Anybody think Jesse Binnall will get some time in the chute?
👉Attempted to overturn election results in Nevada.
👉Representing Trump against Rep Bennie Thompson.
👉Representing Defending the Republic (under invest)
Binnall represented Dimitri Kesari in a pay-for-support scheme (with Jesse Benton & John Tate) for Ron Paul's presidential run.
Campaign finance blues. 😆
Jesse Benton was recently indicted (with Doug Wead) for more campaign finance violations involving $ from Russian nationals.…
Unfortunately Jesse Benton's co-defendant Doug Wead just died of a stroke.
The groups behind Issue 1 ( to increase the threshold to 60% for putting an amendment on the ballot), are the same groups diverting public school $ to private, Christian schools and removing LGBTQ rights.
They've been busy plastering Ohio with misleading political mailers disguised as "news." They warn of "radical outside interests" trying to change their Constitution, but fail to disclose their own radical outside interests.
Worth mentioning the law office of David Langdon, who has been at the center of right-wing causes in OH (and elsewhere) for many years. FEC and IRS have taken notice...
Where was I? Oh yes, the failed Venezuela coup-thingy by Silvercorp.
Goudreau (while pitching his Gideon plan) apparently contacted Nestor Sainz/Global Governments Center , who put G in touch with Keith Schiller's former attorney.
It should be pointed out that Global Governments Center shares/shared an address with law firm Shaerr Jaffe LLC, who lists attorneys with....notable...backgrounds, like Ken Klukowski, Mark Paoletta and James Heilpern. Many are also graduates of Brigham Young.
Heilpern started an org called Judicial Education Institute with Diarmuid O'Scannlain (former conservative justice) and Lorraine Updike Toler.
Lorraine is an accomplished constitutional scholar whose mother is a long time officer of Eagle Forum in Utah.
The Harris County election suppression bills - one submitted by Rep Paul Bettencourt - are all part of 🦇💩😜 Steven Hotze (repub donor) and his three ring circus.🎪
Below is just one pre-election suppression effort. There were several pre & post-election suits.🙄
But the bill to eliminate the Election Administrator in Harris County was submitted by Bittencourt - who is part of the same circus (right wing religious/voter supression) as Hotze.
The direction to look in is Bittencourt's previous association with David Welch and Norman Adams.
Bittencourt, Welch and Adams were partnered for Coalition for a Greater Houston.
David Welch is a long-term board member of U.S. Pastor's Council and (former) Faithful Citizenship Ministries.
Kast is popular with our right wing. Not surprising.
Pinochet received a huge boost (unfortunately) from the U.S. - with deep roots from the Nixon administration. Nixon-era-born Roger Stone groomed the PB's, who are proud Pinochet fans.