Stefan Simanowitz Profile picture
Dec 17, 2021 159 tweets 91 min read Read on X
1/. “We want to make the UK fully autonomous, from a regulatory and geopolitical point of view”

Palantir, the shadowy data, surveillance & genomics, that run the NHS COVID data store, plans to shift its entire UK data processing operation from the US!…
2/. “Are you aware that #Palantir & #FacultyAI have links to the discredited #CambridgeAnalytica?”

“ don't think I'm aware of that, no”

@DawnButlerBrent tells @MattHancock that Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalyica to scrape data!👇
3/. Whistleblower @chrisinsilico says that Palantir showed #CambridgeAnalytica how to harvest data from Facebook users ahead of #Brexit vote

Palantir run the NHS’s #COVID19 data store with #FacultyAI (linked to Vote Leave & rprtdly to Cambridge Analytica)

4/. It has only just come out that the UK govt awarded #Palantir £5.9 million for the ‘Provision of Data Integration Services’, more than 18 months ago

They got a £1.7 million extension last week

Deregulation for what goal?

What will they do with all this data & genomic data?
5/. “Ask forgiveness, not permission”

We know that Peter Thiel’s twin obsessions are deregulation & genomics

Thiel’s vision is terrifying

His methods are ruthless

His company, #Palantir, are everywhere, predominantly in places you can’t even see them
6/. Mafia expert @robertosaviano who describes the UK as the most corrupt country in the world says “90% of the owners of capital in London have their HQs offshore. Leaving the EU gave Qataris, Mexican cartels & Russian Mafia even more power”

Deregulation attracts the wrong sort
7/. Some suggest that #Palantir hacked the 2016 US election & the #Brexit referendum

#PeterThiel’s passion lies deregulation for scientific & technological innovation’ particularly in the “bio-medical” field: namely genomics (formerly known as eugenics)
8/. The NHS is the most trusted brand in the UK

Cambridge Analytica is the least trusted

Yet Palantir rprtdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica how to scrape data & #FacultyAI also have links with them

Here’s Peter Thiel on racism, feminism & multi-culturalism
9/. As clear from his stuttering response, it isn’t credible that #Hancock had no idea of the links that #Palantir & #FacultyAI had with #CambridgeAnalytica

Had due diligence been done, would Palantir wouldn’t have been embedded at the heart of the NHS?
10/. It also isn’t credible that #Cummings has no clue what #Palantir do in the NHS other than “ICU bed capacity”(!)

It also isn’t credible when he claims he thinks #FacultyAI “do not have personalised data at all”

Cummings doesn’t stutter

He side steps
11/. In Sept 2020, Hancock quietly launched #GenomeUK, a 10yr strategy to not only transform the NHS but to put genomics at the heart of the ENTIRE programme for govt

It was launched on a Saturday

I didn’t see a press release

It got zero media coverage!
12/. If you missed this massive new policy announcement, its not your fault

The #GenomeUK launch only got covered by a few biomedical journals

A week later in his Conference speech, the PM DID talk about a 10yr strategy to transform the UK

13/. At the same time as launching #GenomeUK, the Dept of Trade sent out this “invitation to invest”

“The UK offers life sciences & increasingly expanding access to rich longitudinal data from the NHS’s 65 million patients”


14/. The zeal for the transformative power of genomics or ‘positive eugenics’, won’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s followed Peter Thiel or read Dominic Cummings blogs

Genomics are transformative

In the right hands & properly regulated, they can be a major force for good...
15/. The fact that the plan has always been to use Brexit to avoid regulation is no secret

In 2018, @trussliz told the Koch-funded Cato Institute that “a thicket of regulation & control” is holding back business & called for a new “Anglo-American dream”.…
16/. On 14/7/20, this article sounded the alarm

It flagged how strict data privacy regimes in Europe & the US have long been a frustration for those who want to cash in on the sector & warned that a #DataGrab could obliterate a last frontier in our privacy: our biological selves
17/. Last August, #Palantir purchased $50 million of physical gold

If any other tech company did this, it would be notable, but it’s especially notable for a data analytics company

Was the #RussianUkrainianWar predicted?

Does it fit with #PalantirPlan?…
18/. Wow!

#Palantir has hired former Head of AI at NHSX & member of SAGE Indra Joshi (who left in March) as it bids for £360 million NHS Federated Data Platform

Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica how to scrape data & have interest in genomic data…
19/. They’re not MAGA

They’re not QAnon

Curtis Yarvin & the rising right are crafting a different strain of conservative politics

How does billionaire #Palantir founder, Peter Thiel, fit into the plot? #PalantirPlan #DataGrab #Genomics #ThisIsNotADrill…
20/. Be afraid. Be very afraid!

“A pandemic & war in Europe have now conspired to shatter our collective illusions of stability & perpetual peace. #Palantir have spent nearly two decades preparing for this moment. This is our time & we intend to seize it”…
21/. US data analytics, surveillance & genomics company #Palantir is gearing up to become the underlying operating system for the UK’s #NHS, poaching senior NHS officials as part of a bid to win a £360mn contract to manage the data of millions of patients…
22/. “A firm like #Palantir has no place being the ‘operating system for the NHS’” @cori_crider

The trouble is Palantir is already doing many of the things which are going to be done by the platform

The UK media are slowly waking up to the #PalantirPlan…
23/. Is it possible these firms & govts are really after our GENOMIC data?

