THREAD: Here, Grant Gaines tells us that you're only allowed to support the overturning of Roe v. Wade if you do it for non-Christian reasons. He says that if you oppose abortion because of anything the Bible says, you're a "Christian Nationalist". I kid you not. /1
#BigEva guys like Grant and Russell Moore demonized the word "nationalism" (which means believing one country shouldn't rule another, and a country's leaders should look out for its own people first) because they hated Trump and loved globalism. /2
Then they added the word "white" to "nationalism" to pretend that anyone who loves their country is a racist. That, of course, is just #CriticalRaceTheory, which they all deny and yet all defend. /3
Then they invented something no one can define called "Christian Nationalism", which no one really has to define because it sounds like a mix of Nazism, the Klan and theocracy. It doesn't actually exist, but who cares, right? /4
Using the term "Christian Nationalism" helps demonize the 86% of evangelicals who voted for Donald Trump (i.e., didn't do what people like Grant Gaines and Russell Moore told them to do). /5
In the short term that frightens the rest of the denominational insiders into doing what they're told. That helps the the Woke guys take power. And Wokeness, like all Marxism, is entirely about power. /6
In the long term, its intended to co-opt the church for leftist politicians (see #EvangelicalsforBiden). If Christians may not apply the Bible to issues outside the church, they'll likely follow what the culture thinks is right this week. "Be winsome!" "The world is watching!" /7
Note these guys don't say much about whether God is watching. Or whether He has a say about anything. /8
The irony, of course, is that all laws impose someone's morality. Laws against murder impose someone's morality. Laws permitting self defense impose someone's morality. So do property laws, and property taxes. So do laws about literally everything. Including abortion. /9
So #BigEva has done exactly what the formerly "mainline denominations" did a century ago, and what the Chinese Communist Party did with its state church (the Three Self Movement) three decades later. It has stated increasingly explicitly that... /10 may never be for or against any political position because of your beliefs. You may only support or oppose things based on other people's beliefs.
Neat trick, that. /11
Friedrich Nietzsche, a favorite of Socialist globalists a century ago, knew better. He wrote that once you give up the Christian God, Christian morality is out the window. /12
What Grant calls "common decency" is nonsense, because without a divine lawgiver what is "common" is shifting sand: all that's left is force. Without an ultimate authority Who defines right and wrong, only might makes right, and whoever amasses power determines what is right. /13
Taking God out of the public square certainly isn't Biblical. But it isn't even Constitutional: your free speech rights alone are enough to allow you to advocate for or against anything based on whatever belief system you choose. /14
And our system is designed for a public debate at the end of which an election decides whose ideas won.
That's not "imposing Christian ideas". That's just democracy.
To pretend that only Christian ideas may never be discussed is both anti-Christian and anti-freedom.
I was one of the large majority of @SBCExecComm members who voted for the motion asking for further contract discussions over the next several days. I have a lot to say about that, but for now, this is the essence.
First, all of us (so far as I can tell) support the investigation, as we supported the one announced by @ronniefloyd before the Annual Meeting. That was not the issue. Moreover, Guidepost suggested an estimated cost of up to $1.6 million. We fully funded the high end of that.
Second, the motion we voted for was introduced by a most impressive new member, Melissa Carlisle Golden, a licensed professional counselor nominated to the EC by JD Greear’s Nominating Committee. We supported her motion instead of the EC officers’ motion.
The religion of Scientism is widespread now. Its priests (like Fauci) can do no wrong, and are never wrong, no matter how many times they’re actually wrong, how many times they contradict themselves, or how many blatant hypocrisies they indulge.
“Scientists can’t be wrong!” (Narrator: Science is a process and is constantly wrong, no matter how much it gets right.)
Or worse and more pervasive, but left unspoken: “Scientists would never have an agenda, be subject to corruption, or lie!”