I put on a mask and climb the 3 flights of stairs to my apartment. I take my pulse oximeter along to see what it does to my oxygen levels. They drop below 85 when I wear the mask and exert myself climbing. When I take it off 99% because I'm taking in more fresh air. Don't we
admit people to hospital when their oxygen drops below 85%? Isn't hypoxia bad for people? Just wearing a mask at rest, drops my O2 sat from 97 to 91%. This doesn't seem healthy. 2 years of this must have a cumulative effect. Follow the science. Yup double checking theirs now too
because pseudoscience is prevalent now. Why are we still listening to these politicians and masquerading as health officials. Fauci does not treat patients, he caters to pharma. His track record on stifling repurposed HIV treatments should be enough to jail his ass for years.
Anyone who thinks that there is a benevolent person who's been in a position of power for 50 years who is not either outright corrupt or as compromise their own morals looking the other way while corruption happens is deluded. You think good people stay in government for 50 years
Quite the opposite good people get out of government because they can't stand seeing all the corruption going on around them. If they try to do the right thing they'll be pushed out of there anyway. Instead they go through the revolving door of regulators going to work for the
Industry they were supposed to be regulating. Just look at the heads of the medical regulators who came from the Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson boards of directors and go back there when they're done. It's the same old story of selling us out. Banks got bailed out we got sold out.
Now it's big pharma getting bailed out while we get sold out. But hey we all know that Pfizer has our best interest at heart. We know that everybody really needed all of that oxycontin for so many years. Now when you actually need pain medicine you can't get it. I've been
forced to suffer with my terrible back pain because pharmaceutical industry went hog wild pushing oxycontin on people that didn't need it, so now I can't have my Vicodin to help with my back pain which keeps me confined to bed some days now. Yeah doctors and pharma are so
benevolent that all this group think they are joining in on make you realize they are just people who are duped just as easily as any of us because they are just us. So where as they know some things they are just as dumb as most of us. Take their BS with a grain of salt. And
for the love of God, please keep up a healthy skepticism when anyone who's livelihood and profits rest in your taking their pill forever. And when their promises about immunity turn out to be false, don't let them tell you more of the same still keep you safe. Remember the
definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So when their shot doesn't create sterilizing immunity like promised, their story changed to prevents severe illness and death in 90% of people. Don't forget they told us at the onset
that this illness was going to be on par with a bad cold for upwards of 95% of people. Why can they now keep saying that their shot prevents severe illness and death in 90% of people. We had better odds before their gene therapy shit. So who you gonna believe them before or now?
Yep I've been there since I first saw that podcast with Korey on dark horse. I don't know if you follow the flcc weekly updates which happened on Odyssee now, but Paul Marik's hospital banned the math+ protocol. He's had to watch his first patients die with his hands tied.
It's really disgusting how this is playing out. Even Merck and Pfizer's early treatment pills pale in comparison to ivermectin's efficacy. And they insist the mechanism is different but now IVM is proven as a protease inhibitor. Same mechanism. It's appalling.
If you watch YouTube Dr John Campbell has been doing daily updates on covid and it's really interesting to see his mind go from the mainstream narrative and then investigating ivermectin claims and being skeptical at first as he should to seeing the cover up and his eyes opening.
So it seems I'm now considered a right wing nut job. Hilarious. I always thought I was progressive, which I assumed was lefty. I'm for Medicare for all, free higher education, the usual lefty stuff. But I will not declare my pronouns. Nor will I blindly follow CoViD fearmongering
What might have started out as a novel virus that had no treatment (always been untrue). It's now nearly 2 years into this, and the rhetoric hasn't changed. I've now lost most of my trust in my doctors to do what's right, not what's policy. The Hippocratic oath is but a memory.
It's quite oxymoronic that the industry on trial currently, which seems to be getting away with perpetrating and perpetuating the opioid crisis, pushing dangerously addictive drugs on anyone with a small flesh wound was irresponsible to say the least.
This whole vaccine mandate is so far from logical, I don't know where to begin. This is total and complete madness. They've convinced doctors to parrot this nonsense. The number of medical exemptions given compared to how many people actually need one is astounding. This is vile.
I would posit that the mandate for this should have been thrown out when it was shown that vaccinated people still get infected, and because the breakthrough cases have a higher viral load, they shed the virus at a much higher rate. The jab is creating superspreaders. With these
facts now known, the rules for the game stay the same as when they claimed it would prevent infection. Why is this? I can't go out without a passport to eat, but a jabbed person can be infected, and contagious and go anywhere? WTF logic is that? No testing for the people who are
Anyone like Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Or Weekend at Bernie's? As non-fiction? Or how Commander Sela tried to have Spock announce the Romulan reunification fleet that turned out to be an invasion force? Deep fake style. Now if you're picking up what I'm putting down now this
Watch this compilation of candid comments and teleprompter gaffes and fails. Along with other mundane speeches mangled by our dear leader.
This guy is declining fast. Dementia is serious business. He can barely form coherent sentences most of the time.
Now watch this video in it's entirety please.
tell me that is the same man, in a live unedited speech, for 30 min without even a stutter, not a stumble of the tongue. Now watch the first video again. Tell me we don't have the first deep fake president.
You know what will cost much less than lockdowns and stimulus checks when they realize that a gain of function leaked virus is becoming more transmissible and had been airborne for months? Actual 3M N95 masks made in the USA. Why 18 months into this are sales still banned?
I've seen interviews with numerous n95 licensed mask manufacturers and no one from the general public is allowed to buy their masks still. But they're still saving them for the hospitals but they're not because they're still buying cheap Chinese ones to save a penny or two.
As an end result there are warehouses is upon warehouses filled with USA made and manufactured 3M licensed genuine N95 masks sitting and rotting in warehouses because the CDC will not lift the ban on selling to the public and the med supply places are still trying to save a buck
I'm now confused. I used to think I was living in a free country (that's what they still tell the kids in school I hope). We were taught that this country was great because you didn't have to sorry about censorship, police attacking protests, and could always speak your mind.
This is no longer the case. Where once we had the freedom to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course now those who do not want us to speak freely. I suspect even now, the minions at Twitter are looking at reasons they can flag this thread to stop me from saying what
needs to be said. I doubt you will even be able to read this after one of their algorithms finds it. Why? Because while this platform and the internet used to be used for free conversation, not anymore. Now they do not wish us to have the freedom to speak if it doesn't agree with