minayeon au 📌 sahyo au 📌 Profile picture
Dec 1, 2021 493 tweets >60 min read Read on X

Where Mina is the new exchange student and Nayeon doesn't seem to like her very much. ImageImage
#NAYEON: Rich, pretty and mean.
- Law student.
- Friends with Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Sana.

#MINA: Rich, pretty but much less mean.
- Exchange student.
- Medicine.
- no friends. ImageImageImageImage
Jihyo: Part time law student, full time nayeon's brains.
Jeongyeon: Biology major, Nayeon's oldest friend.
Sana: Psychology major, friends with 3mix. ImageImageImage
Momo: Dance major, proud single mother, Sana's friends with benefits.
Tzuyu: Veterinary major, rather be with her dogs.
Chaeyoung: Arts major, side soundcloud rapper. Besties with Dahyun.
Dahyun: Music major, wants to be a producer. Besties with Chaeyoung. ImageImageImageImage
- Ignore time stamps! I really didn't pay attention to them at all
- I will start posting tomorrow but I already have more than half of the AU ready and it is for sure going to be finished
- If you have anything to say, expectations, suggestions, questions
001. perfect as always. Image
002. why does no one care about the kids? ImageImageImageImage
003. new beginnings 😖 ImageImage
004. dobby 🙄 ImageImage
005. scary. ImageImage
006. again? 🙄 ImageImage
007. who is pretty? ImageImage
008. DOES SHE?? Image
009. what happened? ImageImage
010. ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ ImageImageImage
011. your gf's gf. ImageImage
012. lectures 📝 ImageImageImageImage
013. amen for first days 🙏. ImageImage
014. wow. ImageImageImageImage
015. hang out w us. Image
016. she really didn't think that far ahead. ImageImageImage
017. just trust me! ImageImage
018. in her defense, people are lame ImageImage
019. you can never be too mean. ImageImage
020. stop telling twitter all your problems. ImageImageImageImage
021. buddies? not the status relationship they are on rn Image
022. BOTH of them??? ImageImageImage
023. interventions and hotness ImageImage
024. noted 😕. ImageImageImage
025. i can read. ImageImage
026. nayeon 🤝 eduardo saverin
their prada being at the cleaners ImageImage
027. civilized doesn't work with nayeon. Image
028. poor. ImageImageImageImage
029. good luck! ImageImageImage
030. her friends are very lovely. ImageImage
031. the baby. ImageImageImage
032. do you get deja vu? Image
033. legos sound like a better plan. Image
034. hopefully all night 😖 ImageImage
035. pretty, rich and popular. ImageImageImage
036. they are also ready. ImageImageImage
037. was anyone wondering? ImageImage
038. specifically told her ImageImage
039. someone do it. ImageImage
040. someone else. ImageImage
041. and they meet again. ImageImage
042. i guess party went well. ImageImageImageImage
043. why do you care? ImageImageImageImage
044. maybe. ImageImageImage
045. girl just wanted to have fun 🥴 ImageImageImage
046. dog moms club. ImageImageImage
047. thank you mommy ImageImage
048. sounds like an emergency to me. ImageImage
049. she doesn't reach that far 🙄 ImageImageImage
050. 🥰 Image
051. guilt tripping and god forgiveness. ImageImage
052. public places. ImageImageImage
053. inside joke. ImageImage
054. she did say she was confused. ImageImageImage
055. least problematic girl. ImageImageImage
056. who even pays attention to classes anyway? ImageImageImage
057. i miss you - blink-182 Image
058. sneaky link? (@・▽・@) ImageImageImageImage
059. operation Make Momo And Jeongyeon Jealous (⌐■-■) ImageImage
060. pain and suffering. ImageImageImage
061. mina 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖 ImageImageImageImage
062. nonoomf. ImageImage
063. a couple of emo references after. ImageImageImage
064. 4/10 ImageImage
065. hardly a fight. ImageImageImage
066. she's not even that pretty!!!!!! ImageImage
067. I'm gonna do it. Image
068. jihyo unnie. ImageImage
069. should have thought better. ImageImage
070. Public Display of Affection. ImageImageImage
071. wtf??? Image
072. she's done being quiet. ImageImage
073. lots of making up to do. ImageImageImage
074. thank god. ImageImage
075. what's going on with jeongie? ImageImageImageImage
076. do you want to 👉👌 ImageImageImageImage
077. projects 😖 Image
078. jihyo is nayeon's legal representative. ImageImageImage
079. anything for you, mommy. ImageImage
after sex pics. ImageImageImageImage
