I am a 2A supporter and responsible gun owner and I say, without reservation, we have a problem with Gun CULTURE problem in this country. I have a weapon for self defense. I've never taken a pic of me with it. I have it for self defense only.
My husband was a sharpshooter in the USMC. Top Gun in Desert Storm in fact. He has a couple of weapons and target shoots for practice and to stay sharp. He has those weapons to defend his family. Only. He saw enough death caused by guns in the war.
My parents and grandparents were gun owners. They used them for hunting mostly. Both for food in their old countries then here for sport & for food. They taught us to respect that weapon. It's not a toy.
My brothers are gun owners & were brought up the same way I was. They are more into guns than I am but don't flaunt them & don't glorify them. They target shoot and hunt. Nothing has changed in 3 generations. We respect those weapons & our right to own them is solemn & serious
It's how you were brought up. It's how you were trained. But also, social media, and MAGA conservatism have encouraged the glorification of guns. They own & trigger the libs by posting pics of the fam with guns. I think it's sick. But it does work. It does trigger the libs.
..and round and round it goes until we're facing another tragedy like we are today. Another mentally ill teen with a gun bought by mommy and daddy who had no business with a deadly weapon. Repeat.
These people scare me to death. And remember, I am a huge proponent of the second amendment, and a current gun owner. I am never going to an open carry state. Who needs to carry a long gun into the 7/11? Nobody does. Who needs to arm the children for a Sunday pic? Nobody does.
What's my point? I'm sick of it too. But what we're doing is not working. What the political left is doing is not working. The cries for gun control? NOT WORKING. This kid did not legally own that gun, right? No. Can we get smarter about this please? What can we seriously do?
Exhibit A) It's performative. and it's virtue signaling but to a certain segment, it's dangerous theater. And it's getting worse. Go buy a gun. Take classes. Be safe. Keep it locked. That is all. No need for this.
I don't think anyone on the right is writing about Roe from an honest broker perspective. And I've not read anything from the left. I did see a pic of some activists purportedly taking abortion pills that was nausea inducing. My straight up the middle self wants less hysteria.
Here, Cooke writes "As is de rigueur, Goldberg started by trying to exclude half of the population from the debate."
Laughable when he follows that up with this sort of hyperbolic, vomit inducing sentence: "as if Baby A’s most heartfelt desire is to be born and to be named Steve, while Baby B’s is to have his brains sucked out with a vacuum?" Who is he convincing? Nobody.
Off to get my first ever (I think) Flu shot. And I'm more nervous about this than I was about any of my COVID vaxxes. 💉
Thanks for all the encouragement you guys. As you all correctly said, I am indeed fine. 💉
FYI Flu vax side effects and I had none with the 3 COVID vaxes. A bit of a sore throat. Left ear congested and I am exhausted. I made coffee to try to stay up (it's only 7:00 on the west coast). But I'm not going to make it. Curling up on the couch for a nap. I'll be fine
Andy Slavit just had a terrible idea & said the insurance carriers should mail test kits to people. Don't disrupt anyone from their normal processes or you'll have mass chaos. People go to the pharmacies. Pharmacies run it through their rx system. The TPA bills the carrier.
At the same time, the carriers should send claim forms to the membership for people who want/have to buy the tests elsewhere & seek reimbursement after the fact. Don't reinvent the process. Treat it like an RX which ppl are used to & know how to do.
This solves the issue for people who do not want to pay up front & need benefits assigned, and those who either want to or have to pay first, & get reimbursed later. All the pharmacies have to do is treat them the same way they do diabetes test strips & other supplies @WHCOS