A short out of-the-blue #sukuita HC, part of my fic π“π‘πž 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐒𝐬 π…πšπ«π¦ 𝐁𝐨𝐲.

There isn't a need to read the whole thing to understand this but there may be slight spoilers or confusion ahead. Word count: 2.1k

β€œThis is clean,” Yuuji had said as he accepted a piece of orange from Sukuna.

One of the servants came forward to peel the fruit, looking a bit distressed. Perhaps he was scared for serving his masters unpeeled fruit. But Sukuna only waved him away and did it himself.
Ensuring all pith was removed before giving it to Yuuji. He peeled another one from the batch, doing the same for this one.

Yuuji remembered when he was around eight, Suku ate an orange without removing the pith and Yuuji’s face contorted in disgust because of it.
Sukuna mocked him of course, still ate the pith even after Yuuji told him that β€˜πΌπ‘‘ π‘ β„Žπ‘Žπ‘™π‘™ π‘π‘œπ‘–π‘ π‘œπ‘› π‘¦π‘œπ‘’, π‘†π‘’π‘˜π‘’! 𝐼𝑑 𝑖𝑠 π‘€β„Žπ‘–π‘‘π‘’ π‘π‘’π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘ π‘’ 𝑖𝑑 𝑖𝑠 π‘π‘œπ‘–π‘ π‘œπ‘›!’ His logic did not make sense and perhaps it was the reason Sukuna continued to ridicule him.
He would only remember now that when Sukuna shared his orange after that incident, he would remove the pith for Yuuji to eat.

Just as he was doing now. And Yuuji smiled as the fruit’s flavor burst in his mouth.
β€œI shan’t allow you to be poisoned,” Sukuna teased, making Yuuji flush in embarrassment but gladly accepted another clean fruit from Sukuna.

Yuuji and Sukuna were spending a relatively quiet afternoon together.
With how hectic the King’s schedule had become, Yuuji was just happy to be able to spend whatever time Suku could give him. Right now, they were at promenade by the lake, staying under the shade of the tent set up for House Itadori.
Suku’s aide and servants stood not far from where they were. Yuuji was being chaperoned by Kechizu and Eso, sitting at the next table and giving the two of them a bit of privacy. Nobara and Lady Maki were spending time with Lord Toge, Lord Yuuta, and Lord Panda at
House Yaga’s tent while Duke Satoru forced Megumi to go with him and Lord Suguru to promenade, perhaps to find suitors for Megumi, much to the latter’s annoyance. Chousou could not come because he had errands to handle. Suku came by with his aide and with how
Ijichi looked quite stricken, it was apparent that Suku coming here was unplanned. Yuuji could only hope his love spending time with him would not make Suku work longer hours. But he could not help but be selfish with what little time they spent.
Their letters had been nonstop, which was a relief for Yuuji, but seeing Suku in person, hearing his voice, feeling his touch no matter how short and fleeting, was always preferred. He had wondered, should he and Suku be wedded in the future, would this still be the case?
Suku would be his husband but Suku was the King first before he was Yuuji’s husband and he would undoubtedly have to share Suku’s time with his responsibilities as the King of the country. How much time could Suku spare for him then? Would he have more than he has now? Or would
he have much less?

Yuuji understands, of course. He would never stop trying to understand Sukuna and his responsibilities. But when he becomes Suku’s Consort, when he lives with Suku in the palace but would not be able to see his husband, how would he handle that?
Suku was so close, and yet soβ€¦π‘“π‘Žπ‘Ÿ.

β€œWhat is on your mind?”

Yuuji was startled out of his thoughts by the question, seeing just in time Sukuna furrowing his brows at him, placing the rest of the orange on the table.
He could see the worry lines forming on Suku’s face and Yuuji quickly smiled to reassure him.

β€œThere isn’t a need to trouble you with it, Suku,” Yuuji said.

Instead of letting it go, Sukuna shifted so he was fully facing Yuuji, β€œDoes it involve me?”
β€œOh, you have never left my mind, Suku,” Yuuji said without preamble and with such a bright smile that made Sukuna make a choking sound and move his head away, covering his mouth and clearing his throat.
He heard Suku mumble, β€˜π»π‘œπ‘€ π‘›π‘œπ‘›π‘β„Žπ‘Žπ‘™π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘π‘Žπ‘› π‘¦π‘œπ‘’ 𝑔𝑒𝑑?’ or something like that, Yuuji was not really sure he heard Sukuna right.

β€œSo, what about me are you thinking about?”

Yuuji looked down, his fingers twiddling, a nervous trait of his, before he looked up
to answer Sukuna. β€œI was thinking about…my future.”

He must have said something wrong because Sukuna’s face fell and hardened quite a bit. It was obvious he was trying not to let his emotions show.

