According to a researcher, Brigitte Macron was born as Jean-Michel Trogneux, a man.
Yes.. You read it well..
But president Macron's wife said she was being targeted by a transphobic rumor and she would file a complain.
Really.. Why not defamation..?…
The source of this information on Brigitte Macron’s past life was in articles published in September in the journal Faits et Documents citing extensive evidence of a massive cover-up about a trans figure in the Elysee.
Faits et documents means Facts and documents... this is what it is, no theory, no speculation, only facts and documents.
Here is what Xavier Poussard, its editor declared yesterday;
On French social networks the hashtag #JeanMichelTrogneux has been trending for several weeks now. The hashtag has generated close to 80 000 mentions. A Russian television station has demanded an investigation into the rumour
The truth seeker, Natacha Rey, said she had firm evidence that the first lady was born Jean Michel Trogneux, a transgender male. Rey has been researching the shady past of Brigitte and the curious disappearance of her alleged “brother”.
Rey says that Jean Michel Trogneux was last spotted in the company of the highly controversial Joseph Doucé (since found murdered) in the late eighties, around the time when Brigitte appeared..
The pastor was the first advocate of gay marriages and trans surgery and head of a pedophile ring. Many suspect that Doucé had played a role similar to that of Jeffrey Epstein: Blackmailing those in power.…
The magazine Closer has attempted a denial. It accused the magazine which publishes French political news of “regularly relaying conspiracy theories”. But the Wikipedia entry for Faits & Documents describes it as a newspaper which is taken seriously.
The “fact-checking” Closer however blatantly lied that Emmanuel Macron was 17 years old when he met Brigitte. The current President was 14 years old, which could constitute a crime with at least two aggravating circumstances.
Macron was born in 1977 and Brigitte in 1953 according to official records.
In 2018, for the first time in the history of the Élysée, Emmanuel Macron opened the presidential palace to transvestites for the "Fête de la Musique."
The presidential pair posed with the cringeworthy “artists” which led to harsh criticism from conservatives.
An Italian psychiatrist Professor Adriano Segatori said he believed that Macron was raped by pederasts as a child.
Similar rumours were circulated about Michelle Obama, former US President Barack Obama’s wife...
Le Contrôle De La Population.
À un moment donné, l'élite a au moins tenté de dissimuler au grand public son enthousiasme sans bornes pour le contrôle de la population, mais maintenant, elle n'essaie même plus de le cacher.
En janvier 2020, une nouvelle étude alarmante qui prône le contrôle de la population mondiale comme l'une des solutions à "l'urgence climatique" à laquelle nous sommes confrontés a été publiée dans la revue BioScience.…
Ce document, signé par 11 258 « scientifiques » de 153 pays différents appelle ouvertement à une réduction de la population humaine de notre planète.
L’éprouvette du pangolin.
Ou comment l'histoire de l'origine de la fuite du Covid d'un laboratoire est passée de la «théorie du complot» au débat gouvernemental.
Décembre 2019
Un groupe de cas d'une mystérieuse maladie respiratoire est signalé dans la ville chinoise de Wuhan, les premières traces d'un virus qui "tuerait des millions de personnes" dans le monde dans la pire pandémie depuis des décennies..
16 février 2020
Le sénateur Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) devient l'un des premiers politiciens à avancer la théorie selon laquelle le coronavirus est né dans un laboratoire, soit comme un virus créé artificiellement, soit comme un virus naturel qui s'est échappé.…