In July 2020, @amnesty published this article on how Big Tech firms are obliterating the last frontier of our privacy: our biological selves

"Bio-invasive surveillance capitalism"…
24/. “Spying on people & stealing their data [especially genomic data!] is abhorrent regardless of the nature of the govt performing or sanctioning that surveillance. Regrettably, surveillance capitalism has become a driving force in the global economy”…
25/. #Palantir is set to become the NHS’s operating system of choice for health data, being favourite to win the contract for a new ‘Federated Data Platform’ (FDP) giving them access to GP & hospital records, social care data & genomic dat
26/. “I don’t know exactly what Palantir wants with the NHS but I do know it’s worth keeping an eye on it. It’s certainly keeping an eye on you” @ArwaM

There are clues as to why the all-seeing data company may want to get into NHS health systems above🖕…
27/. “It’s not through changing the culture that we’ll be able to solve social problems...but through changing people’s genes” T. Young

“Researchers don’t like the word ‘eugenics’ but they’re running ahead with the idea & UK is at the forefront” F. Nelson
28/. “As companies scramble to create an even more intimate marketplace of our data -one that trades in insights about our biological selves – it’s not hard to imagine the endgame”

Who is #PeterThiel & what’s the #PalantirPlan?

Some clues here. #Palantir
29/. Biotech is entering a new era, with huge US govt support

Last week the US govt signed an executive order that assigned $2 billion in government funding for ‘high risk, high reward’ biotech projects such as CRISPR gene editing.
#PalantirPlan #GenomeUK…
30/. “We’re working on the assumption that the world will become more disjointed, more complicated, more unhinged”

CEO Alex Karp on #Palantir’s “not so secret-secret"

Is part of the #PalantirPlan to ensure that this happens? #Trump #Brexit #Genomics
31/. In 2015, Bannon tasked #CambridgeAnalytica’s @chrisinsilico to build a psychological warfare tool to hollow out democracy & rive open divisions in societies

It worked!

#Palantir rptdly taught Cambridge Analytica how to scrape data
#Brexit #Trump

32/. “Buying our way in!”

Leaked emails from #Palantir’s UK head, Louis Mosley, reveal their strategy to get depositories of heath data by “hoovering up” small businesses serving the NHS to “take a lot of ground & take down a lot of political resistance”…
33/. Mosley’s emails show how #Palantir planned take overs & key hires from the NHS

Suitable takeover targets were those already selling software services to the NHS

Founders would be offered a “v. generous buyout schedule (say 10x, especially if all stock),” Mosley wrote

34/. Palantir was part of a group of investors that paid $230 million to support Babylon going public in 2021, as part of a partnership between the two companies that saw Babylon migrate some of its data to #Palantir’s Foundry platform

Cummings was a consultant for Babylon

35/. Louis Mosley, grandson of Oswald Mosley & former Conservative Party activist, heads what is rptdly #Palantir’s biggest office in the world

To what extent is this about genomics?

Could the UK, with its cradle-to-grave health service, be used as a Petri dish?

36/. “Britain has become a libertarian laboratory” @WritesBright in @nytimes

“We simply do not know who is bankrolling the groups now at the heart of the British govt...Some have financial links to the oil giants BP & Exxon Mobil & big tobacco companies”…
37/. “Freeports” are part of the deregulation strategy

“They’re vast areas that go deep inland by many miles - with a secure customs border around them

The UK is being carved up by customs borders to create worryingly deregulated areas” @mikegalsworthy…
38/. Palantir plans to open new UK base near to the NHS Digital HQ

Some of its 900 London-based employees will be relocated

@LordWalney hired to advise #Palantir

CEO of @NHSDigital is Simon Bolton, ex CIO of #DidoHardy’s £37bn Test & Trace service…

An NHS project to incorporate tens of millions of personal digital medical records into a data platforms is to be launched without seeking new patient consent

#PeterThiel’s #Palantir, linked to #CambridgrAnalytica, is favourite to win the contract…
40/. #PeterThiel doesn’t need to build an island to have his libertarian dreamland

He can create it right here in the UK...& already is

Genomics is key

With its cradle-to-grave NHS & govt in thrall to his vision, the UK is his petri dish @MorePerfectUS

41/. “An ideology influenced by far-right eugenics is influencing the billionaires involved in the biggest technology”

@NafeezAhmed on ‘long-termism’ & ‘effective altruism’ where he name checks Palantir’s Peter Thiel, Musk, Cummings, MacAskill & Bostrom👇…
42/. Yep! The future👇

In Sept 2020, #MattHancock launched a 10-year strategy, #GenomeUK, which will transform the NHS & put genomics at the heart of the programme for govt

Incredibly it was launched quietly (on a Saturday!) & received no media coverage…
43/. Most genome editing is limited to somatic cells & affect only certain tissues & aren't passed from one generation to the next

But germline genome editing could pass changes to future generations & even could even help reshape humans & our society

44/. “This deal could change the course of history” #Palantir CEO

Palantir & GardaWorld, the world's largest privately-owned security company, are merging

When they say “mass data collection & cyber surveillance for health purposes”, read “genomics”…
45/. Who’s ‘The Worst Person in Tech 2022’?

A poll by @techwontsaveus narrowed down 32 candidates to 2 billionaires: Elon Musk & #Palantir founder, Peter Thiel

#PeterThiel won!

“It was reported that Thiel considers Musk a fraud & braggart, while Musk sees Thiel as a sociopath”

46/. Not just data! Genomic data!

