Rockefeller’s Club of Rome - Limits to Growth Co-author - Dennis Meadows
H/t: @jjcouey
Club of Rome - CNN founder, Ted Turner, who donated $1 billion to 🇺🇳 and had Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar partner (Amir Dossal - 🇺🇳technology for🦠) managing it
(Pt 1)
That $billion was to, allegedly, “save” the UN because the 🇺🇸 was behind in its ‘financial obligations’ by that much...
(Pt 2)
H/t: @Lukewearechange
“I think it should be the United Nations”
H/t: @critica18495985
“Climate Change is a symptom of overpopulation & too many people, using too much stuff”
Now, I’d like you to listen to this one...and think about it with the next one...
Keeping in mind all the UN, Rockefeller, World Bank, CNN, “sustainability”, Climate change connections w/Epsteins&Maxwells
Is it mere coincidence obsessed ‘environmentalists’ seem to have a high correlation w/Ghislaine&Epstein?
Climate Change? Doomsday?
Do you think Trump’s Epstein involvement was a Kayfabe? Was their vitriol genuine? Did they put him in office? He knew their game. Was he a🎯?
“It’s illegal...”
Now, why would Clintons partner w/Rockefeller for #CommonPass?
Ghislaine’s father, Robert Maxwell, Macmillan Publishing House
Arthur Iger worked for Macmillan Publishing
Arthur’s son, Bob Iger, chairman & CEO of Walt Disney
Disney owns ABC
ABC 👇🏼😉
Why do these conspiracy theorists keep thinking there is something strange about the obsession & conflation of #Covid and #ClimateChange?!
“What did you do when you found out about his (Epstein) background?”
“Well, he’s dead, have to be careful...”
So, that Ghislaine Maxwell, TerraMar partner, Amir Dossal, that #BenevolentTed had manage his $billion 🇺🇳 donation is here discussing #Sustainability
Did you know Amir’s Global Partnership Forum exchanged💵 w/the Clinton Foundation,concurrently, w/Club of Rome’s Michael Dorsey?
“Replacing laws of nature with intelligent design”
Did you know that Rockefeller’s #Lockstep “predicted” how well 🇨🇳would handle the 🦠? Here is #BenevolentBill telling us how well 🇨🇳was handling it...
Regarding 🇨🇳&🦠 is Olivier #Schwab (Klaus’s son) discussing the private-public partnership of GAVI & WEF
Here is #Klaus discussing, similarly...
When you heard #Gates praise 🇨🇳, juxtaposed w/WEF Board of Trustees Larry Fink, it would almost make you think those conspiracy theorists have a case🤔
Can the🇺🇳 & Ted Turner’s billions save us from all the “too many people using too much stuff”?
Maybe #NancyPelosi & #Agenda21 can
I’ll bet those conspiracy theorists would say it’s the 🦠 or the 💉
“We will have complete control & the technology to enforce what you digital currency can be used for”
🤔if we had personal carbon allowances, we could ensure you don’t exceed your allotment buying climate harming things like #meat
“Why are those conspiracy theorists trying to attach our science advisers and NSA advisers to Epstein, alongside 🇺🇳 and Club of Rome?”
Why would those crazy conspiracy theorists be connecting Lynn Forester Rothschild to Epstein?
She’s trying to work w/WEF & Vatican to save the planet through #InclusiveCapitalism
It’s like they think her firm, Rothschild&Bronfman, had anything to do w/Bronfman & #NXIVM
Those crazy conspiracy theorists think the publicly known connections of Lynn Rothschild, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, both of Clinton’s Treasury Secretaries (Larry Summers & David Rubin)...most of whom are in this video...might have anything to do w/WEF’s great reset or Vatican!
Inclusive Capitalism promoting - Time Magazine owner, WEF Board of Trustees, Marc Benioff, is right. We have a trust problem...
How can we get rid of all the misinformation?
WEF, Vatican, UN SDGs, Inclusive Capitalism...are inclusive
Boy, if you think all 👆🏼stuff was should listen to this Norman Dodd guy
what NGO?
Like Kissinger’s Trilateral?
The one Epstein was documented to be on in at least 1995&2007?
..state dep..
Secretary of State, like Kissinger? Or like Hillary?
Like the State Dep w/an aircraft tail number at Epstein’s Zorro Ranch?
Or hiring Ghislaine’s nephew?
