@maddow in her show exposed the coordinated effort of Trump backers from several states sending forged official paperwork to, among others, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Archivist, that claimed Donald Trump had won the election in their respective states.

cc: @JonFlan Image
@maddow @JonFlan Maddow pointed out how all these forged documents looked the same.

Same style, font.. same everything.

Points to coordination. But from who? Image
Turns out I had one of these documents in my archive!

I did not have to grab it from anywhere else.

Because I have a suspicion of which group we need to look at! Image
Let me introduce you to (again) Phill Kline.

Ex Attorney General of Kansas.

And Director Of The Amistad Project Of The Thomas More Society.… Image
Before the Jan 6th certification, The Amistad Project

"released a massive, 1,400-page super-appendix detailing extensive evidence of lawlessness allowing ballot and voter fraud affecting the election results in five key swing states."

See it here:… Image
Within those 1,400 pages, I have already located the forged documents from Michigan and Wisconsin.

And I haven't gone through all 1400 pages yet... Image
So who is Phill Kline? Did we notice him before within Trump's Seditious Conspiracy?


The Amistad Project was used as a cover for the January 2nd conference call in which Trump coerced nearly 300 state lawmakers to overturn the election for him. Image
Who else was on that call? PETER NAVARRO.

The very guy who admitted to a coup on @AriMelber's show.

Let him explain it himself:
Now that we heard Peter Navarro share some details on that, let's read the reports from @SethAbramson again that analyzed this massive call.…
And here was the second part that reported on Stop The Steal in more detail. Because its leaders which were also on that call.…
So now that we know several of the forged election documents were part of Phill Kline's document dump, we have to ask what his role was.

How did he get these documents?

Did his organization coordinate the effort? Image
Phill Kline has been able to keep his name from the airwaves as it relates to Trump's Seditious Conspiracy.

But let me tell you: HE WAS KEY!

Mainstream Media should be all over him. Image
Moreover, media has to dive into all these 1400 pages.

I'm not the one to do that myself; I am not a lawyer. But lawyers need to get at this and see what else is in the Amistad Project documents ASAP.

@richsignorelli @glennkirschner2 @JoyceWhiteVance @AshaRangappa_ @AdamSchiff Image
BONUS! Here is a little extra reporting.

Note David J Shafer on one of these forged documents. Image
Now look who he worked with:

Ben Hendrick.

Ben Hendrick? Image
Why did I immediately look for these forged documents in my files of The Amistad Project?

Because Phill Kline coordinated with State legislatures at other times too. Image
Not only was Phill Kline listed as "the organizer" of the January 2nd call as described earlier in this thread and analyzed by Seth Abramson:…

Kline helped coordinate the follow-up with these nearly 300 state lawmakers in the days prior to 1-6-21. Image
Indeed, his organization sent a letter to Vice President Mike Pence signed by many of the GOP state lawmakers on the Jan 2nd call with a specific request.

This letter was sent to Pence before 1/6. Image
It asked Mike Pence

"to comply with [their] reasonable request to afford our nation more time to properly review the 2020 election by postponing the January 6th opening and counting of the electoral votes for at least 10 days." Image
Boy do I have a surprise for you.

Because I have that letter. Image
Let's read it! It states:

"Dear Vice President Pence:

