"(born Thomas Pain; February 9, 1737 – June 8, 1809) was an English-born American political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary. He authored Common Sense (1776) and The American Crisis (1776–1783), two of the most influential pamphlets at the
start of the American Revolution, and helped inspire the patriots in 1776 to declare independence from Great Britain. His ideas reflected Enlightenment-era ideals of transnational human rights.
Born in Thetford, Norfolk, Paine emigrated to the British American colonies
in 1774 with the help of Benjamin Franklin, arriving just in time to participate in the American Revolution. Virtually every rebel read (or listened to a reading of) his 47-page pamphlet Common Sense"
I love how you (just a little too often) can use gematria as a checksum, or say spell check, when looking back on our well-planned-in-advance so called history.
The 47-page pamphlet's full title is:
"Common Sense Addressed to the Inhabitants of America" = 470
But when searching in the Archive for "Thomas Paine" and the year 1776, I can't see that the pamphlet has exactly 47 pages. There seems to be several different versions.
If you can help me verify 47 pages, I will send you 47 SEK. Or even perhaps 74 SEK!
Not that it matters so much, but Thomas Paine's birth name "Thomas Pain" equals 47 in Bacon short.
(Cipher for the old 24 letter Elizabethan alphabet)
More interesting is maybe the fact that "Independence Day" - the 7/4 day (American date notation) - equals 74 in the English reduction cipher (which is considered the most pure one):
9+5+4+5+7+5+5+4+5+5+3+5 + 4+1+7 = 74
Talking about
"American patriots" = 74:
"Patriots, also known as Revolutionaries, Continentals, Rebels, or American Whigs, were the colonists of the Thirteen Colonies (...)" (Wiki)
Twitter was rebranded to X on July 23, 2023, with the changes taking effect on July 24, 2023. Elon Musk announced the rebrand, replacing the iconic blue bird logo with an "X" and signaling the beginning of his vision to transform the platform into an "everything app.
Let me check my summation in tens of that date July 24, 2023:
7 + 24 + 20+23 = 74
That is good. The numerology of 74 is 11. To bad though that summation in ones results in 20, i.e. the digital root 2. No master number 11 when counting that way.
"JOHANNES KEPLER, the father of modern astronomy, fabricated data in presenting his theory of how the planets move around the Sun, apparently to bolster acceptance of the insight by skeptics, a scholar has found.
The scholar, William H. Donahue, said the evidence of Kepler's scientific fakery is contained in an elaborate chart he presented to support his theory.
Kepler showed that the planets move in elliptical orbits rather than in circles
as Copernicus suggested. In his book describing the insight, he said it was confirmed by independent calculations of the planets' positions. In fact, Dr. Donahue says, Kepler derived the data by calculations based on the theory itself.
Let me start with saying that the heliocentric model has been proven wrong and it is only up to yourselves to study this matter. The fall of heliocentrism will not be televised in the thesis nor antithesis media.
“You remember that I traced for you the story of evolution in its journey from the atom to the star. And I showed you that the hypothesis of the indestructibility of the atom was simply a creed of cruelty writ large,
I now proceed on the lines of true science to show you how that hypothesis is false; that as the atom is destructible— as you have seen by our experiments (the last of which resulted in a climax not intended by me) — the whole scheme of what is called creation falls to pieces.
"Ofta blir himlen helt grådisig och igenmulen efter sprutningar, trots lovande prognoser om soligt väder. Sedan 1998 har militära och civila luftfartstjänstemän insisterat på att spåren vi kan se bara [är] 'kondensstrimmor' (...)"
"Sedan när har 'regelbunden normal flygtrafik' till exempel helt plötsligt börjat uppvisat mättade himlar i veckor? Bara för att helt plötsligt upphöra så att en normal blå himmel visar sig igen, för att sen börja om igen någon/några veckor senare?"
"Dagen gryr och sedan kommer dom, från öster i en solfjäderformad spridning av spår över himlen. Vid middagstid eller under tidig eftermiddag blir sedan himlen stadigt igenmulen. Jag är en pensionerad pilot. Jag ser tydlig skillnad på chemtrails och contrails!"