THREAD: freedom of expression and censorship in the chassidic community compared to the current climate in wider society.
2/ In the last few years I have been incredibly passionate about, and active in, the free speech movement. In my first year at uni I founded @BrisFreeSpeech and later I was amongst the founding members of @speechchampions.
3/ I have watched in horror as dogmatic ways to thinking consolidate themselves in our educated circles and as #NoDebate replaces a culture of curiosity and open-mindedness. #SilenceIsViolence told us all how we must think as indoctrination was renamed "educating oneself".
4/ Why do I care? I spent my teens in psychological torture, guilt and terror due to my heretical thoughts. The chassidic beliefs of my community were pushed upon us with brainwashing force, threats of hell assured for any minor doubt. But not only religious doubts were forbidden
5/ Even merely trying to get a deeper understanding of the faith through philosophical analysis was forbidden. The idea was that our minds can lead us astray, so instead of thinking about these matters, we must suppress all individual thought and defer to scripture & tradition.
6/ Free thinking was a dirty word: 'oyfgeklert'. This word is Yiddish for 'enlightened' and it was a pejorative on par with 'bigot' in my current society. But I was a free thinker and I could never shake off the 'oyfgeklert' label, which haunted me throughout my teens.
7/ Any books, or sources that offered a different worldview were thoroughly censored and banned. We didn't even know of their existence. That enabled them to sell us the lie that there is nothing to think about or question because there is no alternative to even consider.
8/ I found ways of accessing this information at great personal risk. After years of reading and thinking serious religious doubts surfaced. That was terrifying. I still feel intense trauma at the vivid memory of that 1st thought that popped in: what if God doesn't exist?
9/ That was the worst thought that a person could possibly have. It's the foundational truth. If that fails, what else is there left? That thought was so scary that I spent years in intense guilt just for bringing it up.
10/ In my late teens when I couldn't hide my heretical thoughts anymore I faced a concerted bullying campaign by some of my more zealous classmates. I was marginalised and other boys caught speaking with me were harassed.
11/ I was considered dangerous and poisonous and continue to be seen that way by many in my former community.
12/ My experiences taught me on a deeply personal level that sometimes the most foundational truth-claims of a society can be false and that society can turn with righteous fury on those who point that out.
13/ Don't dismiss my experiences as unique to the specific community of my upbringing. No, you my reader, also live in a society that holds dear some foundational truth-claims which are false, but which you cannot question on pains of suffering severe social consequences.
14/ But just like you wouldn't expect me to publicly announce my atheism whilst still in the chassidic community, do not expect me to publicly express heresies that go against the foundational beliefs of my current community. Those must forever remain between me and my conscience
15/ But as a society we have a choice. We can either promote specific moral, political and social dogmas. Or we can promote the value of the questioning and sceptical spirit - that spirit that has driven scientists and philosophers of all generations in overthrowing false dogmas.
16/ I support the values of free expression and free thinking because in their absence we neglect to challenge our beliefs, leaving them to get entrenched as dead dogma.
17/ My teenage self went through hell in order to be able to think and read and express myself freely. How disappointing it was to find out that similar forces would attempt to constrain my thinking and expression in university - what I considered to be the pinnacle of my journey
18/ Throughout my time at uni various groups kept on dictating to me and fellow students how I must think, what speakers I can listen to and what I may say. They have been successful to a large extent with high levels of self-cendorship amongst students:…
19/ That's why I am so proud to have done my little bit during my time at uni with the @BrisFreeSpeech. At the very least we were a space for the curious and questioning spirit to do some unorthodox thinking. I like to think that we also had an impact on the wider conversation.
20/ In light of the above @hd41321508 asked me a very fair question:
21/ Is it fair to say that the chassidic community is just like any other, with its dogmas and censorship, but in no way more censorious or averse to free thinking than the climate that we find on western university campus?
22/ Can we draw an equivelance between chassidic orthodoxy and the progressive groupthink found in many educated circles?
I think in a trivial sense the answer is yes. The same psychological and sociological forces act in all societies to produce foundational dogmas, norms, etc
23/ Other than that there really is no comparison though. I am very sensitive to any curtailments on free thinking and expression due to my experiences. I have very high standards for them.
24/ I would love for the questioning spirit to be more robust in my current community, but it is still incomparably better in this regard than in my native community. Here are some examples of how the two societies (chassidic and academic) are diametrically opposed in this regard
META THREAD: all my important threads on chassidic culture in one place:
1a. Thread on the significance of this moment in the evolution of chassidic culture; what to expect from my commentating.
Here's the thing. For the first time in forever the chassidic culture has a solid presence online. Do you guys understand how huge this is? The western world is about to get an intimate glimpse into one of the most secretive and insular cultures to ever exist in its midth.
Here is what we're gonna do. I will use my intimate knowledge of this community (I grew up at the very centre and in the elite of this community and lived there for 20 years) to comment live on the things happening in the community that make it online.
We're gonna look at examples in real time and together we're going to learn and discuss this culture. I invite scholars, anthropologists, lovers of chassidic culture to join me in starting to study this society, its rich culture, its unique way of life.
@BrisFreeSpeech was due to host an event with Steven Greer who faced a concerted and bad faith campiagn of spurious allegations of Islamophobia.
I wrote more about this in this thread:
The event was cancelled last minute due to pressure from uni authorities without any regard for the committee that worked so hard to put it together and for @BristolUni students who deserve answers to what one of their lecturers were put through.
We don't have all the details behind the decision to cancel this event, but here is the statement from Steven:
@hd41321508 Busy day at work. Hope to finish another time
@hd41321508 We literally weren't allowed to read ANYTHING printed, produced, written by pretty much anyone outside of our tiny world (0.5-1 million people out of 7 billion). Yes, some read, but officially you're not allowed and depending on family/friends, can have serious consequences.
@hd41321508 All the world's movies, theatre, art, news, philosophy, knowledge, even lots of science is completely banned and censored. You are brought to be very strictly isolated from all that take serious risks if you try to access, again depending on family/social circle.
Thread: chassidic art and culture is undergoing a renaissance phase.
I have been claiming for a while that chassidic culture is in the early stages of a renaissance phase. This idea has been critiqued, recently by @Shmarya. In this thread I aim to back up my claim.
2/n First a bit of history (necessarily oversimplified). Traditional Jewish communities in Europe encountered the enlightenment in the late 18th century, birthing the haskallah movement. This spread to all of Jewish Europe over the next century and a half, up to the holocaust.
3/n From its earliest of days chassidic culture was bitterly opposed to haskallah, responding to that threat with isolationism and rejection of modernity and secular knowledge.
In the 20th century haskallah gave way to its daughter ideologies: Zionism and socialism.
Thread: contemporary chassidic culture online.
In this thread I'll list some of my favourite personalities in contemporary chassidic culture, that you can follow online. This is not an exhasutive list, just some of my favourites.
First some myth-busting:
2/n Myth: chassidic culture is primitive and stuck in pre-modern times.
Fact: actually chassidic culture forms a highly sophisticated and advanced civilisation, rich in literature and musical expression, adept in technology and business.
3/n Chassidic cultural expression is constrained by religio-cultural norms, such as strict sexual puritanism, gender segregation, anxiety and discomfort with the open internet. But within these constrains, human creativity has found novel ways of cultural expression.