The 2020 election witnessed an unprecedented and admitted defiance of state law and procedural irregularities raising questions about the validity of hundreds of thousands of ballots in our respective states." Image
"The attached appendix summarizes the illegalities present in the 2020 election and provides evidence of
a coordinated and structured multi-state effort to undermine state law protecting election integrity."
"State legislative bodies have the constitutional authority and responsibility to determine the time, place and manner of elections and the selection of presidential electors. Yet, to date, we have been unable to fulfill those responsibilities in the 2020 Presidential election."
"The refusal by state executive branch and local officials to comply with reasonable legislative investigation requests, as well as their obfuscation and intentional deception have prevented proper investigation."
"Moreover, in some instances, state executives have acted to prevent legislatures from meeting as a body and in Michigan, threatened legislators with criminal investigation for meeting to fulfill their constitutional responsibilities."
"We intend on fulfilling our oaths of office by properly investigating and determining whether the election should be certified, or decertified, by our respective state legislatures."
"Additional time must be afforded for the legislatures to meet and for state legislators to fulfill their constitutional duties."
"On January 6, 2021, you are statutorily authorized and required under the Electoral Count Act of 1887 to preside over both houses of Congress to count and record the Presidential electoral vote count to elect the President and Vice President of the United States."
"This congressionally set deadline, however, is not the supreme law of the land, and in fact must not supersede our state legislative authority under the Constitution."
"Moreover, the deadline is not necessitated by circumstances, especially when it truncates the fulfillment of our constitutional duties and our responsibility to the American people."
"There are extensive and well-founded accusations of electoral administration mismanagement and deliberate and admitted violations of explicit election laws enacted by state legislatures in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin."
"Therefore, we write to ask you to comply with our reasonable request to afford our nation more time to properly review the 2020 election by postponing the January 6th opening and counting of the electoral votes for at least 10 days.."
"..affording our respective bodies to meet, investigate, and as a body vote on certification or decertification of the election. This action can be completed prior to the inauguration date, as required by the Constitution."
"American elections must be transparent, inclusive and produce results in which the American people have faith. The 2020 election, thus far, has failed in this respect. Your actions consistent with this request can repair this failing."
Then all these state lawmakers below joined in signing this letter.

Lawyers should take a very close look at this. Image
Continued: Image
Then the letter continues with their propaganda material in order for Pence to cave to their demand. ImageImageImageImage
The total document is 67 pages long and I won't share each single page. But you see what happened here.

Please let the lawyers chime in now.

When reporting, any shout out to this feed is appreciated. Image
NOTE: Other than this letter to Pence from The Amistad Project, there were several letters from groups of GOP lawmakers from various states sent to VP Mike Pence that asked him the same.

Nonetheless, all these letters were orchestrated by the White House.
He is an example of such a letter: Image
AZ state rep. Mark Finchem also wrote one such letter to Pence signed by other GOP state reps.

Guess who read that letter out loud at his Dalton GA rally?

Donald J Trump.

The next day Ali Alexander would mention it at the Freedom Plaza rally 1-5-21.
Now that we know that Phill Kline of The Amistad Project had at least two of the forged election documents in his cache of 1400 pages of documents alleging election fraud, let's now establish how close he was to Trump's legal team. Image
According to Rudy Giuliani, the Trump legal team was

"excited to have the Amistad Project as a partner in the fight to ensure the integrity of our elections."

The Trump campaign also joined with the Amistad Project on lawsuits on a case-by-case basis.… Image
Now without further ado, let Steve Bannon and Phill Kline explain whose idea it was to appoint slates of electors for Donald Trump in selected states that Joe Biden won.

Spoiler: The Trump Legal Team.
This is the source of the above clip:

It aired on December 14th, the day that Republican nominees gathered at the Michigan Republican Party headquarters in Lansing to sign the forged document.…
But wait! There is more :)

Phill Kline describes here what will happen next now that there are dueling (read: fraudulent) slates of electors.

This also aired on December 14th 2020.

But now let there be NO DOUBT whatsoever who came to the Michigan legislature with the forged documents in his hand.



Please credit this feed when reporting.
Here is the quick edit of Ian Northon, attorney for the Amistad Project, with the forged documents in his hands as well as him identifying himself at the end.
After Ian Northon, attorney for the Amistad Project, was seen at the Michigan State Capitol trying trying to get to the senate chamber with his forged documents, he and Phill Kline's daughter, Jacqueline Timmer, proudly gave more details in this video.

The second part of this video addresses their fraudulent scheme of dueling electors.

