A Holistic Context succeeds where mission/vision/values fall short: Application
Eg. @shinebootcamp's Holistic Context empowered us to
- make exceptions to our deferral policy
- get our $ in order
- challenge perfectionist tendencies
- take innovative approaches to async work
At the centre of the Holistic Context is a Statement of Purpose
An SOP should succinctly capture what the whole (in this case Shine) was formed to do + why it exists. This piece is *most* similar to traditional mission/vision/values
Emanating from the SOP are Quality of Life Statements, illustrating what is important + why
Examples from Shine's HC include
- We cultivate healthy working relationships
- We respect and value team members' time + energy
- We demonstrate strong financial literacy + maturity
Branching from each Quality of Life Statement are Modes of Production, describing what we need to be doing to create the quality of life we've defined
Eg. under "We respect + value team members' time + energy" is
- We come prepared to meetings
- We automate as much as we can
Lastly, the Future Resource Base, which are resources we depend upon to realize our quality of life