Tommy Robinson backed ‘Hearts of Oak’, the blackshirted LARPers ‘Official Voice’, Piers Corbyn’s cult, Michael Chaves, Brian Stovel and many more NRx controlled opposition figureheads and organisations are protesting outside Parliament today
Only 100 or 2 there at the mo
Anyone up for a game of Grifter Bingo?
No prizes given considering I don't have a gambling license
Silent Vigil accelerationist Fiona Hine embraces ex BNP member Sadie Graham.
These protesters have always been led by far right Pied Pipers and anyone ignoring or minimising this fact should not be taken at all seriously
Antisemitic Stand up X figurehead and Piers Corbyn fake news creating cultist below was also instrumental in accelerating a silent vigil into an antilockdown protest against the mood of the crowd.
I imagine a world where the mainstream media reports on the truth about what happened that night and how it’s directly related to the antilockdown, anti vaccine ‘herd immunity’ promoters controlled by Boris Johnson and his flying monkeys…
Telling the truth is a revolutionary act
Subject access now outsources his workload to other cameramen. His livestream today is brought to you by this bald guy who has his own channel but without the same kind of traffic Sam gets on his.
Jeff Wyatt does his usual antisemitism👇
Drunk Spartan defends slavery while attempting to take on the law 🙄
William Coleshill has arrived. You’d think they were talking about Piers Corbyn and his £10k Monopoly money. They’re not, but in a projecting way they really are…
Sean Finch expects thinks to kick off later, and with the Spartan lovers already on the booze, he’s probably right.
More protests are happening on a daily basis but they’re smaller and more localised.
Coleshill is a ‘domestic terrorist…’
Find out why I think it’s a fair description of him by watching this video I made below, including a short review of his protest ‘terrorist manual video’ which is still available to watch on YouTube.
Meanwhile the man who was arrested for erecting gallows outside Parliament tells his story while showing off his mini noose…
When there’s many secret and not so secret entrances to Parliament, why are they baiting the protestors (who are threatening them with gallows) by walking out of the gates that the protestors are currently blocking?
This woman’s stochastic terrorism has escalated since she was first at the camp on Shepherd’s Bush set up by the antivaccine brigade. Threatening police officers that don’t comply to their demands with a machete, filmed by a guy who advocates carrying a knife for protection🧐
Events organiser Fiona Hine is defending today’s low turnout while trying to take @GNev2’s call for a protest on the 18th as one inviting the antivaccine, covid conspiracy, antisemitic fascists like them.
Would be very helpful if @GNev2 could call out their nonsense before they infiltrate your protest and manufacture chaos for their own ends like they did at the silent vigil… ✌️
‘Not schizophrenic’ Fiona Hine protests too much…
When a narc tells you something, it’s good to listen, if only to protect yourself and others✌️
If you value my reporting and you'd like to support me you can do so by following the link below where I'll be soon releasing some exclusive content
Protest is now fizzling out but as always I will be back to update the thread if anything explicit happens
Today’s #antivax protest is starting from Speakers Corner. William Coleshillpicks up an antisemitic light newspaper and announces the band jam for freedom should be playing…
I released this video about the band last week. They’re endorsed and funded by Eric Clapton and Steve Bannon…
Here’s an example of the antisemitism the light prints…
Coleshill and his cult are currently on parliament sq. probably about 100 people attending. Organiser Louise Creffield is with her co influencer hiding in his hood…
The day 'ex' Tommy Robinson propagandist Caolan Robertson removes himself from social media, will be the day he stops signal boosting fascist propaganda...
His employers and colleagues should be ashamed for turning a blind eye to this bullshit for so long...
In case there's any doubt about what I'm saying, simply take a quick scroll through the account sharing the original fake...
Find out more about why this is being allowed to happen by his employers by watching Part 1 and Part 2 of my series on the Cognitive Elite, proscribed by Jacob Rees Mogg's father's book Sovereign Individual and the billionaires.
The blackshirt’s vague plan so far is their intention to take over a ‘top priority’ building like in the tweet above, however this time there’ll be ‘no leaving’.