India & China’s tryst began with trade but truly matured by the word of the Champion of Āryans, Sage of the Shākyas, Bull amongst Men - Lord Buddha.
His sutras would create a quest for India in the hearts of many Chinese, many of which you’ll find here 🧵
Ancient Chinese called India Yin-Tu or Shin-Tu, again referring to the Sindhu/Indus as Greeks & Persians did in their names for India.
Sea trade especially opened connections early on with traders and eventually monks traveling the eastern seas.
Mauryans & Kushans exported ☸️
An almost Constantine-like early revelation of Chinese Emperors with Buddhism is the idea of encountering a Golden Buddha.
A Yuezhi/Kushan statue of Buddha encountered during a Hunnic conflict is one of the first reports of this golden Buddha that enthralled the Chinese.
The internationalism of Buddhism is quite amazing to see. Parthian, Scythian, Chinese, & Indian monks would work in tandem to translate Sanskrit & Prakrit works into native languages.
Indian monks were frequently invited in by the Chinese to teach the Dharma.
Not everything was rosy though, local Legalists & Confucians weren’t too keen on giving space to this rapidly rising faith. Curiously though, Buddhist relics thrived in demand regardless of pushback (reminds me of a Civ 6 game lol)
Buddhism would capture Kublai Khan’s heart as Buddhism spread past China into Mongolia, Korea, & Japan. China became an epicenter of Buddhist research and study, something steadily supplied by Indian masters.
Mughal era rendition of Kublai’s Kuraltai & court.
Translation & commentary would become major sources of Chinese cultural output as an international coalition of monks would be put to task.
One of the crossroads of these great sādhus was Xinjiang. See frescos in the Kizil caves as well as a statue of Kumarajiva outside them.
Faxian or Fa-Hien had a brush with death before taking on the saffron robes. His commitment to Dharma and monk hood would lead him to travel to India to revolutionize the practices of Chinese monk hood and understanding of Dharma.
He would come primarily as a devotee & pilgrim.
His India trip would touch Kashmir, Punjab, Kutch/Gujarat, Ladakh, Gilgit, Nepal, Awadh, various swaths of north India, and of course the Throne of Nirvana in Bihar at Bodh Gaya.
He would collect various manuscripts and observe the customs of the locals in wonder.
First, Faxian and his companions would cross the Tarim Basin where he got his first taste of India. The kingdom of Shen Shen bowed to the Tathāgata as sramanas spread the Dharma to the Tartar (Turkic?) peoples. An Indic language (Pali, Sanskrit?) became popular devotionally.
Continuing West, Faxian came upon the Uighers of Gosthana (Land of the Cows or Khotan). A wealthy Silk Road land, Sangharamas (monk dwellings & gardens) decorated the land as beautiful Buddhist rituals would regularly be performed communally. Hindu Devas also included in worship.
In the Himalayan highlands, a massive wooden statue of Maitreya Buddha (to be incarnated) was erected. Faxian reaches the Indus and narrated the ancient sramanas who traveled to China with scriptures to spread the Dharma.
He notes during his travels how even Indians in the northern regions such as Udyana (near Swat) carried similar culture as the middle Indian regions.
Buddha is said to have traveled northwest India in past lives sacrificing parts of his body in Gandhara, Taxila, Udyana, Peshawar
Buddha prophesies Kanishka who builds a great Pagoda to honor Buddha at the behest of Indra (who calls him a “very good boi” lol). The highest in India (Jambudvipa).
Kanishka’s forefathers came to India to take Buddha’s alms bowl, but curiously couldn’t move it. So they stayed.
Nagrak is near modern day Jalalabad, Afghanistan. A big theme of the Eastern World at this time was honoring & retrieving relics of Buddha.
Elaborate rituals and temples would be made for these holy objects. Kings would campaign & conquer to capture them.
Bhakti towards Buddha.
Indians near Jhelum were amazed at how far the message of Buddha reached and honored the Chinese sādhus.
In Krishna’s birthplace, Mathura, Faxian observed Buddha reverence as well. Faxian claims the customs they practice derive directly from the time of Buddha.