The govt has issued a tender for an NHS data platform which is “extremely difficult for anyone but Palantir to win”

It’s part of “a systematic erosion of civil society safeguards clearing the way for irreversible privacy losses” @JolyonMaugham

47/. British regard for the NHS is "Stockholm Syndrome" says #PeterThiel. We should "rip the whole thing from the ground & start over"

Thiel chairs #Palantir, set to win the contract for a £480 million NHS data dashboard

Health data included genomic data…
48/. At the height of the pandemic, @MattHancock held talks to hand private medical records & #Covid test results of millions of Brits to #Palantir a US company founded by #Trump donor #PeterThiel

This thread👆plots some of the contours #PalantirPlan…
49/. In June 2021, @g_lanktree reported in @POLITICOEurope that the UK govt had begun courting data & surveillance firm #Palantir to work on ways to tap patient data from the NHS in Jan 2019

Hancock was meeting with Palantir when he headed @CommonsDCMS!…
50/. How long has this been going on?

You'd be forgiven for missing it, but 2 weeks ago #Palantir posted that they've been working with @axelspringer, the largest publishing house in Europe that owns @politico @welt @bild @InsiderIntl @BusinessInsider etc…

51/. “NHS England had the choice btw confidentiality for patients & secrecy for itself, & picked itself over patients” @medConfidential

US firm #Palantir are expected to win the contract for an NHS federated data platform & this parliamentary answer suggests they can hardly lose

52/. Be afraid. Be very afraid!

“This procurement is a farce & the contract winner, #Palantir, already has its feet under the table in NHS England. There is no time for a true competition given the deadline &?the complexity of the matter” @keepnhspublic…
53/. Palantir also buys up companies that have won contracts

In a Sept 2021 email headed “Buying our way in…!” #Palantir’s Louis Mosley describes a plan to “hoover up” NHS contractors to “take a lot of ground and take down a lot of political resistance”…
54/. In 2013, an attempt by the govt to get its hands on our GP data collapsed after an outcry

The lesson the govt took from that debacle is that if you want to obtain people’s health data to share with private companies, you need to do so on the quiet👇…
55/. NHS England has hired a “critical friend” to oversee the implementation of its Federated Data Platform (FDP)

This is like hammering in a handful of extra pegs to try to secure your tent from an incoming tornado!
#Palantir #PalantirPlan #PeterThiel…
56/. Top govt strategist Isaac Levido, Rishi Sunak's "election guru", is advising Peter Thiel's tech/data/genomics firm #Palantir on the NHS Federated Data Platform contract – worth half-a-billion pounds

Coverage of #PalantirPlan finally (via
57/. A consortium of three British data companies is taking on US-based Palantir, in the bid for a £480 million NHS contract to build the Federated Data Platform for a fraction of the cost

Palantir reportedly taught Cambridge Analytica how to scrape data…
58/. Yep

“An NHS document obtained by @openDemocracy admits that Palantir will 'collect & process confidential patient information'”

(Include genomic data!)

Welcome to the world of ‘bio-intrusive surveillance capitalism’

For more info see #PalantirPlan…
59/. Palantir was brought into NHS to process #COVID19 data

It turns out that Peter Thiel's firm is processing NHS patient data for 339 purposes, including STIs, mental health and even analysing NHS strikes
@LucasAm1n on @openDemocracy…
60/. “We’re on the cusp of developments with genetic coding & science that are going to be complete game changers...the idea that there aren’t inherent differences between groups is going to be completely unsustainable”

Matt Goodwin on genomics/eugenics
61/. NHS data specialists have warned against the rollout of #Palantir’s software across the organisation, as the US tech / data company vies for a £480mn contract to build the UK health service’s operating system (@ian_c_johnston in @FT) #PalantirPlan…
62/. "The govt say they plan to use #Palantir to revolutionise the handling of patient data – but they’ve not bothered to get permission for their revolution"

The #COVID19 datastore remains open & 75 of its 339 purposes have been created since August 2022…
63/. “Silicon Valley’s elite made their billions through luck, not genius. Now, to protect their privilege, they want us to believe they’re inherently superior”

@parismarx on how eugenics is being brought back “in a self-serving quest to remain on top”…
64/. 👇@NafeezAhmed on how neoliberalism, extreme nationalist economic & social Darwinism are behind the mainstreaming of the US-UK far right

The legacy of the Nazi ideology of eugenics – popularised by The Bell Curve – is becoming central to Conservatism…
65/. US big data & surveillance company #Palantir continue their rapid expansion with a new regional hub in Lithuania

The ministry of defence “has agreed to give insights on the possible applicability of products to defence areas & further development”…
66/. “If you have got an organisation like Palantir, whose reflex is not to respect privacy, then you have a problem…We have to keep pressing & find out exactly what they are using the data for” @DavidDavisMP

It’s not just data. It’s genomic data THREAD👆…
67/. “Under Labour, the focus will shift to embrace health technology. This is one of the sector's fastest growing areas”

How much knowledge of does @Keir_Starmer, @wesstreeting & the Labour Party about #Palantir, #FacultyAI & the health/genomic data grab?…
68/. “Records indicate that #Palantir employs FTI Consulting

Last Sept Abdi Duale was elected to @UKLabour’s NEC. In the same month Duale joined FTI Consulting as a director

Critics worry that Palantir wants NHS contracts so it can get its hands on patient data” @PrivateEyeNews

69/. Be afraid! Be very afraid

Rishi Sunak will meet Alex Karp, boss of US tech firm Palantir that has embedded itself in the NHS & aims tp expand its data contracts

Ystdy, #Palantir announced it will open its new European HQ for AI development in the UK…
70/. “The flagrancy is part of the point” (Orwell)

What’s most disturbing about Sunak’s meeting with #Palantir’s Alex Karp is the flagrancy

Rather than the usual behind-the-scenes meetings, they’ll go to a baseball game together

Is the #PalantirPlan coming out of the shadows?
71/. Yep!

