New Utah bill, HB127, makes ANY "attempt to pass an individual as being of a sex or gender that is different form the individual's biological sex at birth" illegal for doctors. It bans HRT and blockers for trans youth, which will increase suicides and detransition them publicly.
Note that this care for trans youth is MEDICALLY NECESSARY. A new journal article came out last month that shows that treating trans youth reduces their suicide attempts by 40%! In a single study, over 600 suicide attempts happened in the untreated group.
It sucks to have sat here all last year knowing exactly what was coming as soon as 2022 hit in terms of anti-trans legislation while feeling powerless to stop it.
Cis allies, now is where you need to show you're true allies to us.
We're drowning and being thrown cinder blocks.
In just 24 hours, we have been subject to so many bills seeking to ban our existence, remove us from public space, and detransition us...
Indiana wants to make it illegal for us to enter restrooms:
West Virginia becomes the 7th state to propose a law to detransition trans teens and jail doctors that give them the lifesaving care they need. WV HB2171 would make kids, many whom are stealth and nobody knows they are trans, go through the wrong puberty in front of their peers.
This care is LIFESAVING for trans youth. A new study last week showed this reduces their suicide rates by 40%. 600 trans kids who did not get this care attempted suicide in a single study.
Florida is seeking to medically detransition trans teens forcibly. Florida bill H0211 makes it a crime for a physician to provide lifesaving transgender care to trans youth. This bill will massively increase trans suicides if passed. CONTACT YOUR REPS! Trans kids matter.
This is the largest state proposing such a bill. Here is the bill full text, and here is the bill's sponsor. CONTACT THEM and your reps!
Transition care for trans teens is LIFESAVING. A study last month showed that over 600 teens in a single study attempted suicide when withheld this treatment.
The hits don't stop on anti trans legislation tonight.
Indiana SB-0034 seeks to detransition ALL trans teens, and jail doctors. Any doctor providing HRT or blockers to teens is set to be thrown in jail with a class 6 felony. This is medically necessary, lifesaving treatment.
Sickeningly, this bill groups medically necessary treatment with other barbaric forms of treatment such as "piercing a child's fingers with needles" and "administering electric shocks to their genitals."
Honestly it's super sad news seeing that Ted Cruz' 13 year old daughter has been outed as bisexual.
Cruz has advanced pro-conversion therapy measures and I don't doubt for one second he'll treat his daughter that way.
I know what it's like to have a dad like him while LGBTQ.
Also miss me with the "she's 13" stuff. I'd wager MOST LGBTQ people knew when we were 13. Not all, but most.
The same sentiment that fuel's the "she's 13" reaction to Cruz' daughter being outed as bisexual is the same sentiment that fuels the attempts to ban health care for trans youth, ban teaching about LGBTQ people in schools, and force reporting of trans/queer youth to parents.