I came across a supposed curse (forgot where I read) that Krishna took on that in his next birth, he will be born without weaponry and unable to fight. Perhaps some Mathurans took it to heart.
Buddhist Art from Mathura, also a former capital of the Kushan Empire.
Faxian gives an account of the Middle Country of India (location debated, probably near UP/MP).
Ahimsa, abstinence from tamasik onion & garlic, and a type of untouchability was practiced in a Buddhist society. The Chandalas were labeled as hunters from outside the village.
Something extremely underrated in the analysis of Indian history is the traveling & interaction of roaming sādhus across India.
Bhikshinis=female monks. Samaneras=novice monks. Abhidharma/Vinaya reference shows reverence of shāstras.
& once again Brahmins honoring Sramanas.
Faxian arrives at Sankasya, the site of Buddha’s descent after his heavenly discourse
The devotee Mogalan marveled at the marks on Buddha’s feet, one of which he called as Vishnu’s divine chakra.
Buddha also explicitly mentions the name of the sacred subcontinent - Jambudvipa.
Did not know the Han identity was this old but Faxian exclaims that he is from the land of Han to Indian Buddhist priests!
Indians seem to really like pilgrims :)
Buddha’s birthplace in Kapilavastu was fairly deserted for whatever reason. Faxian throughout his journey notes “towers” (maybe spired temples?) built on holy sites across India. Or perhaps a Stambha/pillar style architecture that was prevalent and gave rise to the Pagodas.
Faxian reaches a town with a legendary story.
1000 sons of a concubine who are adopted downstream a river, rise up against their father, and are then appeased by their mother’s milk then laying down their bows & clubs.
This was an ancient tale by Buddha’s time, his past life.
It’s amazing how congruent so many aspects of Indian society are to its ancient past. Couldn’t help but think of the Rath Yatra celebrations reading this account of Faxian’s “Procession of Images” in Patna.
Ancient Patna and the surrounding land (Bihar) is said to have had a practice of the nobles and landowners founding hospitals and sponsoring treatment for the poor and destitute of all countries.
Heartwarming moment for Faxian as he is overcome with emotion and devotion when he visits the cave where Lord Buddha delivered the Surangama Sutra.
Depiction from Nalanda below.
Asoka was born much after Buddha, so some have assumed this legend refers to his past life- a young child gives alms to Buddha, Buddha gives India in return
Asoka’s “Hell” is also described & his conversion. Some Buddhists believed some hells are in the valleys of high mountains
Faxian continues East crossing Kashi eventually reaching Sarnath - known as the Deer Park of Rishis.
We also hear of the “Panj Pyāre” of Buddha (there are soooo many cross references across Dharma over the ages).
Faxian goes south to visit the Ellora caves and marvels at the temples and sculptures carved from the rock itself.
You may have noticed Faxian referring to “dragons” in some of his accounts and retelling of Buddhist lore.
I believe he is referring to serpentine Nagas of Indian mythos. Possibly an inspiration for the Chinese dragon or just convergent ideological evolution?
Faxian observed a unique aspect of the Buddhist priests of northern India - they would frequently not write down the sutras, instead preserve them by memory, akin to the Vedas
Faxian became inspired to learn Sanskrit as he scoured India for sutras to learn & replicate for China
Faxian’s accomplice, To-Ching, lamented at the quality of monks in India versus the border region of China where he descended from. Then vowing to stay in the holy land of India and gain company of the legendary śramanas he encountered.
Faxian spends time in Bihar transcribing sutras. He then sails to Sri Lanka where he observes the great reverence to Buddhist relics once again fused with Vedic rite & ritual***. He also obtains copies of valuable manuscripts unknown to the Han.
***I have observed this across Faxian’s accounts & want to make it very clear - Buddhism & Hinduism existed in a syncretic & even fused manner in 🇮🇳. Beliefs & rituals were borrowed & observed by lay people, elites, & even priests.
“Brahminism” vs Sramanism is a farce on ground
Faxian now begins his dangerous journey home. He is faced with storms, pirates, & suspicion from his own crew (funny enough it seems Brahmins were wary of him - there are ofc rough edges between panths at times, but tiffs should be weighed against the syncretism for context 🙂)
Faxian returns home. Initially met with suspicion, but eventually it gives way to intense gratitude and reverence for the monk’s journey of a lifetime and eternal knowledge he brought back.
