Another year just about gone, here's a quick hardware roundup of what I released during 2021!
In August I released 'ZX True Tone' (ZXTT) to generate the correct frequency to match the #ZXSpectrum's AY soundchip for Ed Brindley's #RC2014 YM/AY Soundcard.
While the AY/YM chips can use a clock up to 2MHz, the #ZXSpectrum used 1.7734MHz. So if listening to Spec music at a higher freq it'll be pitched higher, likewise lower pitch with lower freq. So I created ZXTT to let me listen to ZXSpectrum music at the exactly the correct pitch.
The end of August and start of September saw the release of two general expansion cards for the #SAMCoupe, larger versions of previous cards.
Plus a Limited Edition "Prototype Tribute" mechanical keyboard, matching as closely as possible the hand made keyboards used on the five prototype SAM Coupes. Some are still available.
For the keyboards the feedback received has been tremendous! Thanks!
Thank you all for the support for what I do for the SAM Coupe and a few other systems. For latest news please follow and see my website at:
When I had a #ZXSpectrum machine code always gave the impression that it would be impossible to learn, so I only tinkered with BASIC and games maker packages like LaserBASIC, 3D Game Maker, PAW etc. Moving to the #SAMCoupe was when I finally took the plunge to learn machine...
code, although that was after a year where I only used BASIC and GamesMaster. GM was one of the two popular game creator packages, which used it's own simple language. SCADS (SAM Coupe Arcade Development System) was the other, which added sprites, animation, tile map rooms and
more to BASIC through new commands. Both were quite powerful, along with SAM BASIC itself there wasn't a steep learning curve for programmers to create games on the SAM Coupe - a lot of commercial games weren't machine code based as a result. Let's take a look at the games with
2 slots to add #RC2014 peripherals to your #ZXSpectrum, with external power, reset and optional ZX through port.
£26.99 (without TP) / £29.99 (with TP)
Read on as I add more to this thread...
This board gives your ZX Spectrum two RC2014 slots for connecting I/O based peripherals, expanding the range of hardware possibilities!
To order, please DM or email me via my website:
They'll be added to my website, eBay and Tindie shortly.
Here's a look at using a variety of RC2014 peripherals with the interface. For these, I'm just using it with my trusty ZX Spectrum+, but the interface is designed for any model. I've a +2 and a ZX Spectrum Next dev board, so I've ensured the PCB fits around the HDMI port on that.