“The UK has a pragmatic understanding of data protection…If you’re a company & you want to do research on a medicine you’re going to be able to do things in the UK that you would not be able to do easily in the Continent” #Palantir’s Alex Karp…
72/. “I think people should fear these things” Alex Karp replies to @bbcnickrobinson when asked about privacy fears about a US data company who may “want to get their hands on all that data that the NHS has”

#Palantir’s biggest office is ALREADY in the UK
73/. “To me this is a deal that is done. It’s is going to happen. The implications of this deal are going to be MASSIVE”

This #Palantir watcher/fan thinks that the £480m data contract with #NHS is “already in the bag”

This weeks announcements have led me to the same conclusion
74/. Yikes!

“ becoming essentially a mathematical has to be tackled as a technical field of study”

Marc Warner, #FacultyAI who work with #Palantir on NHS data

These are the people building the algorithms & harvesting our data!

75/. Remember, Hancock's meeting with #Palantir & Babylon who went on to win £1.3 billion in COVID contracts were declared 21 months late

27 meetings in April 2020 with companies that won £1.14b in govt contracts were omitted from DHSC’s original records…
76/. It’s interesting that Johnson should tweet about genomics as one of the key Brexit benefits👇

Echoes of UK as “superman” - the “supercharged champion” he talked about in his post Brexit #GreenwichSpeech

Deregulation to unleash the power of genomics?

76/. Palantir employ FTI Consulting who offer clients “direct advocacy” with policymakers

FTI employ Abdi Duale, a member of Labour’s NEC, & former Labour MP Gemma Doyle, who is a director of a Labour @Pro_Britain group
(by @SolHughesWriter) #PalantirPlan…
77/. "The national data opt-out allows patients to opt out of their confidential patient information being used for research”

The deadline for this opt out was 5th July 2023

Is your confidential health data automatically going to companies like Palantir?…
78/. This is just the latest opt out from having your NHS data shared with companies

The first was 30 Sept 2020

Opt out it wasn’t possible then if there was an “overriding public manage COVID”

The Dept of Trade even advertises NHS data “for life science research”

@BylineTimes @Foxglovelegal @DawnButlerBrent @justinmadders @TanDhesi @labourlewis @RhonddaBryant @richardhorton1 @NafeezAhmed @DrEricDing 79/. Palantir lobbied UK disabilities minister to use software to tackle benefits fraud

The US data firm that was given the contract to run the NHS #COVID Data Store with #FacultyAI, is the frontrunner for a £480m NHS England contract (via @BenQuinn75)…
80/. According to their website, Infosys, the $100 billion tech company co-founded by Rishi Sunak's father-in-law, has "alliances" with 200+ companies

One of these companies is #Palantir

Infosys has been involved in UK public-sector contracts worth £172m…
77/. It appears Palantir was a shoo-in for a multi-million-pound NHS contract months before the deal was signed

@DavidDavisMP says apparent decisions to award contracts to #Palantir before the end of the procurement processe are “incredibly concerning”👇

78/. Palantir worked with Faculty on the COVID data store

Cummings claims data dashboards “didn’t use any personal data”

Do @NHSEngland privacy notices suggest otherwise?

The dashboards may only show aggregate numbers but those numbers were generated from individual-level data

79/. According to their website, Infosys, the $100 billion tech company co-founded by Rishi Sunak's father-in-law, has "alliances" with 200+ companies

One of these companies is #Palantir

Infosys has been involved in UK public-sector contracts worth £172m…

80/. #Palantir rprtdly winning NHS contracts before procurement deadlines expired is cause for concern given they’re set to win the contract for the £480m federated data platform

We need stringent protection of our data, not “better public communication”…

81/. "Eleven NHS trusts have so far paused or suspended trails of #Palantir’s Foundry database with questions about its usefulness, but even so the govt seems set to award Palantir a £480m NHS contract to run a Federated Data Platform" (@PaulTempleman6)…
82/. Since 2020, the Covid Data Store has been processing data including

👉racial origin
👉political affiliations
👉criminal records
👉mental health info

NHS hospitals were ordered to share confidential patient data with Palantir
by March 2023…

83/. In 2019, the former head of MI6, John Sawers, introduced #Palantir to Cabinet Office permanent secretary, John Manzoni

In 2020, Palantir won a £27m Health Dept contract without competitive tender

Palantir has deep ties to US/UK security agencies…
84/. “Palantir aren’t a corporation that the NHS should have anything to do with” @labourlewis

The govt are lining up #Palantir for a £480m contract to manage our NHS health data…with zero transparency or consent

@martha__dark & @HWorsdale explain👇
85/. The NHS holds the richest set of population-wide, machine-readable health data in the world: a source of immense potential & profit

Valued £10bn a year, NHS datasets can be used to build AI machine-learning systems

Uses of genomic data are chilling…
86/. “Palantir is not only the emblem of what privatization in the NHS might look like but also an emblem of the kind of database state & the growing datafication of our lives & our lack of control over that” @ConnectedByData’s @JeniT in @WiredUK #GENOMICS…
87/. In the article👆@drjzhn says NHS patient data is “one of the most valuable data assets in the world, especially for things like AI & life sciences”

He identifies 3 pools of “de-identified” data #Palantir could access

But the big prize will be population-wide genomic data

88/. Matthew Gould appointed to board of Quantexa, bidding alongside #Palantir for NHS £480m federated data platform

“In an unusual move, the DHSC ‘preemptively consulted’ the UK head of Palantir over the planned appointment. He “raised no objections””!!!…
89/. With #Palantir expected to win the big NHS data contract this month, a @NYTimes piece touching on their “assertive lobbying tactics”

Both ex-Heath Minister (now at @GenomicsEngland) & ex Deputy Head of NHS England were paid advisers at Global Counsel, lobbyists for Palantir

90/. DAWN BUTLER: Are you aware that #Palantir & #FacultyAI have links to the discredited Cambridge Analytica?