Hwui Seng & Sung Yun were sent by Empress Tai Hau to collect Buddhist manuscripts. They begin their journey through the kingdom of Khotan, near Xinjiang today & populated by Iranian Saka folk. Some of their foundation legends point to Indian settlement during Ashoka’s reign.
The customs of the Khotanese is described and the subsequent Buddhism on a monk’s miracle.
An elaborate headdress worn by the king. Cremation being the rom. Women riding horses.
Yerkiang (probably near Bukhara in Uzbekistan) was an interesting Indo-Saka crossroads with a Khotanese-like language spoken but written in a Brahmic script. Vegetarianism was also the norm in this land.
Seng & Yun cross Kashmir to Oudyana (maybe near Swat?) and encounter the king. He is a religious Buddhist and vegetarian (vegetarian seems to be quite congruent with the spread of Dharma).
An interesting Indo-Chinese cultural exchange follows about China’s history & place in 🌍
Sung Yun travels to Gandhara, presently under the rule of the White Huns, barbarians who did not bow to Dharma (yet).
The people of Gandhara are described as entirely being Brahmins who worship Buddha (yes I know PhD in SoUTh AsiAN studies says Brahmins can’t worship Buddha)
A legendary prophecy of Kanishka was supposedly said by Buddha. We also have a curious pagoda that was initially made by children via (cow?) dung. Then expanded and protected by subsequent kings.
Our next traveler, Yuan Chwang comes to India once again as a pilgrim & seeke. He encounters King Harshavardhan, a Hindu Shaivite, but like many Indian kings in the past, he sponsored many strains of Dharma, including Buddhism - including sponsoring Nalanda.
Yuan provides ancient Chinese names for India eventually settling on In-Tu, meaning the moon. He then compares the moon to India, solidifying the translation as he claims India provides light & wisdom to the world just as the moon does.
He also outlines the borders of India.
Yuan (or Xuanyang) provides a description of the dress of Indians during the era (600s). A bit similar to the Mauryan era outfits in some ways.
Xuanzang would describe the cut throat nature of Buddhist debate in India as the loser would be public ally humiliated after defeat.
FYI the Chinese actually made a movie on Xuanzang that depicts ancient India better than any Bollywood movie ever has.
Xuanzang observes the 4 castes of India & their relations with each other.
Xuanzang observes that in many Indian societies, corporal punishment wasn’t a thing.
The Indian society he encountered had fairly lower taxes, no forced labor amongst citizens, and a fairly well functioning bureaucracy.
Indian food and drink are described. Those who transgressed the dietary measures would be exiled outside the city. Interestingly, onion & garlic were highly frowned upon (very tamasik foods I believe).
The Shudra king of Matipura (presently Rohilkhand) is described as well as the religious pluralism of the land.
The Akshayavat of Prayag is described by Xuanzang as well as a macabre suicidal impulse involving a resident demon near the sacred tree.
The description of Varanasi 1500 years ago still is fitting today in more ways than not.
A Sanātan City.
People from across India would regularly make pilgrimage to great Temple of Aditya in Multan. Rulers from across India would compete to patronize the deity and temple.
India-consciousness once again encountered. Sri Lankan Sinhalese monks came to a Kanchipura in south India. They praise the land of Jambudvipa as a rich country, filled with holy sites, where Lord Buddha was born.
Ancient description of Maharashtra, depictions of drunken war, & humiliating defeat.
Side note - Xuanzang viewed Buddhism as the astika way of Dharma & saw Hinduism as heretical worship of Devas. Not necessarily with disdain, just theological difference.
Xuanzang’s return journey crossed through the Buddhist land of Khotan (Xinjiang). The king claimed descent from King Ashoka as well as the deva, Vaisravana (Kubera).
Note: Ancient Buddhists, like all other early Dharmic panths, worshipped Hindu devas.
