AUSA: "She put them at ease [...] all so they could be molested by a middle age man."
"There were times when she was in the room when it happened."
About "Jane."
That's how three of the four "Minor Victims" of the indictment are anonymized. One is public.
AUSA calls Maxwell and Epstein "partners in crime," often targeting the daughters of single mothers.
They "promised these girls the world," going after girls with "difficult home lives."
AUSA: "They figured out what these girls wanted to do when they grew up and they promised to help."
"They made these girls feel seen. They made these girls feel special, but that was a cover."
The prosecutor describes the "so-called massages" that she says Maxwell arranged for Epstein.
"What was happening inside those massage rooms was not a massage; it was sexual abuse."
The prosecutor acknowledges the case may make jurors uncomfortable, before saying:
"He directed girls to massage him, while he masturbated."
"He sometimes received oral sex, and he sometimes penetrated the girls' vaginas with his penis."
She says Maxwell helped Epstein find those girls.
"Sometimes, she touched the girls' bodies."
"Even when she was not in the room, make no mistake": She knew exactly what Epstein was going to do, the prosecutor says.
AUSA: "Ladies and gentleman, Jane was not the only one."
Maxwell and Epstein "devised" a "Pyramid scheme of abuse," encouraging girls to bring other girls — to be rewarded with cash: AUSA
"You'll also hear about Epstein's staff," including the pilot for the private planes and employees from his residence, the prosecutor says.
Prosecutor to jury:
You'll see FedEx records confirming that Epstein sent a gift to one of his victims when she was 15 years old.
"They were exploiting kids," the AUSA says. "They were trafficking kids for sex."
That was a lightning speed opening statement from the prosecution.
Defense statement next from Maxwell's lawyer Bobbi Sternheim.
"Ever since eve was accused of tempting Adam for the apple, women have been blamed for the bad behavior of men and women are often villainized and punished more than the men ever are."
Sternheim says she's "proud" to represent Maxwell:
The government's story relies upon the claims of four accusers.
She emphasizes the time period of the indictment dating back decades.
"As we all know, memories fade over time, and in this case, we will learn not only have memories faded. But they have been contaminated by outside information, media reports" and other influences, the defense attorney says.
The defense counsel also attacks "civil attorneys" who saw Epstein and Maxwell as "easy targets" for lawsuits and money.
"She is a scapegoat for a man—"
Prosecutor: Objection.
Judge Nathan: "As stated, overruled."
Sternheim says "Epstein's death left a gaping hole" for justice for these women.
Referring to Maxwell, Sternheim says: "She is a brand name. She is a lightning rod. She is a convenient stand-in for man who—"
AUSA: Objection.
The parties confer privately with the judge at sidebar to see whether this is permissible theme for opening statement.
After sidebar, Sternheim switches topics, urging jurors not to judge her client on her affluence:
"Privileged background, comfortable lifestyle, status, they may be things that easily check the wrong box, but they are not crimes."
Countering the prosecution's tale of "Jane," Sternheim says: "I wish I could tell you a progressive, once-upon-a-time narration," but the evidence is "not conducive" to that.
Maxwell's lawyer describes the themes of the case as "memory, manipulation and money."
A DEVELOPING write-up of opening statements so far:
"'Dangerous Predators': Prosecutor Opens Long-Anticipated Trial of Ghislaine Maxwell with a Tale of 'Jane' and Jeffrey Epstein"… via @lawcrimenews
Maxwell's lawyer has called the memories of her client's accusers into question. She calling a "false memory" expert who testified or consulted for Harvey Weinstein, Robert Durst, O.J. Simpson and others.…
(Extensive sidebar: Stand by.)
Each of the witnesses who are testifying here received money from the Jeffrey Epstein compensation fund.
Sternheim is taking turns attempting to undermine each of the women identified in the indictment as "Minor Victim."
She is currently speaking about "Annie."
"You will learn that she was above the age of consent in New Mexico," she says.
AUSA: Objection:
Side note: Three of the four women are testifying anonymously.
Reporters are observing the journalism ethics norm not to identify people identifying themselves as survivors of sexual abuse without their consent.
The one who stepped forward publicly in the press and in court papers is Annie Farmer, whom Sternheim appears to be referring to here.
She says she was 16 when she was abused in New Mexico.
The defense argues that was the age of consent, but the prosecution is expected to point to other states where she traveled where that age is higher.
If Twitter character limits didn't apply, I would have stated more fully that Mitch Epner spearheaded sex-trafficking cases in the District of New Jersey in 2003 and 2004.
In our interview, Epner noted that childhood sexual abuse sparks trauma that has lasting effects—like drug abuse—that is then used to undermine victims at trials.
Sternheim is now attacking one of the accusers as someone who has abused drugs.
Maxwell's lawyer:
"They will not overcome the burden. They will not overcome reasonable doubt."
Sternheim (cont'd)
"The govt is trying to stitch together the stories of four different people, four stories to [show] a pattern."
She calls the common pattern money from the Epstein fund. "Big bucks," she says.
The defense opening statement concludes.
10 minute recess before the start of witness testimony.
We're back.
Judge: "Ms. Comey, this would be your witness."