Jacqueline Timmer is Founder/Director at American Voters Alliance. She worked closely with her dad in their scheme to overthrow the free and fair 2020 United States presidential election.
Jacqueline Timmer's 501(c)4 nonprofit "Got Freedom?" was used as the cover for the earlier described January 2nd conference call in close cooperation with her dad Phill Kline of the Amistad Project.

She now operates under American Voters Alliance. Image
She even was so kind to issue a press release about that call.… Image
Let's read it: "Got Freedom? [..] conducted an exclusive national briefing today at the request of state legislators from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to review the extensive evidence of irregularities and lawlessness in the 2020 presidential election."
"A similar briefing is being scheduled in Washington, D.C. at the request of Members of Congress.

The documentation discussed during the briefing — which includes more than 1,400 pages of material — is being made available for public consumption at"
"Nearly 300 state lawmakers and others participated in the briefing, which also featured an address by President Trump. Also on the call were Rudy Giuliani; professor of law John Eastman..."
"...Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing (appearing in his personal capacity), and John Lott, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of Justice (also appearing in his personal capacity)."
"This information should serve as an important resource for state legislators as they make calls for state legislatures to meet to investigate the election and consider decertifying their state election results," said Phill Kline, who hosted the call on behalf of Got Freedom?."
Kline: "The integrity of our elections is far too important to treat cavalierly, and elected officials deserve to have all relevant information at their disposal as they consider whether to accept the reported results of the 2020 elections..."
..especially in states where the process was influenced by private interests."
"The evidence discussed includes unprecedented public-private partnerships that created a two-tiered election system in the states that determined the winner of the Electoral College."
"Funded by over $400 million from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, these public-private partnerships sought to boost turnout in Democratic strongholds while depressing turnout in conservative areas, violating constitutional guarantees of due process and equal protection."
"The private monies paid the salaries of election workers and funded the purchase of election equipment, but came with strict conditions on the conduct of elections in jurisdictions that accepted the money."
"These private interventions were aided by the actions of public officials, who sought to undermine transparency, fought efforts to audit the results, threatened legislators with investigation and prosecution for questioning the reported results.."
".. and in some cases even physically prevented state lawmakers from entering the Capitol Building in order to prevent them from challenging election certification."

!! 🔥
"The American people[..] deserve full access to the evidence we've uncovered," Kline said. "We're pleased to provide this information so that those who develop policy and make decisions will have all the relevant information available to them."
Phill Kline, his daughter Jacqueline Timmer, Ian Northon and Tony Shaffer have a lot of explaining to do.

Certainly to the @FBI. Image
And after the FBI takes their testimony. Take one guess which person will be directly implicated in all of this?

Yes, you got it. Image
NOTE: As you can see, I own a good amount of books. Some very good.

What do all these have in common?

They all fail to mention The Amistad Project, Phill Kline and key conference calls.

That is why any share of this thread is very much appreciated! Image
UPDATE: @thomasafine makes an interesting observation: the copies of Michigan and Wisconsin fraudulent elector vote certificates in the Amistad Project files have subtly different signatures from the copies that were filed with National Archives.


JOHN SOLOMON who had a role in Donald Trump's Ukraine scandal now appears to have had an active role helping Donald Trump with voter fraud claims in 2020. Image
🔥 1-6-21 his publication said:

"Just the News worked with more than three dozen journalists across the country for eight weeks trying to investigate claims of irregularities. Many got dismissed, but some were substantially documented by courts, election officials or testimony." Image
There was an official name for it:

The Just The News Election Integrity Project.

This is all revealed in an article that mentioned the Amistad Project's letter to Pence.…
This is what Just The News Election Integrity Project reports as their first finding: Image
Now let's see if any such thing ended up in the Amistad Project document dump..


Did John Solomon work with Phill Kline?

#AmistadProjectCoupPlotters Image
Maybe Phill can say a word about it himself?
Now let's also get back to that letter to VP Pence for a second.