081. bros before hoes. Image
082. apologizing. ImageImage
083. living sana's world. ImageImage
084. no other people in this campus. ImageImage
085. jobs or something like that. ImageImage
086. lack of attention Image
087. the grinch. ImageImageImageImage
088. philosopher. ImageImage
089. sigh. Image
090. black coffee. ImageImage
091. what's your whole deal? ImageImageImageImage
092. 😏 ImageImageImage
093. ridiculous. Image
094. she's an icon, you guys. ImageImageImage
095. party planning. ImageImageImageImage
096. she's forcing her. Image
097. fuck chaeyoung. ImageImage
098. she also wanted in. ImageImage
099. try hards. ImageImage
100. she's ready too. Image
101. are samo their friends or enemies? i can't tell. ImageImageImage
102. maybe they can be around each other. ImageImage
103. guilty. Image
104. creepy. Image
105. a dead woman. ImageImage
106. interactions. ImageImageImage
107. **** is a loona stan. ImageImage
108. 🙏 Image
109. she wants to eat her alright. ImageImageImage
110. no one compares to her. ImageImage
111. a game of thirst traps. ImageImage
112. jihyo has simply had enough. ImageImage
113. maybe asking wasn't as bright. ImageImageImageImage
114. Samo are plotting again. ImageImage
115. her kids. ImageImage
116. She knows her schedule. Image
117. Operation Nayeon And Mina Get Together. Image
118. lucky day. ImageImage
119. better when we fought. Image
120. try faster. ImageImage
121. HER VODKA?? Image
121. if you ask momo they can't never do anything wrong. ImageImageImage
121. sana is going through it. Image
122. they both are drunk anyway. ImageImageImageImage
123. oh no no no. ImageImage
124. it wasn't them. Image
125. she's nice ish. ImageImage
126. a mood breaker fr. Image
127. sure thing, captain. ImageImage
128. she's very mature you guys. ImageImageImageImage
129. ☹️ ImageImage
130. marry each other. ImageImage
131. awfully suspicious. ImageImage
132. baby? ImageImage
133. unfair. ImageImage
134. third wheeling. ImageImageImage
135. she's not sure. ImageImage
136. poor jihyo. Image
137. fix your make up. Image
138. sorry for y'all single asses. ImageImage
139. terminally single. ImageImage
140. pathetic. ImageImage
141. Ms. Minatozaki. ImageImageImage
142. the sex is great. Image
143. on time. Image
144. she texted her 😎 ImageImage
145. vibrator dying. ImageImage
146. charity work. ImageImage
147. too good for any of you. ImageImageImage
148. oh no, she had an idea. ImageImageImageImage
149. are you single? ImageImage
150. rumours. ImageImageImageImage
151. DON'T ANSWER. Image
152. when is her turn to be happy. ImageImageImage
153. behave. Image
154. take her mind off him. Image
155. her vibrator died. ImageImage
156. he can fuck himself. ImageImage
157. her plan. Image
158. you'll see. ImageImage
159. E. Image
160. they totally did. ImageImageImage
161. she's mad. ImageImage
162. tinder girl Image
163. 🥺🥺 Image
164. say bye. ImageImage
165. the light of the party. Image
166. is she insane ImageImageImage
167. blonde 🥴 ImageImageImage
168. we all are gay Image
169. leave them ImageImage
170. where is jeongyeon. Image
171. 🤢🤢🤢 ImageImageImageImage
172. bet. Image
173. do you think we should stop this? ImageImageImage
174. i still love you. ImageImageImageImage
175. her head. Image
176. thrist trap. ImageImage
177. it worked. Image
178. confession. ImageImageImage
179. serial k!llers. ImageImage
180. if you insist. Image
181. i miss you. ImageImage
182. perfect wife. ImageImage
183. pretty dresses. Image
184. tomorrow. Image
185. introductions. ImageImage
186. bathroom in five. Image
187. the bathroom. ImageImageImage
187. good job. Image
187. stupid. ImageImage
189. engaged. ImageImage
190. heartbroken. ImageImage
191. twilight. ImageImage
192. a little time. ImageImageImage
193. not the actual months but meme worth. Image
194. proud of you. Image
195. peachy Image
196. reporting live from jeonghyo's business ImageImageImage
197. jeongie's jokes. Image
198. chaeyoung on studio. Image
198. we didn't ask you. ImageImage
199. give it up for jeonghyo. ImageImage
200. congratulations new couple. Image
201. for a dollar. ImageImageImage
202. designated daughter. Image
203. a month. Image
204. misamo. ImageImage
205. joining relationships. ImageImageImage
206. print this. ImageImage
207. easier. Image
208. smc. ImageImage
209. coming out. ImageImage
