She doesn't own anything in this video. These are standard perks for tech workers get so they don't complain about making $70-80k answering emails in one of America's most expensive cities
It's not a dunk that a billion dollar company is able to provide better than even the most well paid surgeon, but it should be everyone's concern that govt and corporations are buying up women into sterile neolib harems
Just because it has peleton bikes and vegan lunch options doesn't mean these aren't 19th century company towns.
In that thread about the state of tech work, it was pointed out that these people aren't living lives of leisure. They are being worked to death, have no life outside of work, and are usually so broken down by the time they graduate, they are dependent on mental health services.
Which brings us to the sexes. What functional difference is there between polygamy and the power of the oligarchs to snatch high-born women with the illusion of empowerment?
We frame the hypergamy problem as if the only competition for mates men face are other men. This isn't a cave. We are competing with institutions and products that artificially stimulate natural sexual urges.
We are all aware of how both genders now have to compete with porn, but what about the ability to provide? This has been discussed to death with the federal govts role in creating generations of single mother households, but are we ready for when the middle class is assimilated?
What other masculine roles might these companies take on in the near future? Would it surprise you if Google started promising its female employees fertility services, including surrogacy and access to high quality sperm?
The greatest question of all is why wouldn't women accept these terms? And what happens when to society when millions of women are captured to live insulated in the walls of the Sultans palace?
This is part of the great arc of modernity destroying any form of independent living. What is happening to these women is no different than the LGBT community being assimilated into intelligence work, and Black Americans into civil service
Traditionally second class citizens are being bribed with petty positions of status in exchange for blind loyalty to the system, all while being told this was the good life those white men stole from them.
Even if you become one of Amazon's Senior VPs, you will never be as free as the pioneers
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Mark my words, the last American president who provokes the 2nd Civil War will be an Indian woman
Indian-Americans have quietly become a dominant minority in competition with Ashkenazi jews, but have zero history in this country pre-1975. They have contributed zero productive labor or cultural contributions to this country, even their food is polarizing
Their only meaningful input into the system is entryism into medical specializations and Silicon Valley, both institutions the revolutionary subject has pure disdain. Their only skills are navigating the Anglosphere and sneering at poor people from an unearned claim to status
There is a concerted effort by Hollywood to make grown women look like dolled-up 16 year olds, because everything has to be YA to sell now. You can bash her taste, but she's responding to what the industry wants.
There's an idea now that pedophilia is either genetic or satanic in origin, when the real answer is that it's stunted development. Having your nervous system "stuck" due to trauma and only being able to relate to people at that same stage.
This is why devs and emo rockers keep getting caught with underage girls. Their ego stopped developing around highschool, and it's the only women who still think they are cool. They can't move on.
As you enter your mid-20s, your private politics should stop serving as social cues for your personal brand and begin to reflect the goals you want to achieve in life
I would like gas prices to be lower because I have a car. I don't have an oil company, so I don't look into it.
That's my opinion on gas.
I am in my late 20s and have a trade. I am not a well connected law student at a crisis point in history, so I don't think about revolution or shaping civilization.
I study small business finance and watch YouTube tutorials on lidar.
Unspoken decline story that happened this week is all the pro golfers leaving PGA for LIV, a new tour owned by the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia, and how little impact the shitlib hitpieces are having on these players careers.
Believe it or not, most pro golfers care more about getting paid and advancing their careers than performing the correct takes on Khassogi to marketing teams
I think as corporate politics makes it harder to manage yourself as a brand, you will see more and more athletes look east, especially when the pay is so much higher. It's much easier to move a individual (golf, tennis, combat sports etc.) than a whole organization.
I would rather spoonfeed my daughter lead paint chips than put her through a "gifted" program. I think back to when I was 14 writing 30 page research papers and all I feel now is rage.
The pressure on us was excruciating and egged on by the most mediocre people on the planet. I have a vivid memory of a 15yo girl breaking down crying because she couldn't impeach Benvolio as a witness in a R+J mock trial. Fuck her for not knowing when evidence can be introduced
The end goal of all this torture was that we were supposed to graduate with MAs from private schools and work as systems analysts in NYC for 80k/yr. When I look up the kids who thrived the most in this system, few if any have managed to leave school. Most burnt out around 22.
Sometime around age 15-16, my father archetype began to awaken inside me. Being raised around male cowardice, I didn't have many role models. Luckily, I was being exposed to media around that time that did its best to model it for me.
My father was detached, critical, and self-involved, only really capable of politeness. Even he was head and shoulders over my violent or broken uncles and grandpas. Any effusive display of male affection was alien to me. It just never occurred to me men were capable of it.
"Masculinity" was a popular discourse for years, but it never went beyond clickbait and hyperatomized self-help. We only scratched the surface of anything heroic or beautiful.