1/ THREAD - Ivermectin is used to treat River Blindness through the APOC program, which includes 19 countries from central Africa. As of 2012 - 80M of 86M ppl given annual treatment in these countries.
APOC countries have very low COVID case and death rates...
2/ I have compared 3 sets of countries. APOC countries, the rest of Africa and the most vaccinated countries + USA, UK and Canada.
This first set of charts shows Cumulative Cases / Million.
3/ Cumulative Deaths / Million
4/ Average Daily Deaths - 7 Day Rolling Average
5/ Cumulative Timeline of Fully Vaxxed Poplution %
6/ Can anyone give me a reasonable explanation other than the use of Ivermectin as to why this would be the case given the very low COVID vaccination rate in the APOC countries?
For those who don't realize it, we live under governments that are controlled by elites and corporations. They manage and control the narrative while extracting as much money as possible from the 99.9% and putting it in the pockets of the rich.
They give the public the illusion of democracy and keep them distracted.
Social media has the potential to be a huge threat to these elites. As people wake up, the truth could gain traction and people could rise up against the gov't. So they must control the narrative on
... social media as they do in the news. The gov't infiltrates strategic large corporations like Google, Facebook, and Twitter to control the narrative. The public is propagandized that "misinformation" is a great danger, so we must give up freedom of speech for our safety.
1/ THREAD - Countries with annual ivermectin treatment showing extremely low cases & deaths despite having very low vaccination rates.
IVM has been used to treat River Blindness via the African Program for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC) & includes 19 countries in Africa...
2/ The APOC program started in 1995 and people were given 1 (most countries) or 2 doses of Ivermectin per year. The APOC program closed at the end of 2015 and transitioned to the Community Directed Treatment with Ivermectin (CDTI) program. In 2017 more than 145M ppl were treated.
3/ I have compared 3 sets of countries. APOC countries, the rest of Africa and the most vaccinated countries + USA, UK and Canada.