β€œYour future,” Sukuna repeated with emphasis. β€œWith me?”

Yuuji nodded, looking
down again. β€œI do not want to be selfish, but I could not help but wonder if my life as your Consort would be the same as my life now. That I would have to wait for me to be able to spend time with you, what little of it you have. I understand you have
responsibilities and you have your priorities and I—”

Yuuji was cut off when Sukuna placed a hand on his nape and pulled him forward. Yuuji was surprised and stiffened a bit as Sukuna rested his forehead over Yuuji’s. Yuuji’s eyes widened, their proximity was so close!
The ton had been milling about their tent when they saw the King arrive, some eagerly waiting to be able to talk to the monarch. Surely someone would see them like this! And Whistledown!

β€œSuku—” Yuuji started, moving to pull away, only to be rooted where he sat at the intensity
behind Sukuna’s crimson eyes.

β€œForgive me,” he said, Yuuji’s eyes widening even further. β€œForgive my inability to spare more time for you.”

β€œIt is not your intention nor is it your doing. I am just happy we are still able to spend time together.”

β€œI promise to be better.”
Yuuji gave him a puzzled look. β€œWhatever for? You are already perfect to me.”

Unable to help himself, Sukuna pulled Yuuji into an embrace, shocking Yuuji further because Suku had just pulled him to sit on his lap! Oh the scandal this shall cause!

β€œYour Majesty!” exclaimed Suku’s aide.

Yuuji’s face was pushed against the curve of Sukuna’s neck. He could not see if anyone was looking at them. But they were outside, out in the open, where π‘Žπ‘›π‘¦π‘œπ‘›π‘’ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘’π‘£π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘¦π‘œπ‘›π‘’ could see them!
Yuuji was about to push himself off of Sukuna when Sukuna himself slackened his hold on Yuuji, only to put both his hands on Yuuji’s cheek, mushing them as he pulled the younger and smacked him on the lips. Yuuji completely froze.
He heard the clattering of china and the dull thud of chair hitting the grass, perhaps when his chaperones abruptly stood, and the feel of Suku’s slightly chapped lips against his own. Orange. He also tasted of orange. As quick as it came, Sukuna ended the kiss.
Yuuji was still too wide-eyed to reciprocate, the shock was evident on his face.

Yuuji looked around him, Suku’s male aide looked stricken, Kechizu looked aghast while Eso was massaging the bridge of his nose with his fingers.
Thankfully, there were no other people around them except for the servants with them.

Yuuji looked back at Sukuna, his face crinkled in a laugh, the sound of it coming out light and full of mirth.
β€œAre you mad? Whatever would we do if someone saw us?” Yuuji exclaimed, scolding Sukuna. He was more concerned with how hot his face felt and the possibility of being seen that he forgot the fact he was still sitting on Sukuna’s lap even as he was scolding Suku.
As if it was the most obvious answer in the world, Sukuna said, β€œGet married?” and Yuuji turned a lovely shade of red.

He fiddled with his fingers for a bit before he turned his head around. There was still no one around, the servants were keeping a straight face and were
looking forward and the only ones looking at them were Eso, Kechizu, and Ijichi.

β€œMay you please look away?” Yuuji asked.

Sukuna raised a brow, interested but not knowing what Yuuji had in mind.

β€œYuuji…” the middle sibling said. The youngest looked ready to acquiesce to
Yuuji’s request but the older, perhaps sharing a fraction of their oldest brother’s more proper behavior, looked unsure.

β€œPlease?” Yuuji implored and Sukuna could see the exact moment his resolve crumbled.

A sigh followed by, β€œNot more than a minute or Brother and Lord Suguru
shall murder us all.”

Yuuji nodded. β€œI promise.”

When Yuuji saw the three of them looking away, looking around one last time to ensure no one was here, he fully faced Sukuna. The older was looking at him with interest but was otherwise quiet.

β€œPlease close your eyes.”
β€œI do not get to see what you shall do?” Sukuna said, smirking and teasing him a bit.

Yuuji looked away, but Sukuna did not miss how his eyes lingered for a bit on Sukuna’s lips.

β€œI shan’t do anything until you close your eyes.”

β€œVery well,” Sukuna said, grumbling without any
actual bite in his tone and closing his eyes.

β€œDo not open them until I tell you to,” Yuuji said, peeking through his lashes to make sure Sukuna was doing as he asked.

If Sukuna’s eyes were open, Yuuji was sure he was rolling them. β€œFine, fine. Are there more demands that this
lowly man shall have to do, Your Majesty?”

Yuuji giggled as both his hands cupped Sukuna’s jaw. β€œI am merely an earl. You are the only one to be addressed as such.”

