Is this why Macron, Draghi, and Trudeau are so panicked by the unvaccinated? Is it because they are actually *more* protected from #omicron than even the triple jabbed? Why does this prospect terrify them so much? It shouldn't, but clearly does. Their anger gives them away.
MY COUNTRY: We're mandating this shot with risks and just so you know, you're on the hook for any bad reactions.
ALSO MY COUNTRY: Oh yeah, here's your mandatory 21% INCR in predatory 'health'care premiums (my incr below).
I live in a sick, soulless country - change my mind.
This pisses me off enormously. My state and my federal government require me, under penalty, to get HC insurance. My state is captured by the industry and I cannot get catastrophic only. It's NOT allowed.
There's no fixing this. It's too broken. Time for a reset.
And to all you horrible, terrible humans running the health insurance industry, you do not "earn" your salaries. You pillage them. Same story for Congress for allowing this. I will have zero sympathy if/when your gravy trains come to an end. #TimeForAReset
First, after an extensive toxicological review, there are still zero cases of death caused by ivermectin that can be directly assigned. I review that data here, but the summary is that IVM is 'an extremely safe and well-tolerated drug.'
Next, the literature even includes a 19-year-old woman who tried to commit suicide by taking an estimated 400 3 mg tablets, or ~100x the usual human dose. She survived without complications after receiving ordinary supportive care.
The Doctor that was quoted in dozens of articles saying gunshot victims couldn't get into beds because they were clogged with 1verm3ctin OD victims...turns out not to have worked in that ER for 2 months. Oh, the hospital denies any IVM ODs too. So there's also that.
This is not just misinformation, but journalistic malpract6ice of the highest order. Fact-checking 101. If I made half this sized mistake, YouTube/Twitter/FB would gleefully deplatform me without a second's notice. @RollingStone@YahooNews@HuffPost all should be banned now
/3 I am so pissed off right now I can hardly type. White hot anger. I am so fed up with all these lies.
Oh. Look. Going to the local reporting source in Tulsa gives a completely different view.
Note that "gunshot victims" is now victim, singular. And that the swamping of beds of multifactorial. And that IVM isn't mentioned once.
Every single 'news' outlet and reporter involved in this travesty of bullshit is hereby on permanent double secret probation in my world.
By the way, the NYTimes never recovered a single shred of credibility with me after the Aluminium Tubes fiasco. I'm a stickler that way.
The #pharmaganda campaign against 1verm3ctin is reaching a fever crescendo and we all have to wonder why.
Also from the article below: "The doctor defended his practice ,saying no deaths have been reported due to Covid-19 out of the 531 cases in the jail."…
/2 Also, color me jaded, but I would not put it past the #pharmaganda team to be placing calls to poison control themselves to drive the only narrative they've got which is "calls are pouring into poison control centers".
Know what they don't have (but eagerly await)?
A single recorded death due to 1verm3ctin.
Not one.
Think about that as compared to the hysteria in this latest #pharmaganda campaign. Shame on everyone participating in it. Yes MSM, I'm talking to you.