The NYC Dept of Education has put kids through the ringer already. Today they announced that instead of doing their high school applications using their 7th grade grades, which the kids were told they'd use, they'll use 8th grade grades instead, the ones the kids were told ...
2/ wouldn't count. No explanation. No warning. All the time those kids spent trying to stay focused when they had to do all of 7th grade remote? All tossed in the garbage. The casual cruelty and indifference of the brass that runs the NYC public schools really knows no limit.
3/ Little backstory in case yr wondering, why do they have to apply to high school? NYC has a ridiculously complicated, high stakes application process for all kids going to high school. Basically like forcing 13 yr olds to go through the equivalent of a college apps process.
4/ The middle schools are of course in charge of prepping these pandemic scarred tweens for this ridiculous apps process. So I reached out to one of the admins at one of them and apparently they hadn't heard about the switch until they got emailed announcement today.
5/ So no warning at all. They had already delayed announcing how the apps wld work this year basically up to when they were due. The delays seem tied at least in significant part to the transition to the new mayor and new head of DOE.
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In an ideal world we'd distribute fast antigen tests for free. But we have in front of us a framework we've already used for vaccines and it works much better than the current one. The USG should act as a guaranteed buyer for all tests two years into the future. Buy as many ...
2/ as become available. Then send them to pharmacy chains at no charge. They can sell them for no more than $1 per box (two tests). That covers any costs tied to shelf space, time processing sales and whatever else. Flood them into CVSs, Rite Aides, Walgreens, etc.
3/ This is pretty close to what we're doing with vaccines. The pharmacies get the vaccines free but they can charged insurance for the costs of storage, giving the injection etc. I think *think* if you're insured, the govt kicks in that cost. But I'm not sure on that point.
Wait, George Santos responded! As we discussed his commute is abt 150 to 200 miles a week. He now appears to say that most of the mileage is going to campaign events to run for congress. so presumably his campaign is paying for that?
2/ he says he’s gets 13-15 mpg. A commute into Manhattan is a lot of traffic so that’s possible. But still that’s pretty awful gas mileage. Maybe don’t drive a Hummer into NYC. Notable to though it’s not clear where he’s commuting to. As I noted here Santos says he recently …
3/ left the investment firm he worked at in the city and now works for what he describes as his family investment firm. But as noted here that firm has its offices in Melbourne, Florida. I guess it’s possible he’s weworking it in Manhattan. But why?
Trump Coup Plot Now Includes Kanye’s Weirdo Publicist, tried to force Georgia election worker to confess to rigging election with threats of jail or violence. Told her "Harrison Ford" could help her but only if she confessed.…
2/ Trevian Kutti became West's "Director of Operations" in 2018. That was just after she quit as R Kelly's chief publicist when he was being hit with a series of new sex trafficking/rape accusations.
3/ Here's Trevian's bio at the "Women's Global Initiative". Her firm "Trevian Worldwide" doesn't appear to have a website. She appears to still be Kanye's "Director of Operations".…
bigger deal in this story abt Trumps absurd drama with Netanyahu is how he’s still so needy for Putins support and grateful for it
2/ the most important thing we shld expect from foreign leaders is to respect the results of our elections. Trump is angry at foreign leaders who put their relationship with the American republic over jim. another example of why he is a clear and presff etc by danger
3/ there is every reason to think he’s currently plotting with countries like Saudi to drive Biden from power
This whole thing is obviously bonkers. But I'm intrigued by that final clause "which does not include the worldwide context". Context is always critical of course. But the aim seems to be don't talk about slavery without noting that slavery also existed in lots of other places!
2/ As far as it goes, that's important point. The US didn't invent slavery. It was part of a multiple century transatlantic system which began with the Portuguese and Spanish and reached its height under British hegemony and its most horrific versions in the sugar ...
3/ islands under British and French control. You can never extract Britain's North America colonies from this Atlantic context. But you can also see that these laws are designed to create a kind of statutory footing for classroom whataboutism. But what about the slavers in ...
I had not considered this dimension of overturning Roe. Eric (who's very knowledgable about these issues) says Wisconsin never repealed its pre-Roe abortion statute. I think that means that statute becomes operative again if Roe is overturned. So maybe abortion will be ...
2/ illegal the day Roe is overturned, probably next summer. Now in practice, that doesn't mean the state will start enforcing the law immediately. And perhaps there's some reason a law doesn't revive in the way I'm describing. But I don't think there is. More importantly ...
3/ I can't imagine this is the only state where this is the case. Wisconsin has a Democratic governor for now. And obviously the state government could change the law on a dime. But the GOP is close to having a super majority in the state legislature because of gerrymandering.