HANCOCK: Er, um, er...I don't think I'm aware of that

The NHS is the UK’s most trusted ‘brand’

Cambridge Analytica is the UK’s least trusted!
It's in the bag!

"The deal is subject to final approvals & legal arrangements but the govt is on track to announce Palantir as the winning bidder as early as this month"

@Bloomberg report that #Palantir will win the £480m 5-year NHS health data contract…

92/. "NHS data is viewed as the most valuable health data set in the world, since nowhere else has a whole population dataset of more than 50 million people spanning 75 years – not even China"

#Palantir's NHS datagrab
@MC_00_ @josiahmortimer @BylineTimes…
93/. “Palantir is full of assurances about how the contract isn’t about them mining or selling NHS data. But we know the US private sector has long been circling our health service…I seriously question the wisdom of letting them anywhere near NHS data systems” @CarolineLucas
94/. “Health ministers recently admitted that the NHS would not require any further consent from UK patients to use their health data gathered during the pandemic in its new operating systems”

@rowenamason’s on the NHS contract expected to go to Palantir…
95/. “We recognise some people may have reservations…Those who access patient data daily know this is an exercise in trust”

NHS England’s Dr Vin Diwakar asks NHS Medical Directors to publicly support the controversial data initiative
#Palantir #DataGrab…
96/. “While while tech companies are renowned for moving fast, they also famously break things. One of the things that could be left broken if bio-invasive surveillance creeps in as a new norm, is our right to privacy”
(Ex @AmnestyTech head @TanyaOCarroll)…
97/. On 31 Oct, GPs will have to upload their patients’ medical records onto a new system under contract changes imposed by NHS England in March

On 12 Oct, EU-US ‘Data Bridge’ came into force, allowing certifying entities to easily transfer personal data from the UK to the US

98/. @MailOnline report that #Palantir will sign the FDP data contract “early next month” & could get their hands on your NHS medical records”

“We may have no choice over this as our info will go into this vast new NHS database regardless of what we say”…
99/. “This could come at a price, warn data-security experts — the end of our most intimate medical privacy” DAILY MAIL

In 2020, @amnesty warned against “companies scrambling to create an intimate marketplace of our data – one that trades in insights about our biological selves”

100/. “Increasing the availability of digital health data will likely improve healthcare services but will inevitably lead to the possibility of misuse. And if there’s a possibility, then it will certainly happen” warns @MyBCU’s Dr Vince Madai, who writes on ethics, genetics & AI
101/. “The danger is that not only will advances outstrip our ability to understand or regulate them, but that the potential for overreliance, misapplication or misuse from an ethical & social standpoint may create insurmountable complexities” (Dr Madai)👇…

102/. The prospect of a company linked with Cambridge Analytica gaining access to our NHS records should give cause for alarm

With genomics becoming ever more central in healthcare, the concern isn’t ‘increased insurance premiums’ but how this may impact all aspects of our lives
103/. "The national data opt out is full of loopholes. Research respects this opt-out but companies have different standards"

@medConfidential’s Sam Smith explains why our private medical data isn’t safe

@GoodLawProject are preparing legal challenges
104/. “That a private American company should gain such a foothold in the NHS would normally cause concern. And that it could be Palantir - part-funded in its early days by the CIA & with Western armies among its clients — is causing high anxiety” @unherd…
105/. The Palantir FDP data deal is a huge threat to the NHS

It’s imminent but still hasn’t been signed

There’s still time to stop it
& to design an NHS data platform we can trust, which keeps the NHS public, respects patient choice, & protects privacy👇…
106/. "The govt's procurement watchdog wrote to you expressing his concerns about how you gained a commercial foothold"

@vicderbyshire questions Alex Karp, the CEO of the shadowy US data company that is about to be granted a 5 - 7 year NHS data contract
107/. "You called patient data an untapped resource. I asked Alex Karp if Palantir would ever be in a position to sell on this data & he said it would be down to you. Would you sell on patient data?"

MINISTER "I’m not going to get into some hypothetical"
108/. I want the company that runs our NHS data base to be utterly trustworthy & in our own control" @DavidDavisMP

"Palantir almost bought its way has its own software in there, & [it's] a company originally funded by the US intelligence agencies"
109/. "If you have all that data all in one place, that opens the door - in the future - to be it being sold. Correct?" @vicderbyshire

"B-by the British government, not by me" Palantir's CEO, Alex Karp

"You can see why people are concerned"

@vicderbyshire 110/. “Companies will pay an estimated £5,000 for a single genome”

#Palantir is set to win an NHS contract that might be the biggest data "smash & grab of the century" says @allthecitizens

Concerns will NOT be addressed at the AI Safety summit next week
111/. "If Palantir are given carte blanche by the govt who haven't exactly been paragons of virtue when it comes to procurement, they could build Aps which they could monetize...& gain a monopoly" @KerryAMcInerney

Have the govt already been selling data?

