I am excited to share 3 working papers that all show positive—and often very large—effects on ed outcomes of Black, Hispanic, and Asian educators of color, including teachers, sch prof staff (e.g., admins, nurses), and instructional coaches.
Paper 1 is an experiment with grade 4/5 tchrs randomly assigned to classes. Tchrs of color impact stu test scores (+0.25SD), self-efficacy (+0.45SD), engagement (+0.3SD), and chronic absences (-4pp). Effects persist 6 years later in high school.
2/11 bit.ly/3lFeZ36
Analyses provide 1st causal evidence that tchr-stu race/ethnicity matching effects are driven in part by dimensions of “culturally responsive teaching”, incl tchrs’ relationships with stu and families, and #growthmindset beliefs that stu intelligence is malleable/not fixed.
Paper 2 is a collaboration with @lagospancho supported by @AERA_EdResearch, which leverages statewide data from MD to examine effects of diversity among schools’ professional staff and student test scores, absences, and suspensions.
4/11 bit.ly/3lC8Gx1
We find that, above and beyond the effects of same-race/ethnicity teachers, exposure to professional staff of color (e.g., admins, nurses, instructional specialists) impacts test scores, chronic absenteeism, and suspensions of Black and Hispanic students.
Effects often are largest for Hispanic students. We also find that Hispanic and Black students benefit from exposure to non-White teachers and professional staff of color, even with if they are not from the same racial/ethnic background.
Paper 3 is a partnership with @freeejazzz and Genine Blue @tntp. We identify substantial variation in effectiveness across instructional coaches at improving tchrs’ practice. Effects of ~0.3SD represent almost the full impact of coaching programs.
7/11 bit.ly/3osTgwY
We explore characteristics of coaches that explain this variation, finding largest relationships for coach-tchr race/ethnicity matching. As in paper 2, tchrs of color benefit from work with non-White coaches of color, even if they are not from the same racial/ethnic group.
Implications: Impacts if culturally responsive teaching-aligned mindsets and practices on student outcomes suggests that some of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of educators of color may be teachable to the largely White teacher/educator workforce.
We also advocate for identifying the effects of strategies to recruit more individuals of color into school positions. I am excited to have support from @IESResearch and to work with @RamonGoings and @SethGershenson to do just this!
10/11 bit.ly/31rJuTf