Xuanzang returns with bountiful sculptures and scriptures. Much of which was carried by his entourage that was sponsored by kings across his journey - whether Indian, Hun, Scythian, Turk, or Chinese - as they saw the monk’s commitment to Dharma as an admirable cause.
Xuanzang became renowned and remembered amongst some Indians, including 2 monks from Magadha.
Xuanzang would reply to Jnanaprabha and Prajnadeva. Notice the colorful Indianized analogies and metaphors.
The Tang King would make sure to spread Xuanzang’s translations across his kingdom as a service to Dharma.
Yijing was a Chinese monk who came to India in the 600s to learn Buddhist Vinaya. He first observes the concept of food purity. He recounts a scorning of uncouth Mongols.
But a key thing here: Indian tradition = Buddhist tradition. He implored the Chinese to copy Indians.
Yijing observes methods of water purification and how Indians would take care of sparing even insects of death. Ahimsa/non-violence is invoked as a sacred law.
As I’ve said prior in this thread, Hinduism and Buddhism were *extremely* syncretic. Yijing observes the Black God, Mahakala, related to Shiva, being worshipped at Buddhist monasteries as a prime deity.
Interesting parallels to the present in Indian wheat vs rice consumption! Again another testament to the preponderance of vegetarianism in ancient India as well as abstinence from onions & other tamasik food.
Villages would reserve 1/6 of the farm harvest for monks. Monks were forbidden from doing agriculture themselves as it led to loss of insect/animal life.
India is referred to as the “Divine Land” by Yijing. A popular Dharmic practice today, chanting the names of a deity repeatedly, is shown to also have occurred amongst ancient Indian Buddhists.
Hye Ch’o was a Korean Buddhist monk who traveled extensively across India providing accounts of various kingdoms.
Vaisali (in Bihar): Banned slavery
Kushinagar: Fairly Abandoned
Varanasi: Shaivite yogis & lament at recent mleccha (Hunnic or Muslim?) desecration of Sarnath.
In East Asia, India was commonly referred to as the 5 Indies or parted into 5 regions. Hye remarks similar overlapping customs amongst all the regions he visited.
-Similar languages tho southern India sounded a bit diff
-No capital punishment
-Reverence of Gurus
Hye remarks how south, west, and north India all feature similar customs & culture as central India and each other.
The first Arab invasions into India are referenced to in his journeys into West India (who apparently had best singers)
Hye travels to Sindh, of which half is currently under Arab rule. The people are mild mannered & not prone to drink.
Kashmir is mentioned explicitly as a part of India. A rich, impervious province filled with a zeal to build monasteries & temples.
I wonder where they went…
Buddhist Turks dominated Afghanistan during this time with various regions under their control.
Gandhara, Zabulistsan, & the infamous Bamiyan.
Tokharistan, supposedly from the Sanskrit Tūshāra (snowy, frigid), was in control by Arab (maybe non-Arab Muslim?) forces. A Buddhist land, but not for long…
Location map and contemporary reliefs from the region.
Hye provides an account of an Umayyad Persia. He recounts the enterprising nature of Persians and their worship of the heavens, most likely an early description of Islam (possibly Zoroastrianism but you’ll see the heavenly link next…)
Hye continued West to encounter Arabs. Lesser Fu-Lin is Damascus, the Umayyad capital (see Umayyad Mosque)
The rulers would wear similar clothes as their subjects & all would eat together. This was a radical egalitarianism that was in this “Heaven-worshipping” religion of Arabs.
Central Asia was Arab ruled but the populace was predominantly Zoroastrian. A remnant monastery was left in Samarkand.
The common custom of incestuous marriage repulsed Hye. Perhaps this gives a clue of how it got into certain areas of the Subcontinent today…
The mixed lands of Ferghana & Khuttal are described, as well as the nomadic Turks of the north & west. Hye wasn’t fond of their violent and amoral ways.
We see the backdrop of Turko-Arab conflict & an Abbasid revolution.
Bonus territory here as we enter the legendary founding of the Funan kingdom of Khmer. Supposedly founded by a descendent of the Brahmin who received a spear from Ashwatthaman.
Angkor Wat was built originally only to house the gods (especially dedicated to Vishnu) with locals including rulers not living inside the colossal complex.
