This video demonstrates the normativity of male chauvinism in many Muslim societies. This normativity historically has been difficult to challenge inside those societies themselves due to the high cost of voice. But what is equally upsetting, alarming, and devastating that /1
this behavior is also difficult to challenge here Western societies due to the cultural hegemony of tyrannical anti-Western ideology that insists on exploiting and channeling every drop of human energy in its own ideological battle to dismantle capitalist, bourgeois, Christian /2
societies and to establish its millenarian reign. Someone like @YasMohammedxx and many like her who literally lived this would be an Islamophobe and a persona non grata for just attempting to talk about this. The progressive establishment would rather have the Ilhans, Sasours, /3
and Erekats of the world who help them in their crusade. This double protection, inside and outside, resulted in Muslim male chauvinism being the most protected and immune form of male chauvinism in the history of humanity. This statement by itself would aggravate many Western /4
narcissistic feminists who don't want any drop of female victimhood to be about anyone else but themselves. Here you find the pathology finding pathology, the narcissism of Western feminists finding the narcissism of Islamist activists and both engaging in a sadomasochist /5
performance that no sound person should want to have anything to do with. Those Western feminists btw are the kind of people who think that The Handmaids Tale was more about Trump's America more than say Iran. I don't think it is at all possible to change this, /6
self-worship is insurmountable and so is the blindness it creates. This is also why I believe that liberalism ultimately is a failure, leading back to the same human pathologies it once sought to treat. I believe that the human dignity of Muslim women would only be /7
protected and made triumphant only by the selfless work of Muslim women and men, and not by the narcissistic selfish activism of the woke. Any feminism that does not admit that today, it is women in many Muslim societies who are the most oppressed and dehumanized women /8
is not a genuine movement about women, but an ideological component of the latest wave of narcissistic anti-Western global rebellion and quest for power.
And just think about the fact that video was supposed to by a viral TikTok funny video. The flase prophets of technological salvation such as Yuval Noah Harari are truly terrible terrible thinkers and bad clown who day nothing meaningful. Liberal societies are failing so bad.
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I found this online and what a trip down memory lane. This is the exact copy of the Protocols of Zion I owned in Cairo when I was a teenager. I was 14 when I first read this. This specific copy was printed in 2003 after a spike of interest in the Protocols due to the /1
broadcasting of the show titled A Horseman Without A Horse on state-run TV which depicts the global Jewish conspiracy. This was immediately after 9/11 with the resurgence of mass antisemitism and anti-Americanism all over the ME. The show was shown during Ramadan when all /2
people do watch TV. You can read a contemporary report from NYT. The show was a massive success, produced, directed, and starred by Mohamed Sobhi, a widely beloved artist with Leftist inclinations. He is known for his classical Arab left shows and films.…
It is only natural that any ideological structure, any epistemological system, any symbolic institution, built on self-worship be antisemitic. The self-worship that is at the heart of Nazism, Islamism, Progressivism, etc. are not unique to Western thought or to Islamic thought /1
but an inherent universal human tendency. The institutionalization of such dispositions into a system of absolute truth, usually insisting that only subjectivity is truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth is just the modern manifestation of this. This self-worship, the /2
raw narcissism and the absolutism of the ego is what is at the heart of all such destructive movements, including Islamism and the modern Islam it created. When Hamas and IRGC choose to sacrifice their members and their families to the "last drop of blood," for honor /3
No, no, no. Muslim-German relations didn't start with anti-imperialism. They go way deeper than that. It was German Orientalists who discovered and uncovered Islamic civilization. By 18th century, classical Islam had almost disappeared. It degenerated into vulgar saint worship /1
in slums filled with disease and ignorance. What now is recognized as the canon of classical Islam, all the works of theology, law, kalam, hermeneutics, Quranic exegesis, etc. were all forgotten. It was Prussian, Austrian, and Hungarian scholars that dug all those up. Germans /2
were the ones who made Orientalism in the 19th century and rediscovered Islamic civilization and history. This created a close affinity and admiration on the highest intellectual level possible between Muslims and Germany from 19th century upward. To understand this you have /3
Meet the maker of Zionist "Settler Colonialism" Libel
Perhaps no man ever outdid Fayez Sayegh (1922) in contributing to the global war to delegitimize Israel and the Jewish State. Sayegh was the first to apply Sartre's critique of racism and neocolonialism to Israel and argued /1
that what applied to Algeria, Congo & Vietnam also applied to Israel. He was also the principal author of the 1975 UN Zionism is racism resolution. Sayegh, born in Syria to a Presbyterian minister, started his active life by joining the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, a Naizi /2
inspired pan-Syrian movement that was established in 1932 by Antoun Sa'ada, a Lebanese Christian Orthodox who insisted on being called Al Za'iem, the Arabic translation of Der Fuhrer. In his book Greater Syria, Daniel Pipes maintained that Sa'ada provided the model for all /3
الإسلام والأصالة الألمانية
في مايو ١٩٤٤، قام طه حسين عميد الأدب العربي بإعلان ميلاد الفلسفة العربية الحديثة بعد ان قضى ست ساعات في مناقشة اول رسالة دكتوراة في الفلسفة في التاريخ العربي والإسلامي الحديث في جامعة فؤاد الاول للطالب عبد الرحمن بدوي. حاول بدوي في خلق وجودية /1
اسلامية تخلط بين فلسفة مارتن هايدجر، اشهر فلاسفة الحزب النازي، وبين الصوفية لخلق فينمينولوجي اسلامي يجيب مشكلة الأصالة. الجدير بالذكر ان اشكالية الاصالة اصلاً هي منتج فلسفي الماني وليس لها وجود في التاريخ الإسلامي. قام بدون بخلط المثالية الألمانية والتصوف الفكري الوجودي مع /2
التصوف الروحي الاسلامي وخلق خطاب إسلامي ثقافي وحداثي بنكهة ألمانية. بعد ذلك صار عبد الرحمن بدوي مؤسس الدراسات الفلسفية الإسلامية الحديثة.
في عام ٢٠٠٠ نشر بدوي مذكراته في جزئين وصدم القراء باعترافه بانه كان ومازال متعاطف جداً مع النازية. في مذكراته قص كيف انه قابل واستمع لهتلر /3