@KerryAMcInerney 112/. “When the whole world is using Palantir, they can still not like us, they’ll have no choice” Alexander Karp

Palantir employs more people in London than in Silicon Valley, with its reach expanding across the public sector, writes @MC_00_ @BylineTimes…
@KerryAMcInerney @MC_00_ @BylineTimes 113./ Concerned about the integrity & use of your private health data?


This piece flags some fears around #Palantir winning the NHS data contract

The BIG danger isn't in the use of health data

It's about the misuse of our genomic data…
@KerryAMcInerney @MC_00_ @BylineTimes 114/. “Unless concrete steps are taken to protect genomic data, the #AISummit will only show how little the govt understands the interplay between AI & genomics – the real existential challenge that needs containing”

This article captures the danger

But IDS’s concern is…China

@KerryAMcInerney @MC_00_ @BylineTimes @stephenkb @mehdirhasan @GaryLineker @Snowden @RonanFarrow @DrEricDing @IndependentSage @piersmorgan @Peston 115/. The recognition by @MPIainDS that AI in genomics presents "a real existential challenge" is revealing

So is his naming of China as the threat

China can’t be trusted, but can we trust #Palantir?

The danger of the NHS/genomic data grab isn’t “increased insurance premiums”!
@KerryAMcInerney @MC_00_ @BylineTimes @stephenkb @mehdirhasan @GaryLineker @Snowden @RonanFarrow @DrEricDing @IndependentSage @piersmorgan @Peston @MPIainDS @openDemocracy @openDemocracyUK @nytimesworld @guardiantech @WiredUK @amanpour @Harryslaststand @tanita_tikaram 116/. The existential risk posed by using AI & genomics - & the danger of China ‘getting there first’ - is well recognised by Western intel agencies

China can gather population-wide genomic data easily, unhindered by regulations

So how could the West equalise the playing field?
117/. “Our product powers most of the intel services in Europe…It is scary to think how much of the world rests on our shoulders!" (Palantir CEO, Alex Karp, 15/10/21)

We know that #Palantir has worked closely with Western intelligence agencies for years
118/. “Awarding a large NHS data project to a firm which is openly at odds with the raison d’etre of our NHS is completely at odds with the ethics of a tender process

#Palantir’s Thiel, said the NHS ‘makes people sick’ & it should embrace privatisation”…
119./ “Dangerous snake oil”

A report in @digitalhealth2 suggests the £480m NHS/Palantir contract for the Federated Data Platform “may be delayed until mid-November”

It suggests there may be “significant reservations among Integrated Care Board Leaders”…
119/. “Palantir is just the wrong company to put in charge of our precious data resources” @DavidDavisMP

There is reason for the lack of trust

In 2020, @amnesty described #Palantir as “a company placing profit over people, no matter the human cost” #NHS

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty 120/. #BREAKING: The shadowy US data firm #Palantir have rprtdly won the £480m contract for a NHS data platform (with Accenture)

This is devastating news!

Will Britain now become a Petri dish for unregulated genomic research & bio-invasive surveillance?

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech 121/. “It is not apparent that a full & considered ethical review has been carried out…Speculation about the role, purpose & scope of Palantir, has cultivated fear among NHS patients of how their confidential data will be handled”

The BMA writes to @SteveBarclay re #Palantir👇
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes 122/. “Plans for an enforced opt-in to the database mean that basic issues of informed consent are being ignored”

Doctors Association UK (@TheDA_UK) have call on the govt not to hand the £480m #NHS data deal to the shadowy US surveillance firm, #Palantir…
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK 123/. A new “idiot’s guide’ to the Federated Data Platform (FDP) refers to a 7-yr contract

It casually talks about “changes to the FDP” in the future

#Palantir aren’t mentioned but it says “We did many checks to find the right organisation for this work”…

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed 124/ The deal to give our NHS data to a US spy company will be announced tmw

“We could close our eyes & pretend that Palantir is a rights-respecting company or we can call this façade what it is: another company placing profit over people” (@Amnesty 2020)…

@digitalhealth2 There seems to have been a mysterious break in this thread

On 9 November, it was reported that US surveillance/data company, Palantir, had been awarded the 7 year contract for our NHS data

Today, @guardian are reporting that it will be announced tomorrow

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret 125/. Concerns around #Palantir winning the Federated Data Platform contract centre around misuse of data

As we saw during the pandemic, opt outs didn’t apply

The govts own guidance says that there could be “changes to the FDP”

Thiel’s motto = “Ask forgiveness, not permission’
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins 126/. Disquiet in the Faculty of Clinical Informatics about ties to Palantir & Accenture

Two board appointments “effectively puts them charge of the FCI which is the very body that has the most representatives on the NHS Federated Data Platform IG Group”…

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ 127/. “You maniacs! You blew it up!”

It’s official!

