When you see the “failures” of both Clinton&Obama admins to end Epsteins&Maxwells & their families’ ties to UN/WEF, then juxtapose those involved w/climatechange...
Then, see climatechange=Limits to Growth
Resources vs overpopulation
Then, you understand the shared economics & Malthusian/Eugenics ideologies...
You go from seeing Epstein & Maxwell = fking children
To seeing the specific people they were targeting w/their operations...
👇🏼look into CoR&Epstein associations
There is💨&🔥
Go through that first thread at the top, if you haven’t.
So, now we start seeing more than just patterns...
Am I a mathematician, here, or just a numerologist? You tell me...
Since (establishment caused)‘08 crisis, Lynn Rothschild’s Inclusive Capitalism (circa ‘12)was pushed to pacify the populist left...by introducing to identity politics(CRT,etc)
They want to centrally track/control resources, economic inputs/outputs, population, evolution
Tracing back the Epstein connections, to the climate change, to overpopulation, to genetics&evolution...
You see why the media is owned by the same people who were associated w/Epstein & the same people aiming to centralize global rule/econ/evolution
🇺🇳 obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/administration…
“But, Jesse, ‘systemic racism’!!!”
Guys...use some critical thinking
Alicia Garza...
Does the establishment that drove you into serfdom & bailed themselves out *really* care about these things? As they promote this stuff?
Peter Schwartz was a planner for Rockefeller’s LockStep (h/t: @very_0wn)
Fast forward to WEF YGL Zuckerberg’s Meta #DHaas
Transhumanist/Epstein/Gates/Berggruen/WEF Nikolic
Transhumanists -> longer living -> greater use of resources-> “cLiMaTe ChAnGe!!” -> personal carbon allowances -> using AI/IoNT to monitor resource usage -> programmable CBDC to enforce limits -> central-planners decide how resources/capital is used -> Inclusive Capitalism
1968 Rockefeller established Club of Rome
71-72 Club of Rome - Limits to Growth
‘73Rockefeller praises Mao
Rockefeller involved 🇨🇳One Child Policy
Rockefeller LockStep praises🇨🇳
Rockefeller praises🇨🇳digital+🦠
UN/WEF push digital tools to accomplish Club of Rome’s intent...
Not only were George Church, Boris Nikolic, Larry Summers & Katherine Keating all involved with both Berggruen And Epstein or Ghislaine
So was Kissinger.
Now, that same George Church is pushing Transhumanism at the Vatican with Chelsea Clinton...who had Ghislaine at her wedding
Trilateral/Google, Eric Schmidt👆🏼also Berggruen
Rockefeller’s planetary health
Resources vs population...and how to monitor/control
Ghislaine’s “TerraMar”
Terra = Earth
Mar = spoil?
There are more than just “coincidences” with UN/Rockefeller goals, next to Epsteins&Maxwells
Pic 1: Vatican agenda
Pic 2: WEF framework
Pic 3: UK Gov doc on human augmentation
Pic 4: NBIC - Whitehouse 2002
USAID involved in population control, you don’t say? 😮 Epstein, Gates, USAID, Clinton, COVID, Biden, UN
Are you ready to see all our conspiracy theories come together? Read along, and tell me you don’t see a pattern emerge…
Epstein cofounded clinton foundation
Gayle Smith flew on Epstein ✈️ w/clinton Health Access Initative and is later appointed to USAID admin by Obama
Part of her role was global health, infectious disease, and biodefense
Secretary of State Blinken (stepson of Robert Maxwell’s right hand man, Sam Pisar) appoints Gayle Smith as Biden’s Global COVID Vaccine coordinator
Gayle Smith used COVAX to fund GAVI, the Gates & WEF vaccine program
Epstein had rented a building from State Department and had a state department aircraft tail # on flight logs at his Zorro Ranch
Epstein funded Scientist Eric Lander, of the Human Genome Project, and pioneer of Crispr gene-editing (with Kevin Esfeldt & Epstein-funded George Church). Biden appointed Lander as Chief Scientist (OSTP)
Larry Summers was on the board of Gayle’s “One Campaign”, gave Epstein a Harvard office and cofounded Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics with him, and was on the board of Gayle Smith’s ONE campaign
NIH & Jeffrey Epstein co-funded evolution research within Harvard’s program for Evolutionary Dynamics
Research from 👆🏼program was used for Gates’s mosquito population control crispr mRNA Gene Drive technology (Kevin Esfeldt warned it could be used on humans)
Ghislaine was at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding…Chelsea is/was on the board of Jim Kim’s Partners in Health and did her thesis on the Global Fund
Partners in Health pushed a contact tracing app
Ira Magaziner of Clinton Health Access Initiative (flew on Epstein’s plane with Gayle Smith) signed partnerships between Clinton Health Access Initiative & WHO, with Jim Kim, while he was working at WHO. He also signed partnerships between CHAI & biomereiux (where DARPA-funded Moderna ceo Bancel came from). Biomerieux did Covid diagnostics via BioFire
Obama appointed Jim Kim to World Bank president
🇺🇳Amir Dossal was a board member of Ghislaine’s TerraMar. He managed Ted Turner’s $billion 🇺🇳 donation and was responsible for 🇺🇳 💉technology partnerships
Eric Nonacs (Epstein’s ✈️ with Gayle Smith)- VP at Skoll Global Threats (worked on NGOs & pandemics) …where Gayle now works
Skoll Global Threats was working on One Health & bio surveillance
Bill Gates recently expressed concern over - USAID - which he partners with a lot
Bill Gates hired Epstein’s NIH funded scientist, Melanie Walker, who worked directly for Jim Kim at World Bank & Gates Foundation, and was on the board of American Medical Association
While at World Bank, she gave a presentation on IHME (Covid forecasting), which founding member included Tedros (Tedros & Gayle Smith worked for Meles Zenawi in Ethiopia)
Gates & Epstein Scientist, Boris Nikolic named in Epstein’s will…Boris was director of Editas - a Gates Gene-editing company
On Epstein’s Island, scientists met to discuss global catastrophes, such as “overpopulation”
Epstein had one employee on his Ghislaine Corp company - the wife (Epstein ✈️flying Mandy Ellison) of a 💉biodefense company President Ralph Ellison Dor BioPharma…Alexander Haig, who coauthored State Department’s population control program, was also on the board
Epstein was power of attorney for Libet Johnson (Johnson & Johnson heiress)
Gates, as part of “The Good Club” met with Ted Turner, and other billionaires, to discuss solving overpopulation
Peter Schwartz, “Operation Lock Step” scenario planner was part of Epstein-funded “Edge”
Through USAID, NIH funded Ecohealth on coronavirus for BioDefense
Running out of space, but Metabiota, Nathan Wolfe, expressed gratitude to Epstein for his book and was part of Epstein-funded “Edge” @hash_tigre @StoshMr
Metabiota was also funded through USAID
(See @CanariesBlue @dezzie_rezzie)
Robert Maxwell also pioneered & monopolized the science journalism
The Epstein-Maxwell science & health connections are plentiful…yet ignored. It’s beyond frustrating.
This guy cofounded Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics…with Jeffrey Epstein