electrode, Avalugg, Braviary, Zoroark or even growthile (maybe split) evo.
Many of the following quotes are from a lovely person (that wanted to remain anonymous) who gave there own answers to khu’s riddle and HE “LIKED” their answers. They gave us an Asian perspective, which is who this riddle was originally for. I will call them “AP”.