The govt have granted the 7-year NHS data contract to US spy-tech company, #Palantir

Thanks to the journalists, experts campaigners, MPs who’ve tried to raise the alarm on this

The struggle continues👇
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ 128/. “Palantir is a very troubling choice for NHS contract given it’s links to serious human rights abuses

The public need assurance that their information won’t be harvested by #Palantir for purposes that have little to do with their health” @amnestyuk…
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK 129/. “One campaign group says the fact that patients can’t opt out means they’re ready to launch a legal challenge”

I assume @joepike, reporting on the giving of a £330m NHS data contract to #Palantir, is referring to @GoodLawProject
(H/T @vicderbyshire)
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire 130/. “You cannot opt out but you can ask questions”

NHS England’s @Vin_Diwakar admits that there is no opt out from the £330m new NHS patient data platform that shadowy US spy-tech tech company, Palantir, were just given a contract to create

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today 131/. "Palantir is here to defend the West. You may not have learned that the West is a noble, endearing & potentially durable project if you have been imbibing the vaporous deadly flames of many elite institutions,” Alex Karp

"AI & genomics are the real threat,” IDS on China👇
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today 132/. “I'm not one for being overly critical of drivel. But I'm going to make an exception

If you’re a health/tech journo & you aren't aware of the differences btw

*direct care
*pop health

My advice is don't write Observer articles about them”👇
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @justinmadders 133/. “No place for war profiteers in our NHS”

Hundreds of NHS workers & protesters blockaded the London office of US spy firm #Palantir

Protesters says Palantir provides intelligence and surveillance services to the Israeli military
🎥 @GeorgieBlaise

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing 134/. One of the first companies to meet Deputy PM @OliverDowden after he was appointed to the Cabinet Office was #Palantir, report @PrivateEyeNews

Details of the meeting have been redacted by the govt to keep “controversial sensitive topics free from premature public scrutiny”

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden 135/. Leaked emails reveal that the spy tech giant #Palantir has hired Tory-linked advertising agency, Topham Guerin, to pay influencers to attack @GoodLawProject on social media – but the source of the money is to be kept “confidential”…

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden 136/. “They don’t want to spy on you, but they do want to extract value by shaping data use”

As Professor Veale explains, the concern isn’t about whether #Palantir can ‘see’ your medical info, but whether they shape & determine the ends to which your data can & cannot be put
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @mikarv 137/. The #Palantir/NHS Federated Data Platform contract has been released

Pages of information relating to data processing are redacted & there are hundreds of pages of completely blacked-out text

Echoes of Palantir’s 2020 COVID
Data Store contact👇…

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @mikarv 138/ “You wouldn’t put a man who hated pencils in charge of Cumbria’s Derwent Pencil Museum, or have asked Freddie Starr to look after your hamster. So why is Palantir anywhere near our NHS data?” #StewartLee

If you don’t get the Freddie Starr/hamster ref…

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @mikarv 139/. What are they hiding?

Of the 586 page NHS contract granted to #Palantir, 417 pages are completely blacked out

How can a public contract be so heavily redacted?

How can there be scrutiny of this highly controversial contract without transparency?

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @mikarv 140/. Palantir are not just managing healthcare data in the UK

16% of US hospital beds are rprtdly powered by #Palantir & they’ve been involved in Italy, Greece, Austria, Spain, Norway, Canada+++

In 2020 they were rprtdly “in talks with several dozen countries around the world”

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @mikarv 141/. Blair & Hague on front page of Times calling for our NHS private medical data to be sold via cooperation with “trusted partners”, “free from govt interference”!

A year ago, they called for a “radical tech revolution” & referred directly to #Palantir…

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @mikarv 142/. The race for population-wide genomic data is the new arms race

China’s largest genomics company banned from doing business in US after warnings that Beijing is gathering genetic information about Americans & others that could harm national security…
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @mikarv 143/. And so it begins...

Nationwide roll-out of routine NHS genomic testing in two years

Access to population-wide genomic data will have enormous & life saving benefits

But if not properly regulated, it also throws up huge ethical questions...& risks…
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @mikarv 144/. “The only way the Brexit put forward was going to work was with a complete deregulation of the UK (Guy Hands 2023)

On the 4th anniversary of #Brexit, the question is: ‘Was this the plan?’

If so, was deregulating the genomic research a key goal?

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @mikarv 145/. Remember #Palantir’s heavily redacted contract with NHS England?

It turns out they hadn’t finalised what was on those blacked-out pages when it was signed

How can a public body sign a contract that isn’t even finished?!!
#PalantirPlan #PeterThiel…
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden 146/. “Unless concrete steps are taken to protect genomic data, it’ll only show how little the govt understands the interplay between AI & genomics – the real existential challenge” @MPIainDS

Iain Duncan Smith recognises the dangers of machine learning & genomics coming together
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @SkyNewsTech @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden 147/. More #Palantir protests today, this time outside the HQ of @NHSEngland as health workers & campaigners demand the cancellation of the US data/spy tech company’s contract with the NHS

Palantir supplies advanced technology to Israel’s military

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglove @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech As well as recouping the billions corruptly given in PPE contracts @Keir_Starmer @wesstreeting @ @UKLabour must re-examine the terrifying NHS data contract given to #Palantir which poses massive potential dangers to all our rights in the coming years
@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @NHSEngland 148/. Bannon was VP of #CambridgeAnalytica who were rprtdly taught how to scape data by #Palantir

Bannon was instrumental in Brexit & Trump‘s victory

We know the WHAT

We need to understand the WHY

A new govt is an opportunity to confront this scandal👇

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @NHSEngland 149/. Blair has been all over the media again talking about AI & healthcare

In January, he called for NHS data to be sold via cooperation with “trusted partners…free from govt interference” & referred to #Palantir when talking about a “tech revolution”👇