210. congrats on the arts of coming out. ImageImage
211. very proud. ImageImage
213. very sorry. ImageImageImage
214. soon. Image
215. Gossip chae. ImageImage
216. extra. ImageImageImage
217. pretty as always. ImageImage
218. Surprise, bitch. Image
219. if i was a rich girl nananananana. ImageImageImage
220. SICK ImageImageImage
221. closing stages. Image
222. too much. ImageImageImage
223. song. ImageImage
224. holy shit. Image
225. have we ever been friends? ImageImage
226. 🥱🥱 ImageImage
227. got it. Image
228. grow up. ImageImageImage
229. family. ImageImageImage
230. closet. ImageImageImage
231. father. Image
232. my bad. ImageImage
233. someone's bed. ImageImage
234. hang overs. ImageImage
235. relationships. ImageImage
236. neat. ImageImageImage
237. yeah and? ImageImageImage
238. i don't want you. ImageImage
239. moved on. ImageImage
240. imitate me. Image
241. THAT somi. ImageImage
242. tap out. ImageImageImage
243. eat each other. ImageImage
244. hottest. ImageImage
245. material gorlss. ImageImage
246. babe. ImageImage
247. food. ImageImage
248. hypocrite. Image
249. happy again. Image
250. anymore. ImageImage
251. my ex. ImageImage
252. oh. Image
253. do i? ImageImage
254. I'll make it up to you. ImageImageImage
255. I'll take you out. ImageImage
256. DEFAMATION??? ImageImage
257. STOP YOU'RE NAYEON ImageImage
258. somi. ImageImage
259. high schoolers?? ImageImage
260. harder! ImageImage
261. i love that about u. Image
262. couples 🙄 ImageImageImage
263. what is she doing here. ImageImage
264. i would know. ImageImage
265. kiddo. ImageImageImage
266. why do I care. ImageImageImage
267. might. ImageImage
268. ngl. Image
269. I'll go. Image
270. rich people don't apologize. Image
271. surprising. ImageImageImageImage
272. mixed signals, mixed signals, they are killing me. ImageImageImage
273. i forgive you. Image
274. explanation. ImageImageImage
275. baby steps indeed. Image
276. glass generation 🙄🙄 ImageImageImage
278. no. ImageImage
279. feka$$. Image
280. the humble im nayeon. Image
281. -?! ImageImage
282. latter. ImageImage
283. emotionally manipulated. ImageImageImage
285. hard. Image
286. overworked. ImageImage
287. sapphic. ImageImage
289. cute. ImageImageImageImage
290. a lot of time. Image
291. my own mother... ImageImage
292. fake one. ImageImage
293. DNI. ImageImageImage
294. double D. ImageImage
295. single. ImageImage
296. pls. Image
297. banished. ImageImageImage
298. don't hesitate ImageImage
299. holy shit. ImageImage
230. she has no idea. ImageImage
231. alone. Image
232. birthdayy. ImageImageImageImage
233. birthdayy, again. ImageImageImageImage
234. thank you guys. ImageImage
235. happy birthday, baby. Image
236. did she not? ImageImage
237. she's bored and an aespa enthusiast. ImageImageImageImage
238. cold feet. ImageImage
239. safe distance. ImageImageImage
240. no one's home. ImageImage
241. now a public congrats. Image
242. i was forced. ImageImageImage
243. best birthday ever. Image
244. see you then! Image
245. i NEVER expected this from you. ImageImage
246. he is all alone in this big sad world. ImageImage
247. little babies. ImageImage
248. wow thanks. ImageImage
249. a daughter like you. ImageImageImage
250. Albert. ImageImage
251. questions. ImageImage
252. good to know. Image
253. coolest brightest idea ImageImage
254. stationary. ImageImageImage
255. of course you do. ImageImage
256. nerds. ImageImageImageImage
257. tone it down. Image
258. i wanna be a start, i wanna i i i wanna be ImageImage
259. nayeon pays. ImageImageImage
300. next week? Image
301. cute. ImageImage
262. friends. ImageImageImage
263. what the fuck. ImageImageImageImage
264. NO. ImageImageImage
265. losers. ImageImage
266. your own gf. ImageImage
267. annoying. ImageImageImage
268. fans. ImageImage
269. where is she going. ImageImage
270. expensive. ImageImage
271. eating you up. ImageImage
272. excited. ImageImage
273. the date. ImageImage
274. Porsche. ImageImage
275. impersonal. ImageImage
276. she's bored. Image
277. she probably bought that license. ImageImageImage
278. there's something magic about you. ImageImageImage
279. pianist. ImageImage
280. happy. ImageImageImage
281. nauseous/happy. ImageImage
282. HER birthday. Image
283. the whole student body. ImageImage
284. pseudo. ImageImageImageImage
285. birthday posts. ImageImage
286. (2) ImageImage
287. jihyo is so sappy. ImageImageImageImage
