A thread 🧵 on whether a rank >10k in #NEETPG2021 is “bad.”
Between 2k-12k is when government seats for various specialities close. 10k is an arbitrary cut-off taken by me, because that’s when most specialities close.
So if you’ve ranked 15, 20 or even 30k, is that bad?
NO. A rank of 20k, 30k, 40k or even 50k is not bad! The difference in marks are minuscule. Plus, the exams don’t even test true qualities expected in a doctor - like compassion, decision making and medical ethics!
Then why does it look so bad?
Why does a rank below 10k in #NEETPG2021 projected soo badly in this country?
1. Less seats. Poor infrastructure. 2. Reservations. 3. Public perception created by institutes on social media.
Have you noticed how a rank #1 #10 or #100 is interviewed by these educational institutions?
To give 1.6L future aspirants which hope?
Have you noticed how institution suggestions are given only for the first 10k ranks?
What about the remain 90k? Not good enough, right?
What is the different between rank 1, 10, 100, 10k, 20k, 50k? A few marks, hours of hard work or maybe a personal crisis.
Both sets of people are doctors, in all likelihood equally competent and most importantly the backbone of our healthcare system.
Here’s a personal statement. My rank is >>>10k. I did not let that number doubt my competence as a doctor and I’m here to tell you not to let it doubt yours either. Your identity is by the work you do and not the number on a piece of paper.
Here’s what you can do: 1. Support fellow rankers and aspirants! Your rank decides where you end up but doesn’t decide what kind of doctor you’ll become. 2. Call out institutions that project the “good” ranks in the spotlight. 3. Be proud of your own rank, whatever it may be!