The Bayon temple was built by the great Jayavarman VII. A compassionate ruler that seems to have been deified the utmost as even being compared to Buddha.
Fanun of Khmer would eventually collapse on itself with the jungle taking back its territory, lost in view & only living on through local whispers
A prophecy would be fulfilled 500 years later as French explorers found the spires of Khmer mandirs and Angkor Wat would rise again.
Khmer Architecture
The tale of the Princess of Ayodhya who came to Korea. Her tomb still bears the twin fish of Ayodhya.
The accounts of the Orient meeting the Indies is done. One big takeaway is how Dharma spread & synchronized so easily in this age of traveling monks & pilgrims. When Gautama’s Jnan reached the ends of the Earth. India was a very different land back then.
In Hinduism, the Jivatman is said to be composed of 3 aspects:
-Sthula: Physical
-Sukshma: Mental
-Kāran: Causal
The Upanishads & Yoga Sutras explore this doctrine in-depth.
But what if we applied this doctrine to India itself? 🧵
Regarding the Jivatman, sthula refers to the physical body that we use to engage with our senses & feelings.
It is the physical matter of our body. Our sensory organs help us observe the world.
Our Prana, the life force that sustains us & physiological processes.
For Indian civilization, this is its geography, structures, & people itself.
"The county north of the ocean & south of the snowy mountains..." as the Vishnu Puran says.
India is pilgrimages & structures made by its most important sthula element - its people.
Even those not in the Republic of India today still descend from those who, at one point in time, identified as Indians or were under the local rule of those who did. Genetics will forever display "Indianness" on their faces and cells in one way or another.
One of my most fascinating visits in India was going to Jama Masjid in Delhi.
Some confirmations & other surprises from my priors 🧵
Walking up to Jama Masjid firstly consists of walking through a bazaar up till the main gate & stairs.
Saw both Muslims & Hindus in the bazaar (more of former while latter were less & mostly shopping).
The grandness of the gate is the first thing that stands out to you once you reach. This theme of size & grandness is an important spark of thought as I walked across the mosque.
The mosque is Mughal architecture par excellence.
My visits in Istanbul, Jordan, & Dubai gave me a taste of Turkish & Arab styles, but here is where you really see the “Indo” in Indo-Islamic architecture.
The chhatris, ramparts, gates, “kalashes,” etc… all gave a distinctly Indian feel
With the Marathas enduring a catastrophic result at the Third Battle of Panipat, an opening formed. Pink men dressed in funny coats who had no business in the Indian heat began to show up at the edge of Indian waters.
They wanted to trade.
They were obsessed with measuring. Their curiosity was amusing to many local Indians, but these pink men or angrezis (Englishmen) would pay no mind and would continue to write and exchange.
Some parts of India were rough for them, so they hired local security in addition to bringing their own foreign units. They paid better than the permanently drunk nawab or opium-addled raja and were much more reliable.
The English were rivaling the mercantile castes in their money-making abilities. Arcane foreign financial methods and obsessive measuring grew their rich chests as if they were employing a Miami-based plastic surgeon.
From the rattle of the coin purse eventually grew the rattle of sabers. Humble operations in Calcutta in the early 18th century would transform into a financial juggernaut that possessed the most fearsome army in India by 1815.
The British East India Company combined financial power, military discipline, and most importantly, institutional brilliance to conquer India in its entirety.
The Anglo was the new Ashoka.
Some say that the British “made” India with their imperialism. If you’ve read this far, you know that’s not the case. But why the British are essential in the idea of India is twofold.
Firstly, British bureaucracy and administration proved to be a better way to organize government than many earlier Indian editions.
This doesn’t point to an inherent superiority of the English or the deficiency of Indians; it’s just to say that there is something special about how the British organized society and state.
It’s one of the biggest reasons the British Empire succeeded. Compared to many Indian crowns, the British East India Company brought better rule of law, less corruption, and even better public infrastructure, as more reliable transport meant easier trade.
Money that was spent on a kingdom’s defense and courtly excesses was now routed to commercial pursuits. Early days proved more peaceful under the East India Company, but over time the operations became increasingly extractive.