(Not videos, but should be included for additional context)
This 2009 Associated Press Excerpt of the “Good Club”
2012 Epstein Foundation PR article about their doomsday conference
Combined w/Clinton’s NSA Adviser, Sandy Berger, being on Epstein’s FAA flight logs should 👀
Now, combine blackmail, scientists on an island, NSA Adviser, Treasury Secretaries, POTUS, Harvard President, CFR chair, media complex, and a whole lot of important scientists...
Next to club of Rome’s Limits to Growth...and a lot of Clinton/Obama scientists👇🏼what could we get?
USAID involved in population control, you don’t say? 😮 Epstein, Gates, USAID, Clinton, COVID, Biden, UN
Are you ready to see all our conspiracy theories come together? Read along, and tell me you don’t see a pattern emerge…
Epstein cofounded clinton foundation
Gayle Smith flew on Epstein ✈️ w/clinton Health Access Initative and is later appointed to USAID admin by Obama
Part of her role was global health, infectious disease, and biodefense
Secretary of State Blinken (stepson of Robert Maxwell’s right hand man, Sam Pisar) appoints Gayle Smith as Biden’s Global COVID Vaccine coordinator
Gayle Smith used COVAX to fund GAVI, the Gates & WEF vaccine program
Epstein had rented a building from State Department and had a state department aircraft tail # on flight logs at his Zorro Ranch
Epstein funded Scientist Eric Lander, of the Human Genome Project, and pioneer of Crispr gene-editing (with Kevin Esfeldt & Epstein-funded George Church). Biden appointed Lander as Chief Scientist (OSTP)
Larry Summers was on the board of Gayle’s “One Campaign”, gave Epstein a Harvard office and cofounded Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics with him, and was on the board of Gayle Smith’s ONE campaign
NIH & Jeffrey Epstein co-funded evolution research within Harvard’s program for Evolutionary Dynamics
Research from 👆🏼program was used for Gates’s mosquito population control crispr mRNA Gene Drive technology (Kevin Esfeldt warned it could be used on humans)
Ghislaine was at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding…Chelsea is/was on the board of Jim Kim’s Partners in Health and did her thesis on the Global Fund
Partners in Health pushed a contact tracing app
Ira Magaziner of Clinton Health Access Initiative (flew on Epstein’s plane with Gayle Smith) signed partnerships between Clinton Health Access Initiative & WHO, with Jim Kim, while he was working at WHO. He also signed partnerships between CHAI & biomereiux (where DARPA-funded Moderna ceo Bancel came from). Biomerieux did Covid diagnostics via BioFire
Obama appointed Jim Kim to World Bank president
🇺🇳Amir Dossal was a board member of Ghislaine’s TerraMar. He managed Ted Turner’s $billion 🇺🇳 donation and was responsible for 🇺🇳 💉technology partnerships
Eric Nonacs (Epstein’s ✈️ with Gayle Smith)- VP at Skoll Global Threats (worked on NGOs & pandemics) …where Gayle now works
Skoll Global Threats was working on One Health & bio surveillance
Bill Gates recently expressed concern over - USAID - which he partners with a lot
Bill Gates hired Epstein’s NIH funded scientist, Melanie Walker, who worked directly for Jim Kim at World Bank & Gates Foundation, and was on the board of American Medical Association
While at World Bank, she gave a presentation on IHME (Covid forecasting), which founding member included Tedros (Tedros & Gayle Smith worked for Meles Zenawi in Ethiopia)
Gates & Epstein Scientist, Boris Nikolic named in Epstein’s will…Boris was director of Editas - a Gates Gene-editing company
On Epstein’s Island, scientists met to discuss global catastrophes, such as “overpopulation”
Epstein had one employee on his Ghislaine Corp company - the wife (Epstein ✈️flying Mandy Ellison) of a 💉biodefense company President Ralph Ellison Dor BioPharma…Alexander Haig, who coauthored State Department’s population control program, was also on the board
Epstein was power of attorney for Libet Johnson (Johnson & Johnson heiress)
Gates, as part of “The Good Club” met with Ted Turner, and other billionaires, to discuss solving overpopulation
Peter Schwartz, “Operation Lock Step” scenario planner was part of Epstein-funded “Edge”
Through USAID, NIH funded Ecohealth on coronavirus for BioDefense
Running out of space, but Metabiota, Nathan Wolfe, expressed gratitude to Epstein for his book and was part of Epstein-funded “Edge” @hash_tigre @StoshMr
Metabiota was also funded through USAID
(See @CanariesBlue @dezzie_rezzie)
Robert Maxwell also pioneered & monopolized the science journalism
The Epstein-Maxwell science & health connections are plentiful…yet ignored. It’s beyond frustrating.
This guy cofounded Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics…with Jeffrey Epstein