Got Freedom? and The Amistad Project released a press release about it at the time that I don't want to withhold. So here it is:… Image
From the press release:

"A new summary of election irregularities, titled "Bought and Sold for Big Tech Gold: How an Unprecedented Private-Public Partnership Subverted the 2020 Election," is being sent separately to Members of Congress by Phill Kline, director of Got Freedom?."
🚨 That's interesting. Why? Because January 2nd, the day of the conference call with Kline, Giuliani, Navarro, Eastman, Lott, Trump and nearly 300 state legislators, there was also a conference call with 50 members of Congress.

Was Kline on that call?…

This thread established the Trump legal team and the Amistad Project worked together to coordinate dueling slates of electors across multiple states. However, confessions are a nice bonus.

On War Room, Rudy Giuliani makes the confession…
Here Steve Bannon sets up Rudy Giuliani for the confession. He will reply over multiple clips posted here.
In this next clip, Steve Bannon asks again why the Trump legal team is sending its own electors to the state Capitols.

Rudy Giuliani explains their reason for this (a corrupt one) and thereby confesses to the plot.

This episode aired on 12-14-2020 (game day.)
But Rudy Giuliani just can't help himself and incriminates himself further.

His words show all that's behind these fake GOP electors is corrupt intent.
Steve Bannon then closes the segment with the Big Lie:

That somehow not all votes are legal votes and that not all votes should be counted.
Earlier, Bannon addressed critics who accused the Trump legal team of sedition.

Bannon says:

"We're guilty of sedition" ✅
"We're undemocratic" ✅
"This is basically illegal what we're doing" ✅💯

"Are you guilty of sedition, mayor? Are you a traitor to the United States?" ✅
And get this: the same day the fake electors showed up at the state Capitols, Bill Barr was fired.

In this 12-14-2020 War Room episode, Bill Barr was discussed. And it wasn't pretty. As much as Bill Barr is corrupt in his own way, this firing was part of the criminal conspiracy.
Update: Here is another video of Jacqueline Timmer who worked with her father's Amistad Project dated 12-14-2020, which is the day the fake electors showed up at the Michigan State Capitol.

She said she worked together on this with a crew of One America News (OAN).
The next day (12-15-2020) Jacqueline Timmer announced an Amistad Project press conference the following day.

She also claimed the fake slates of electors were completely "constitutional."
This is that press conference.

And you know who is a big fan of the Amistad Project with multiple videos of them on his verified YouTube channel?

You guessed it right: Donald Trump. Image
So yes, Phill Kline also makes an appearance on Donald Trump's verified YouTube channel.

#KlinesFakeElectors Image
UPDATE: Yet another statement by Amistad Project lawyer Ian Northon explaining that the reason why he was trying to get in to the Michigan State Capitol building with his fake GOP electors was because he was going to help them with the paperwork.

I think Ian needs a lawyer.
Another clip from Ian at the scene 12-14-2020

h/t @rexrode1967 @visionsurreal @BGOnTheScene
BIG NEWS! Patrick Byrne says Sidney Powell and her team, THE AMISTAD PROJECT and other groups were all working from the same hotel (The Westin) in Alexandria, Virginia [to overturn the election] right after the election.
So yesterday Kelli Ward was subpoenaed among other coup plotters like Mark Finchem.

But you know what I love? CONFESSIONS!

December 17th 2020, in an interview, she said the fake electors they sent represented the "legally cast votes."


This woman was in non-stop contact with the prime coup plotter himself. Donald J Trump.

It's time to see some action from DOJ.

Seriously. Image
She also loves name dropping her fellow coup plotters:

She said to pray for Sidney Powell, Ret. Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, Donald Trump and Lin Wood.
It's one thing to have the signed paperwork.

But the audio clip I shared a few tweets ago reveals her state of mind. The language wasn't some accident she did not understand.

No, the clip I shared proves she 100% knew what she was doing.

She is a criminal of the worst kind.
And why do I say she is a criminal of the worst kind?

Her actions illegally aimed to keep a man in office who is personally responsible for the deaths of 100.000s of Americans.

He is responsible for separating children from their parents.