Sukuna snorted but he did not open his eyes. β€œWhen we marry, you shall be addressed the same as I am. But if it
pleases you, I shall decree that everyone start addressing you as β€˜π‘Œπ‘œπ‘’π‘Ÿ π‘€π‘Žπ‘—π‘’π‘ π‘‘π‘¦β€™. A little bit of practice never hurt anyone.”

β€œThat is abuse of power,” Yuuji scolded but Sukuna could hear the smile on his face even if his eyes were closed. β€œYou shan’t do that and it
shan’t please me.”

Yuuji found that he likes this. He likes being cradled in Sukuna’s embrace, he likes the feel of Sukuna’s arms around him, he likes feeling Sukuna’s warmth, and he likes that he can stare at Sukuna’s face freely like this. There were small scars Yuuji wouldn’t
be able to notice if he were not this close, adding to Suku’s roguish charm. He likes the dip of Suku’s nose, he likes the curl of Suku’s lashes, he likes the way Suku’s lips moved when he talked and π‘œβ„Ž! Suku’s dimple! How long has it been since Yuuji had seen that?
β€˜π‘†π‘–π‘₯ π‘¦π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘ ,’ his mind supplied. It was more prominent back then.

β€œBut it shall please me so perhaps I shall do it.”

β€œI reiterate: abuse of power. I believe a King should be just and fair. Thus, for even thinking it, you must be punished.”
One of Yuuji’s thumbs was gently caressing Suku’s jaw. Sukuna was truly handsome. Yuuji could never deny that fact. Sometimes, he ought to wonder what Sukuna saw in plain old him when he could have anyone he wanted. But Sukuna chose him instead.
It never failed to make Yuuji’s heart flutter. Or give him heartache, the good heartache, with how heavy and loved he was by his Suku.

The edges of Sukuna’s lips stretched into a smile and the arms around him tightened. β€œOh? And what shall my punishment be?”
With very little thought to the consequences, Yuuji dipped his head and pressed his lips against Suku’s.

Sukuna immediately reciprocated. It was quick and it was chaste. And when they broke apart, Yuuji had a shy smile on his face, a tender one being mirrored on Sukuna’s own.
β€œYou are beautiful,” Sukuna said, his breath fanning Yuuji and his crimson eyes piercing golden ones.

Yuuji’s eyes widened at the remark. It was so sudden. Yet he could see no irony in them, only unreserved honesty.

β€œYuuji,” Sukuna smiled, gentle like the ones that only ever
graced his lips when he was looking at his beloved. β€œI shall never tire of looking at you. In two years, I shall be able to wake to your smile and sleep with the same. I shall have you in my arms day and night. Until then, I shall continue looking at you, from afar, from this
close, as I close my eyes, as I sleep and dream. I do not think I would ever be sated, even as my mind burst with thoughts of you.”

That heartache Yuuji talked about, that good heartache, π‘‘β„Žπ‘–π‘  π‘€π‘Žπ‘  π‘œπ‘›π‘’ π‘œπ‘“ π‘‘β„Žπ‘œπ‘ π‘’.

β€œTruly?” Yuuji asked in a whisper.
β€œTruly. Only you. Always you.” It was soft, just as Yuuji’s question had been, but it was loud.

So if his tears came, it was because of overwhelming joy. Sukuna laughed at his response but he pulled Yuuji close and wiped his tears and kissed his forehead and whispered
their β€˜πΌ π‘™π‘œπ‘£π‘’ π‘¦π‘œπ‘’π‘ β€™ and their vows until the actual one comes.

Yuuji cannot wait to marry his Suku.
A/N: Of course Whistledown saw them! They made headlines the next day! Chousou and Suguru forbade Yuuji to see Sukuna for a few days, which was hell for both. But perhaps something good shall happen the next time they see each other. πŸ˜‰
So this was originally supposed to be only the orange scene, came to me as I was eating an orange, the rest of the story just flowed out. Just goes to show how much I miss writing this fic.

Speaking of which, my deepest apologies for this shitty update. I promise the update with
the weddings and babies is underway. Life, work and family have been really hectic and finding time for myself is getting hard. I wrote this instead of working and finishing my tasks so I’ll prolly be scolded tomorrow (or later with how late it is in my country) so wish me luck!
Question: just in case there are other bouts of ideas and inspiration like this HC, would you rather I post it like this or would you rather I post the wedding and babies update first?

I honestly feel like I’m letting you guys down with how long it’s taking me to update compared
to when I started this but I hope you guys still have patience to wait for the next one. I’ll be posting it as soon as I finish (this includes my other pending stories and WIPs, too.)

Again, thanks for the love and support for this fic!❀️❀️

β€’ β€’ β€’

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