More consequential, though, was the eventual meddling in Indian internal affairs and society. This, combined with the aforementioned economic extraction, would bring tumult to the British Raj.
In the aftermath of the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny, the British grew a penchant for the stick rather than carrots. Increased onus on divide-and-rule tactics would find a perfect foil in the caste system.
Caste was bureaucratized like never before as the British used policies to discriminate against certain castes and create enmity between different ones.
Religion too was used to powerful effect with the bloody conclusion of incitement being the Partition of India.
This is not to say there wasn’t already caste and religious conflict before the British, but the bureaucratization of these identities added new economic and political dimensions to these social battles.
While great kings such as Rana Sanga, Krishna Devaraya, Lachit Borphukan, Mihira Bhoja, and others all resisted the Islamic advance, there is one ruler who stands out.
The Tiger of the Deccan, Shivaji Bhonsle possessed a vision that would become the prototype of Indian nationalism centuries later.
At 15 years of age, Shivaji sought to create a “Hindavi Swaraj” or a country based on the self-rule of Hindus.
This is a stark ideological departure from previous Hindu kings primarily attached to land or caste, with a recent exception being from the still smoldering ruins of an adjacent Vijayanagara, an empire that, in many ways, is an ideological antecedent for the Marathas.
After a bit of dancing between vassal and rebel for the Adilshahi Sultanate and Mughal Empire, Shivaji launched his mission for self-rule.
What initially began as a territorial tussle soon evolved into a war for survival as Aurangzeb sought to eradicate the Marathas from root to branch.
The Western Ghats would soon roar “Har, Har Mahadev!” as Maratha guerrilla tactics made the hills appear to have eyes and bushes possessing swords sharpened by the armor of Mughal soldiers.
The war would drain both the coffers and spirit of the Mughal Empire. With the Mughals in retreat, the Marathas began a marathon in pursuit.
The reality of Maratha sovereignty would strive for Shivaji’s dream Hindavi Swaraj as the Marathas looked to free the Ganga and the Indus from the clutches of those they saw as foreigners of the land and oppressors of their religion.
Shivaji would appeal to Hindu kings to rebel against the “Turk.” His descendants would reaffirm this call as they blew the conch of war becoming a saffron sea across the subcontinent.
Maratha kings and queens would rebuild Hindu temples and reinvigorate Hindu sentiments across their empire, with Ahilyabai Holkar being particularly charitable in restoring Hindu temples.
Chinese pilgrims to India did not note any violence between Hindus and Buddhists during their visits. Barring a few exceptions, Indians had no problem bowing to Buddha or Bhairav, Madhav or Mahavir, and so on.
The concept of religion itself was very different from modern Western or medieval Middle Eastern notions. This is why the arrival of Islam caused such a shock.
An “Other” was indeed recognized.
While early Indians had the concept of “Mleccha” denoting people who did not follow Vedic lifestyles, there were no mass mandates for violence against them.
This contrasted with the levels of religious persecution and conflict that appeared as Islam entered India. Waves of Islamic invasions from Central Asia would leave parts of India as wastelands.
Temples were destroyed and looted, Hindus were enslaved and carried off to the steppe, and many Indians were faced with the choice of conversion or death.
Nomadic horse archers invading from the grasslands of central Asia were a regular feature for India. And indeed, each wave was laced with cruelty.
But the Scythians, Huns, and other invaders who came to India prior assimilated, becoming Indians themselves as they bowed to Indian gods.
But this recent bout of Muslim Turks was different.
Across their own chronicles, Islamic invaders gloat about the terror they wrought upon India and its unbelievers.
A holy war envelops each campaign into the subcontinent. The killings of Hindus and the looting of their temples are recounted with glee and pride.
When Turks actually started to settle in India, they would adopt a caste system of their own, this time based on ethnicity, with Turks and other Muslim Middle Eastern ethnicities at the top.
They would not tolerate being ordered around by a dark, wretched Indian even if they were their Muslim brother in faith.
Beneath converted Muslims was the mass of Hindus who frivolously obsessed over their own increasingly calcifying caste system.