These are vile people.
Never forget Ali Alexander did a press conference with some of his Stop The Steal buddies and three of the fake electors on December 15th 2020.

This was the day after the papers were forged and sent to VP Pence, National Archives and Congress.…
Every day I wonder why we don't hear from the FBI in relation to Donald Trump's coup plot.

Could it be that some elements within the FBI were actively in touch with some of the coup plotters regarding their voter fraud claims?

We are talking about the Amistad Project here. Image
Matt Braynard and his team who were retained by the Amistad Project after election day said the FBI proactively and directly requested information from him.

Phill Kline even names the special agent in question:

Special Agent Young Oh of the Los Angeles Field Office.

Image Image
This is the complete statement by Phill Kline on this matter: Image
Now that we know that the Amistad was heavily involved with Donald Trump's coup plot, including, but not limited to: bogus reports, the spread of disinformation through social media and rightwing podcasts, lawsuits, the fake elector scheme...
..the January 2nd 2021 Zoom call of sedition that featured Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Peter Navarro, John Lott Jr and Phill Kline himself and letters to Vice President Pence ahead of January 6th..
..we need to know if this special agent "Young Oh" as described by Braynard and Kline is in fact a real person and working for the FBI.

If what they claim is true, a statement from the FBI regarding this matter is in place.
The Amistad Project was active months before the election. One of their lawyers, Erick Kardaal, filed a lawsuit in Wisconsin in August of 2020 to get Kanye West on the ballot.…
This was the complaint.…
So even before the election, they tried to pivot the election to Trump by helping a candidate that would merely siphon votes away from Democrat Joe Biden.
Mark Zuckerberg is trending today because Donald Trump demands an audit of Mark Zuckerberg's $417m election donations.

This flawed narrative originates with Phill Kline's Amistad Project. Image
After the Amistad Project assisted with the fake elector scheme December 14th 2021, they also filed a lawsuit which demanded that legislatures in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin be allowed to certify electors prior to congressional certification. Image
The lawsuit was filed by Erick G. Kaardal (WI0031)
Special Counsel for the Amistad Project of the
Thomas More Society.

Yes, this is the same guy that helped Kanye with a lawsuit to get on the ballot in Wisconsin with the clear intent to siphon votes away from Joe Biden. Image
Plaintiffs included the usual suspects.

You can read the entire document here:… Image
Phill Kline has more to say about the lawsuit in this video.

Interestingly, one of the statements he made is that he started to get involved with "election integrity" 18 months prior at the time of broadcast.

18 months!!!

January 4th 2021, 2 days prior to the insurrection, the ruling came out.…
The court held that plaintiffs' votes were counted and that plaintiffs lack standing as they have articulated only a generalized grievance.
As to the merits, that "the suit rests on a fundamental and obvious misreading of the Constitution," the district court found it lacked authority to overrule the Supreme Court.
And that plaintiffs "readily acknowledge that their position also means that the Supreme Court’s decisions in Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), and Texas v. Pennsylvania, No. 155 (Orig.), 2020 WL 7296814 (U.S. Dec. 11, 2020), 'are in constitutional error.'"
All of the foregoing proves once more that Phill Kline and his Amistad Project were at the heart of Trump's Green Bay Sweep coup plot.

And amazingly that he started with all this about a year and a half prior to the election. Image
NOTE: I meant to say: After the Amistad Project assisted with the fake elector scheme December 14th 2020 (not 2021).

But you knew that :)

Phill Kline subpoenaed by the @January6thCmte…
The one thing I had not touched on in this thread is the Amistad Project's funding.

But I can tell you right now: Coup plotting pays!! $$$ Image
Earlier this year @BrianFragaNCR did an expose on dark money funding right-wing catholic causes.