Judge Nathan is referring to Assistant U.S. Attorney Maurene Comey, who is James Comey's daughter.
AUSA Comey is about to call the trial's first witness.
Proceedings will end promptly at 5 p.m., the judge says.
The first witness is up: Lawrence Paul Visoski Jr.
Or "Larry," he says.
As previously reported, Visoski was Jeffrey Epstein's pilot.
"I was captain during the initial part."
"I was a pilot, yes."
He says he was hired in Ohio in 1991.
Visoski says he was flying Epstein around roughly "every four days."
Some of the locales were from Palm Beach to Santa Fe, New York, and St. Thomas—
(My note: Epstein's island Little Saint James was close to the latter.)
Visoski identifies Maxwell in court.
Asked about Maxwell's relationship to Epstein, Visoski replied: "It was more personal than business."
Q: About how long did that romantic relationship last?
He estimates the 2000s.
"I wouldn't even characterize it as romantic," he hedges.
It was "more couple-ish," he adds.
The witness rattles off Epstein's various properties: the house in Palm Beach, Fla.; the NYC mansion, ranch in Santa Fe, N.M.; and homes in St. Thomas and nearby Little Saint James.
Visoski describes the interior of Epstein's NYC mansion in detail, as photos of the properties are entered into evidence and displayed for the jury.
The jury has been excused with proceedings ending at 5 p.m., sharp.
Direct examination will continue Tuesday morning.
• • •
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A federal judge adjourned the Eric Adams trial indefinitely — but appointed former solicitor general Paul Clement as a friend-of-the-court.
Judge Ho will have an “adversarial” process on whether to dismiss the case.
This is a significant setback for Trump's ex-defense lawyer and acting DAG Emil Bove, who wanted dismissal of Adams case without adversarial proceedings.
Tapping Paul Clement, who argued for the US before SCOTUS, Judge Ho seems mindful of a ruling surviving appeals.
More context:
It's unclear what Paul Clement will advise — and what power Clement believes the judge has on dismissal.
But by appointing Clement, and declining other amici, Judge Ho steers the "adversarial" part of the proceedings to a credible third party w/o apparent ties to the case.
Protesters showed up outside federal court in Manhattan for today's hearing from a 19-state coalition of attorneys general challenging DOGE and Elon Musk's access to the Treasury's payment system — temporarily blocked by a federal judge.
Arguments for an injunction at 2 p.m. ET.
"All rise."
"The Honorable Jeannette A. Vargas presiding."
Assistant NYAG Andrew Amer, who argued Trump's civil fraud case, will also present arguments today for the coalition.
SDNY Civil Division Chief Jeffrey Oestericher argues for the government.
Judge Vargas says she would like to hear about the threshold issue of standing first, before turning the preliminary injunction motion.
As the FBI agents' hearing resumes, @NormEisen announces the parties are "one word" away from a temporary deal protecting their names.
The govt will agree that "There is no present intent, directly or indirectly," to disclose the list of names, and provide two days of advanced, written notice if that changes.
The hurdle? For now, DOJ won't make this commitment govt-wide.
That raises a question for the judge: Who else has it?@NormEisen presses for that answer:
"You'll forgive the heat of my emotions, but the men and women of the FBI... have been tormented the past two days."
@NormEisen DOJ's lawyer won't say the information hasn't been disclosed.
"Standing here today, there is nothing to indicate that" it has been disclosed.
"I don’t have reason to believe that it’s occurred."
Trump will be sentenced for 34 felonies at 9:30 am ET. He will appear by video and likely will face no criminal penalties. It could be over in an hour.
But the fight over its symbolism gives it historic weight. I’m covering it live.
Consider: Over the past week, Trump's lawyers filed hundreds of pages of high-pitched arguments in four courts, at every level of the NY judiciary and SCOTUS, in a failed bid to stop these proceedings.
Prosecutors and the judge fought just as tenaciously to complete this trial record.
A federal judge grants sanctions against Rudy Giuliani for discovery violations.
The requested relief was an adverse inference moving the Georgia election workers he defamed closer to getting his $3.5M Palm Beach condo.
Judge Liman is reciting his ruling and its scope now.
Earlier today, Giuliani's lawyer described adverse inferences as the "death penalty" for the case.
Liman granted adverse inferences, not yet specified.
So far, the Trump appointee slammed Giuliani's "blithe disregard" for the court's holding and "preposterous" conduct.
Liman quotes then-10th Circuit Judge Gorsuch's comments against Giuliani:
"Discovery is not supposed to be a shell game, where the hidden ball is moved round and round and only revealed after so many false guesses are made and so much money is squandered."
He was order to appear after the Georgia election workers he defamed say he "secreted away" assets from his N.Y. apartment — and reportedly went to Trump's polling station in a Mercedes convertible ordered to be turned over to them.
The hearing has begun.
Attorney for Giuliani: Ken Caruso.
For Ga. election workers Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman: Aaron Nathan
Giuliani disclosed new bank accounts opened in July 2024.
On Aug. 30, Giuliani and his associates opened up a new entity: Standard USA LLC, over which he has +80% ownership interest.
"Suffice it to say, it's troubling that we learned about it on Monday for the first time."