@DavidDavisMP @amnesty @BylineTimes @foxglovedev @GoodLawProject @NoTech4Tyrants @Harryslaststand @DawnButlerBrent @labourlewis @GreenJennyJones @AmnestyTech @SteveBarclay @openDemocracyUK @mehdirhasan @mikegalsworthy @peterjukes @TheDA_UK @WritesBright @NafeezAhmed @campbellclaret @guardiantech @WiredUK @WIRED @TelegraphTech @CampaignTechUK @FLGenomics @prospect_uk @nytimestech @BBCRosAtkins @digitalhealth2 @NHSMillion @EveryDoctorUK @ukfci_chair @TheLancet @richardhorton1 @bmj_latest @JME_BMJ @AmnestyUK @joepike @vicderbyshire @Vin_Diwakar @BBCr4today @Foxglovelegal @karamballes @martha__dark @DrEricDing @OliverDowden @NHSEngland 150/. “NHS data chief, Ming Tang, was ‘guest of honour’ at #Palantir lobbyist’s dinner” @FT

We only know this thanks to an FOI request

“This underscores the fact that there needs to be proper transparency over how these contracts are awarded” @AmnestyUK…


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Jun 25, 2024

Incredible news to wake up to

Julian Assange is free after a plea deal

He was released on bail from Belmarsh prison & boarded a plane which is currently heading to Australia

His release is a testament to those fought for his freedom #JulianAssange

Julian Assange is scheduled to appear in a federal court in Saipan, a US commonwealth in the Pacific, where he’s expected to plead guilty to one charge under the Espionage Act & be sentenced to 5yrs

Given he’s already served this time, he should walk free
The public have a right to know what their govts do in their name

Julian #Assange’s prosecution represented a grave threat to press freedom, undermining the key role of journalists & publishers in scrutinizing govts misdeeds & creating a chilling effect

Read 6 tweets
May 15, 2024
1/. Four years, ago this tweet👇broke the #CareHomeScandal

The govt had INSTRUCTED hospitals to send people “who may have #COVID19” to care homes WITHOUT TESTING

They KNEW about asymptomatic transmission in Jan 2020

Many thousands died

This revelation led to other questions…
2/. From the start of the pandemic the govt had given #Palantir, a US spyware company with reported links to #CambridgeAnalytica, access to NHS health data

The NHS = the most trusted brand in the UK

Cambridge Analytica = the least trusted


3/. Palantir worked on the NHS data store with #FacultyAI - a company with ties to Cummings

In 2020, @amnesty warned that Big Tech firms might use the COVID crisis to hoover up genomic data, obliterating the last frontier of privacy: our biological selves

Read 5 tweets
Mar 9, 2024
1/. “It is the greatest mass-killing in recorded history; & it goes on daily, hourly, as regularly as the ticking of your watch”

Arthur Koestler’s 1944 essay expressing frustration at the failure of the world to acknowledge Nazi atrocities resonates today
2/ “There are a few of us…yelling at you in newspapers…Now & then we reach your ear…But it only lasts a minute. You shake yourself like puppies who’ve got their fur wet; then the screen again descends & you walk on, protected by the dream-barrier which stifles all sound”
#Gaza Image
3/ Koestler notes maniacs lose contact with reality so “perhaps it’s we, the screamers, who react in a sound & healthy way to the reality which surrounds us, whereas you are the neurotics who totter about in a screened fantasy world because you lack the faculty to face the facts” Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 23, 2024
“They got me!” Liz Truss tells far-right kingpin, Steve Bannon, before going on to explain that, to have effectively tackled “the deep state” that runs Britain & its institutions, she would have “needed a bigger bazooka”! #LizTruss #BritanniaUnchained
"I was just saying it like it is & that’s what people respect me for"(!)

Liz Truss’ compares her premiership to a one night stand & says she was just “fattening the pig” for slaughter & that she should have gaslit the public like Rishi Sunak is doing (!)
"I faced the most almighty backlash...from the usual suspects in the media” Liz Truss

“Truss's decline is simultaneously tragic & horrifying but the claim that the media conspired against her can't go unchallenged. There are front pages praising her to the rafters” @mrjamesob

Read 4 tweets
Jan 4, 2024
1/. In 2020 I started a thread warning that Trump might launch an attack on Iran before the end of his term

It wasn’t the first time there had been a real danger of a US-led, Israeli backed attack (records show Bush had come close in 2007/8)

The risk appears now to be very high
2/. It’s clear that the bomb blasts in Kerman on the 4th anniversary of #Soleimani's assassination by the US, could lead to a quick ratcheting up of dangerous tensions

After Oct 7, the US sent two aircraft carrier groups to the region

Iran just deployed a warship to the Red Sea
3/. Three US soldiers were killed & two dozen injured in an unmanned aerial drone attack on US forces stationed in northeastern #Jordan near the Syrian border, President @JoeBiden said

This could mark a dangerous escalation
Read 18 tweets
Nov 6, 2023
Despite previous denials, Michelle Mone finally admits her involvement in failed PPE supplier Medpro

There should be a criminal investigation into possible intentional breach of beneficial ownership disclosure rules

The govt VIP Lane needs investigating

Something about the #MichelleMone interview doesn’t pass the smell test

Why are Mone & her husband - currently under criminal investigation in UK & Spain - being given a prime time slot to tell ‘their side of the story’?

5 questions @bbclaurak should ask

@bbclaurak “I don’t honestly think there’s a case to answer. I can’t see what we’ve done wrong” @MichelleMone

Wow! #MichelleMone & #DougBarrowman on @bbclaurak’s programme, this morning

Read 13 tweets

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