Safari TP 136 came out yesterday and brought some amazing updates. Lots of big wins for CSS… one in particular I'm super excited about and I think you will be too.
Discrete animation of the `content` property. I'll explain…
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So this has technically been around a while. I released a @CodePen example of this years back, but browser support was limited to Chrome. Firefox followed suit, & now the Safari folks at Apple have added it to TP ✨
HUGE shout out to @jensimmons for pushing this through and @oantoinehv for implementing it! This has been at the top of my wish list for quite some time, so it truly means a lot to me that it's inches from being universally supported.
This opens so many doors. 🚪☀️
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The trifecta of modern browsers—Safari, Chrome, & Firefox—now support accessible, animated text.
Of course, you can…
(a) figure out all the percentages manually,
(b) generate them dynamically, or
(c) … 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 👀 🔥
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What if… you could generate dynamic animated text in one line of SCSS?