289. ty. Image
290. they are. Image
291. kick her out. ImageImage
292. mystery party. ImageImageImage
293. gang signs. ImageImageImage
294. boring. ImageImage
295. competition. ImageImageImage
296. me four. ImageImage
297. congrats on coming out. ImageImage
298. my fav person in the world. ImageImage
299. killer. ImageImageImage
300. oh no. ImageImageImage
301. end him. ImageImage
302. we worry. Image
303. anxiety. ImageImage
304. useless. ImageImage
305. and she wakes. Image
306. talking. ImageImageImage
307. sorrys. ImageImage
308. the girls. ImageImageImage
309. bad words. ImageImage
310. nayeon being alive simply ruin the plans. ImageImageImage
311. Main girl ImageImage
312. hyper kids. ImageImage
313. twilight ImageImageImage
314.thats what friends do. Image
315. ????1111--1?1? ImageImage
316. ! ImageImage
317. little mina. ImageImage
318. i have them. ImageImageImageImage
319. your own mom. ImageImageImage
320. momoring. ImageImageImage
321. competitions. Image
322. smc. ImageImageImage
323. nothing. ImageImage
324. thank you for loving me. ImageImage
325. flowers. ImageImage
326. 🥵 ImageImage
327. what if. ImageImageImageImage
328. a gf like mine. ImageImage
329. assignments. Image
330. do something for me. Image
331. the devil. ImageImage
332. FUCK her life. ImageImage
323. going out. Image
324. ? ImageImage
325. let blind people alone. ImageImageImage
326. funny business ImageImage
327. for a man???? ImageImage
328. speaking nerd. Image
329. confused. ImageImage
330. jealousy jealousy - Olivia Rodrigo. ImageImage
331. NOOOO. Image
332. mina incel era. ImageImage
333. her villagers are fighting ImageImage
334. trying until it happens. ImageImageImage
335. good looking ImageImage
336. me of all people ImageImageImageImage
337. centuries. Image
338. nothing is working out for her. ImageImage
339. miserable. ImageImageImage
340. need you. Image
341. you weren't invited ImageImage
342. people i want ImageImage
343. late. ImageImageImage
344. top ten most ambitious crossovers in the history of anime. ImageImageImage
345. don't answer. ImageImage
346. talking 😋😋😋 ImageImageImageImage
347. the plan. ImageImageImage
348. our fish. Image
349. thank you ImageImage
350. are you happy now that you've killed me? ImageImage
351. mina look at me ImageImage
352. a loss for humanity. ImageImage
353. we shouldn't allow mina. ImageImageImage
354. ruining birthday trips. ImageImage
355. recoverin. ImageImage
356. SOTA. ImageImageImage
357. they probably do talk about misogyny. ImageImage
358. shady businesses. ImageImage
359. fun facts. ImageImageImageImage
360. annoying. ImageImage
361. 🌈 Image
362. friendzone ImageImage
363. jokey jokey ImageImage
364. let's fix this. Image
365. five minutes. ImageImage
366. shameless. ImageImageImage
367. BORING! ImageImage
368. get a life. ImageImageImage
369. she loves me. ImageImage
370. the baby. ImageImageImage
371. teen mom. ImageImageImage
372. unmilf. ImageImage
373. she misses her kids. ImageImage
374. pda. ImageImage
375. her boys™️ ImageImage
376. liability. Image
377. unexpected. ImageImageImage
378. always. ImageImageImage
379. silly me. ImageImageImage
380. oh. ImageImageImage
381. and FUCK ho-seok ! ImageImage
382. your girlfriend? ImageImage
383. ALL are liars. ImageImage
384. who died? ImageImage
385. the worst part. ImageImage
386. overwhelmed ImageImageImage
387. (OMG!!!) ImageImage
388. gifts. ImageImageImage
389. can we discuss it further? ImageImageImageImage
390. tattoos... ImageImageImage
391. the inlaws. ImageImageImage
392. timetimetime ImageImage
393. she hats everything. ImageImageImage
394. and FUCK park jihyo ! ImageImageImage
395. might as well ImageImage
396. insane. ImageImage
397. free. Image
398. thank you for listening 👍 Image
399. so this means? ImageImage
400. ask mina. ImageImageImageImage
401. congratulations? Image
402. please do ignore her. ImageImageImageImage
403. the cutest. ImageImage
404. Hawaii. Image
405. two better than one. ImageImage
406. voice of reason. Image
407. thank you. ImageImage
Sooooo guys, this is the end of the au. Thank you all for reading and enjoying with me all these days of updates. I really appreciate it!

If you guys want to check out my new sahyo au, I will start posting soon!

Thanks again for joining me!

• • •

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