THREAD: As COVID surges again, I’m sharing here some firsthand accounts—audio, video, letters, art—of those who are & have been caged during pandemic. And their loved ones. Desperation. Denied medical care. Fear. Death. We could have done so different. We still can. Listen:
Charles Hobbs was suffocating in a cell of men infected w/ COVID in a Miami jail. Those men tried saving his life. Guards ignored them. He died. Those men spoke out. “I went to sleep w/ tears in my eyes. Grabbing my bible.” These are their voices:
LISTEN: 2 men caged pretrial on affordable bail in Harris County, TX. No food. Denied meds. Freezing. Over 7000 caged during a pandemic. Treated like animals. "Theyre not worried about us. Theyre not worried about nothing going on with us." More:
132 times. Thats how many times Cassandra called Chicago jail to try to save her husband. No masks. Soap. Crowded. Others coughing on food. He got sick. She was ignored. He died. “Morning never came for my husband.” More:
Jodi Hill: "No books. No T.V. No music. No way to contact the outside." Jodi is a transgender woman forced to try to survive in a male facility in Michigan. She had to wait to get out of solitary confinement to find a way to create.
Just some of her extraordinary art.
“I have a 5 y/o little girl & a 4 y/o little boy. I've lost the rights to them since in jail." Kdee suffers mental health issues & seizures. Caged a year pretrial in Texas. Denied medication. Hogtied. Attempted suicide.
PG County, MD. “They had me put my sheets in a red bag labeled “hazardous.” Then they made me pull my dirty sheets back out of the red bag, even though there was other contaminated stuff in there. Those are the sheets I’m still sleeping in now.”
“To me ya'll the same in this jailhouse." What a guard told Willie while assaulting him. Caged pretrial in Texas for *over 3 years.* Tortured. Denied medication. Beaten. "My mom told me I have rights. But I'm behind this door."
A young pregnant woman was caged for months pretrial in Texas. Thrown in solitary. No calls. Deprived food. Had to order cough drops to numb her hunger. She lost the baby.
Rutikanga Akesi: “I know it’s too late now, but I want those people to know we’re humans too & we deserve to be treated as such. To subject us to extreme social isolation & sensory deprivation -- it’s endless torture, psychological & physical."
Dino Caroselli. 64. Caged in NY's Sing Sing prison. No masks. Social distancing impossible. Haunted by the death of a friend in the Spring. “I felt like the walls of my cell closing in on me, like a trash compactor.” His words:
Taylor was caged for nearly a year in Denton County, TX. Couldn't afford to pay restitution for a minor theft case. Told her probation. They arrested her. "Roaches on the trays. On our meal cart. Inhumane." Texas about to pass a law allowing more of this.
I could keep going. This past 2 years plus, at a time when you’d maybe expect police, prosecutors, judges, & jailers to be most sympathetic, they’ve doubled down on cruelty. We’ve heard directly from those who are part of our mass human caging system. Around the country. Cruelty.
This last year, my org worked with public defenders, community organizations & organizers, & people & families directly impacted to share their experiences in a way that was most accessible to the most people. Some projects if you’re interested in learning more:
A growing, digital archive of first hands accounts from people caged Texas jails & their families is now live. Phone calls. Letters. Grievances. Photos.
Over 60 advocates, activists, poets, & directly impacted people read sworn declarations from people jailed in PG County, who-bc of jail limits-could not be heard. Millions heard their voices.
100 people caged in Michigan solitary confinement wrote letters to share their experiences. Allies in Michigan collected them. Artists interpreted them. Coders organized & filtered them. The result: This interactive digital archive of first-hand accounts.
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In 2019, Governor Cuomo hired *500 more cops* to exact violence & mayhem on the subways. Here’s just one example as maskless NYPD cops pushing a man out of the subway after asking them to wear masks at the beginning of COVID.
For all new to NYC Mayor Eric Adams & being appalled by him, his corruption, & general weirdness, this thread is for you.
I’ve been following his behavior since his run for office in 2021. Here’s some truth on the worst mayor in NYC History. Receipts in no particular order:
NYC Mayor Eric Adams lied about the fact that he carried around a photo of a fallen police officer. After he lied about it, he had his staff make him a fake, weathered looking photo for him to start carrying around. You cannot make this up!…
In his *very first act as Mayor* Eric Adams expanded solitary confinement on Rikers. City Council condemned him. He shot back: "Unless you’ve been a cop your opinion doesn’t matter."
Pushed ahead. 2 years later, claimed he was “against solitary.”
As Trump works to punish people he despises, NY prosecutors & @GovKathyHochul doing the same: fighting to kill “discovery reform.” A law simply requiring prosecutors to turn over evidence to defense. Their gripe: Too much work to collect, copy, & send it to the defense. Really.
Marvin spent 11 months on Rikers. For drug possession. Prosecutors withheld the most critical piece of evidence: drug lab. The pressure to plead got better of him. Today, prosecutors have to turn over evidence earlier. His case would have been dismissed.
Craig was charged w/ hindering prosecution. Then: NY "discovery" laws prevented him from learning the accusations. He was acquitted, but late disclosure of evidence kept him locked up for close to a year. Now: prosecutors want to return to this injustice.
This may be the most important post you read today.
As Trump takes office & pledges mass deportations, below is a shareable film series written *by immigrants for immigrants* on how to safely defend against ICE.
Feeling helpless? Here’s something you can do to help. Read on:
Protect your neighbors from Trump. Share:
🚨If ICE is outside your door, don’t panic & remember: YOU HAVE RIGHTS. Don’t open the door. Ask to see a warrant. ICE can’t enter w/o one.
My new op-ed is now live. In it, I explain how it's *legal to execute an innocent person* in the U.S. How that's a feature, not bug of the system. And what we can do about it now. Hint: Robust public defense. Teen Vogue again leading the way with truth.…
It is legal in the U.S. to execute an innocent person. Indeed, the Supreme Court has twice ruled it is perfectly constitutional to do so bc the value of expediency & finality in the legal process is more important than truth, justice, & even human…
As a civil rights attorney who served as a public defender, I saw how killing an innocent person was the most extreme example of a legal process designed *not to achieve justice, fairness, or truth, but enable unjust outcomes & erect every obstacle toward redress.
There is no evidence that police in the subways are lowering crime. What we do know: NYPD is swallowing up valuable resources, harassing New Yorkers, making needless arrests, & engaging in violent & reckless confrontations on the subway.
City records show a $151 million increase in 2023 for NYPD overtime pay for subway policing. NYC went from spending $4 million in 2022 on NYPD overtime pay for subway policing to $155 million in 2023.
In addition to the $150mil+ extra spent on NYPD for subway policing in overtime alone in 2023,
NYC Eric Adams ordered NYPD in March 2024 to send an another “800 police officers specifically to keep watch on turnstiles."…