Trump’s MO since launching his political career has been to routinely accuse opponents of whatever he is most obviously guilty of, in hopes of getting the dual accusations treated as basically equivalent.
Republicans are currently systematically using hilariously obvious lies about fraud and election rigging as their pretext to actually rig elections. Now the savvy pose will be to treat it as hypocritical to make true claims that superficially resemble the lies.
So now if you notice that Republicans are using a completely imaginary problem as a pretext to push legislation that seems aimed at making it harder for minorities to vote, that’s exactly the same as utterly bats**t conspiracy theories about Dominion & Venezuelan communists.
Now, happily, some of the rhetoric about some of the specific GOP election bills is also exaggerated or overblown. But these are not really claims in the same category.
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Music to my ears. Most film adaptations have given the “World’s Greatest Detective” aspect of the character pretty short shrift, so pleased to hear this version is leaning into it.
The Keaton version cracks the pattern to the Joker’s poisoned consumer products (offscreen), and the Bale version uses some fancy tech to reconstruct a fingerprint from bullet fragments, but otherwise film Batmen don’t do a whole lot of detecting.
I guess Bat-Kilmer solves some corny riddles, but I refuse to count that.
I know this is the kind of prediction that can easily become embarrassing, but I really can't see the “metaverse" being that significant in the near term (~5-10yrs), and even beyond that I’d bet on it having relatively limited application.
For most functions—honestly, pretty much about every function other than gaming—navigating a virtual world is just a really bad, inconvenient UI. Wearing a visor so I can have a Zoom meeting in a virtual Shinto shrine might be a fun novelty, but it adds relatively little value.
Assume away the hardware clunkiness and stipulate that we’ve got VR/AR tech so compact it can be squeezed into something indistinguishable in form factor from ordinary glasses.
I’ve seen this going around, and it’s like Dunning-Kruger incarnate in meme form. Like, to think this is remotely clever just requires staggering levels of ignorance and arrogance on multiple levels. Let’s count a few!
(1). You have to be so ignorant of the news you don’t realize that (like many vaccines) scientists understood perfectly well it was likely that the immunity conferred would wane over time, though not exactly how much over what period of time.
(2). You have to be so ignorant of biology that you don’t realize there are excellent theoretical and empirical reasons for thinking vaccines don’t have long-term side effects. Humans know some things. Not all aspects of the future are equally unknowable!
If I were reporter Josh Renaud, I would seriously consider suing Mike Parsons for defamation. He was publicly accused of committing a specific felony that *so obviously* does not apply that I’d think it counts as “reckless disregard for whether it was false or not."
I note that Mike Parson used to be a sheriff, which makes it even more sketchy that his knee-jerk response to criticism is to fabricate a crime he can falsely accuse the critic of.
This is one of the stupidest controversies in state politics, against stiff competition. The state was publishing teachers’ Social Security Numbers on public websites, and blames the journalist who noticed, falsely calling his investigation “hacking.”
The teachers’ private data was contained in the source code of publicly accessible State web pages. It cannot be hacking to look at source code. Every time you look at a web page, you have already downloaded the source code to your own computer.
Apparently the SSNs were also very feebly encoded. Now, maybe the state hoped nobody would figure out their weak encoding and realize they were SSNs. But figuring out what a file on your own computer says is not hacking.
This may sound like just a bit of pathetic, delusional cosplay—let’s make up official looking documents from the parallel earth where our guy won!—but it looks like a coordinated part of the all-too-serious scheme to overturn the election results.…
Remember, the crackpot scheme was that Pence would refuse to count the real votes from several states, starting with Arizona, on the utterly false pretense that there were “multiple slates of electors” from those states.…
Excluding the real results from the states with imaginary “multiple slates of electors,” Pence would either declare Trump the winner or conclude that no candidate had a majority, kicking it to the House, which (voting by state delegation) would be able to re-elect the loser.