The guy who taught Republicans to use terms like “greed,” “hypocrisy,” “sick,” and “traitors” to describe Democratic opponents in the 1990s is disappointed that those “sick traitors” are disinclined to be friends with ppl who think they’re “libtard Socialists” who hate America.
Has Frank ever seen a Ben Shapiro video? Because boy, he sure doesn’t seem like someone who is sending out vibes that he wants to be a young Democrat’s friend.
Those young Dems are such horrible people that they want Republicans to have more affordable health care, a more sustainable environment, fewer of their kids shot in schools, fewer ppl killed by cops, & more people vaccinated against a virus that’s killed almost 800k Americans.
In other words, the majority of Republicans are right in not wanting to be friends with such anti-social monsters.
My entire adult life, Democratic politicians have been so careful to avoid a single gaffe like “deplorables” or “cling to guns and religion,” meanwhile GOP politicians just spit nasty epithets out rapid fire 24/7 and suffer no blowback for it.
Trump built the entire brand of the GOP around proudly being an asshole to large swathes of the American population. Hard to understand why that might drive some people away.
The reason for this historical asymmetry, I'd venture, is that the GOP base consists of an overabundance of thin skinned people who hysterically freak out if they think someone (esp. a person of color or a woman) has dared to criticize them.
Weird that young Mexican-Americans aren't inclined to be friends with people who voted for the guy who said Mexican immigrants were rapists and criminals and that we needed to build a wall to keep "people like them" out of the country. Just such a head scratcher.
Anyway, the party of personal responsibility that believes that "Ideas have consequences" would like you to know that their ideas have no consequences and that they bear no responsibility for the actions they've taken.…
And the people who voted for the "fuck your feelings" guy are very disappointed and frankly shocked that your feelings toward them are not warm and fuzzy.
"Come on you little pinko traitors, what's the matter with you that you won't come over to our house for a night of fun and games? You need to reflect on why you're so hateful and intolerant."
The Alex Jones loving, septuagenarian Publix heiress who wired several hundred thousand dollars from her lair in Tuscany to fund the Jan 6 coup reminded me of an earlier far right heiress with Italian ties, Countess Guardabassi.…
Countess Guardabassi (born Rosalind Wood, heir to a New England textile fortune who married an Italian fascist aristocrat) was a super-rich Palm Beach racist who funded neo-Nazi and other right wing groups from the 1950s into the 1970s
In 1971 she hosted neo-Nazi Revilo Oliver at her Palm Beach mansion. Oliver was working with the National Youth Alliance at the time, the group that spawned the guy who wrote the Turner Diaries.
What was happening in the WH in December 2020 and January 2021 was like Watergate on steroids...and yet it seems highly likely that none of the high level people involved will be held accountable for it because their Republican colleagues will protect them at all costs.
They were seriously talking about declaring a fake "National Security Emergency" to justify the nullification of a free and fair election. Just take a second to imagine what Lindsay Graham would have said about this if Obama had done it.
When David Brooks was 3 years old, Jackie Robinson, a longtime Republican, expressed regret that the GOP, by nominating staunch conservative Barry Goldwater, had embraced a racist variety of "conservatism" explicitly intended to attract votes from bigoted white people.
Jackie Robinson compared his experience of attending the 1964 GOP convention (again, the very year the conservative movement gained its key foothold in the party) to being a Jew in Hitler's Germany.
Some real Pulitzer-level "reporting" here. I wonder if this thing that I have no evidence for is happening?
I dunno, maybe living in the incredibly expensive city of DC for three years on $170K/year (pre-tax) as a member of Congress with zero inherited wealth to draw on is, um, absorbing most of her income?
Can I get a "reporting" job where I just sit around my house and make shit up off the top of my head? Because I think I could do that.
This fundraising letter from Hillsdale is truly demented.
You must give us money to support our “education for liberty” project so that our children will not go off to college and embrace ideas different from those of their parents. Because LIBERTY!!!!
He left home a normal midwestern kid and returned home someone who was appalled by police brutality!!! The horror!