In it, he describes the organization Donors Trust as essentially the dark money ATM for the political right.…
He writes: The Thomas More Society, an Illinois-based public interest law firm that heretofore has specialized in litigation pertaining to religious liberty and pro-lifers' constitutional rights, received $1 million for general operations.
It also gave another $1 million for its "Amistad Project," a so-called election integrity initiative that sought to overturn the presidential election results in swing states that Donald Trump lost in November 2020.
The Donors Trust Form 990 tax filing that contains this information was published in this must read article.…
Look, here's a cool $1 MILLION for the Amistad Project. 👀

And a sweet $1 MILLION for its parent organization the Thomas More Society. Image
But there's more. (there's always more.) A cool $115,000.00 for Tony Shaffer's London Center for Policy Research.

Enough cash to be able to post monkey gifs on Twitter all day. Image
Remember how coup memo author John Eastman is a Senior Fellow of the Claremont Institute?

They got a nice little check too! $156,500.00 Image
This is the direct link to view and/or download the PDF:…

• • •

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Oct 5, 2024
🧵Thread (1) As I said before, Jack Smith omits most conduct of state legislators and members of Congress in his recent 165 page filing in his case against Donald Trump.

We only see them mentioned in passing on page 64. Image
🧵Thread (2) On January 2, 2021, Donald Trump (the defendant) informed Mike Pence that "he had spent the day speaking to a secretary of state, state legislators and members of Congress."

You're thinking: WTF was that about?

I'm saying, I told my followers the details years ago. Image
🧵Thread (3) Indeed, On January 2, 2021, Trump spoke with hundreds of state legislators and GOP members of Congress on Zoom.

These calls included unindicted co-conspirators. And the intention was to pressure Pence and get these people to go along with the plan for the coup.
Read 34 tweets
Sep 11, 2024
We're not gonna let the guy who stole boxes and boxes of classified documents occupy the White House again. Donald Trump is a traitor to this nation.

Also note the secret service agent in this clip is the same agent we saw next to Trump at the assassination attempt.
Me and @sandibachom have the movement of boxes on video. Secret Service was always around.
This is what the people who recorded the plane video told us at the time.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 30, 2024
🧵 We deserve a DOJ that investigates Republicans when they commit crimes.

And we shouldn't have to form Congressional Committees, write formal letters, and yell on Twitter for them to make that happen. Image
We shouldn't have to read long stories, long after the fact, where it becomes clear some people get protection they don't deserve.…
No, @ProjectLincoln shouldn't have to write formal letters begging them to open an investigation.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 14, 2023
📢 In her proffer, Jenna Ellis said at a White House Christmas Party, Dan Scavino told her Trump would stay in power no matter what.

I may have done more research on all of these White House Christmas parties/tours than even all my Mar-a-Lago threads combined.

🧵 Thread. Image
I never got to writing a thread about this before.

But the White House was overrun by insurrectionists and other Trump loyalists. A famous example is Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio with Latinos for Trump and MAGA Drag the Insterstate.
Of course Danny Hamilton also got an invite.
Read 39 tweets
Sep 19, 2023
🧵 I've researched both the January 6 case as well as the documents case in much detail.

Some of that research made it into the @January6thCmte report.

Some of it was published by major media.

Here are 25 threads I wrote that you should read and share. Image
@January6thCmte January 2nd, 2021, Trump called Brad Raffensperger.

Right after, he pressured nearly 300 state legislators to decertify the 2020 election.

Then he conspired with the House Freedom Caucus to urge people to march to the Capitol on January 6.

🧵 Thread:
@January6thCmte Within that thread, there was a new thread.

It was a witness account of the January 2nd call that was recorded two days later.

Since people's memories fade over time, this was an essential record.

🧵 Thread:

Read 28 tweets
Aug 22, 2023
Here we go again. Image
I do not believe federal investigators are reading Jan 6 journalists body of work.

No one can ever accuse me of not attempting to do the right thing.
I looked at my inbox today and have seen nothing yet. That's alright I guess.

But in the meantime we learned that Oath Keeper leader Stewart Rhodes was in close contact with the Secret Service.

So how are we supposed to trust these MAGA-aligned government agencies?
Read 15 tweets

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