O‘ahu Water Protectors Statement Regarding DOH Contested Case
“The Hearing Officer’s recommendations echoes the dire warnings voiced by concerned community members for decades when it comes to the U.S. Military’s toxic practices in these islands.”
The Red Hill crisis presents “the greatest threat to a sustainable way of life on O‘ahu since the illegal overthrow of the sovereign nation of Hawai‘i.”
“We simply do not have time for the Navy’s games. We are not willing to sacrifice our water for war.”
Looking forward, @oahuWP maintains that the struggle to protect the health of Hawai‘i’s lands, waters, and people must also be a struggle to demilitarize Hawai‘i.”
“The heart wrenching testimonies of those impacted by contaminated water remind us that the U.S. Military poses the greatest threat to the health and safety of all peoples, plants, and animals who depend on clean water to survive.”
“The @oahuWP refuse to allow these tanks to burden and endanger other places in Hawai‘i, the Pacific, or anywhere in the world.”
“We insist that the U.S. Navy’s toxic fuel should not be ‘situated’ anywhere.”
Huge news for Water Protectors: the Hawai‘i Department of Health’s state hearing officer ruled against the Navy and supports the Governor’s Emergency Order to Defuel the Decrepit, Leaking Red Hill Fuel Tanks!
Here are a few key takeaways on the hearing officer’s determinations:
- Navy’s contamination crisis is a “humanitarian and environmental disaster”.
- The fuel leaks and ensuing crisis “constitute an imminent peril to human health and safety” and to “the environment”.
- Red Hill Facility is a “ticking timebomb located 100 feet above the most important aquifer on Hawai‘i’s most populous island.”