I am going to write this out without using the word synthetic shares or manipulation and put my tinfoil hat on the ground. I want you to look at all the tangible evidence and tell me what you see from the data that MM and SHF can’t report on.
I’m going to start by discussing November onwards because that’s when the options chain for Jan 21st started to grow. Since November the daily short/ Darkpool volume has been 57-64% daily yet the reported SI% is roughly 19.8-20%
Since they are trying to avoid naked short selling they are using shared loans and trading to each other in blocks of 100 day in and day out (as witnessed on level II’s daily that is not human) meaning they are shorting and covering walking the price down.
This technique is expensive but it is also lowering the price against their shorts on loan. By returning the shares after each trading day they keep the CTB low. While analysts and other “people” are telling us it’s not bullish that these shares are available (psy-ops)
Yet the OBV is climbing and the inflow has been greater than the outflow daily. Meaning retail and institutions are still buying yet the price is declining. It took them 11 months to figure out how to do this and it’s blatant.
The yellow is indicative that investors are holding and that this is a carefully formulated sell off. That’s why they won’t dump those 7M shorts at once because they would lose control once the CTB starts to climb.
Here is Peloton which shows an actual sell off by investors. Note the drop with the price.
At the beginning of November AMC had a total market cap of around 20B and through this HFT tactic they have managed to siphon 10B away from AMC’s total market cap while keeping the reported SI around 18% I’ve heard many “investors” say short laddering is impossible
But it’s happening before our very eyes. This is how they walk down the price daily. Once they are done they simply return the shares to IBKR and start again the next day rinse and repeat. I have a feeling after today the brakes will be let off.
There’s no point in tagging the SEC because they are in on this. The Jan 21st options chain was a threat to the market so they allowed them to continue to bypass the SSR with short exempts. Notice the spike on the days the SSR was triggered.
All eyes are on AMC so while everyone is looking over here they are aggressively shorting IWM where the reported SI is currently at 40% and the FTD’s were through the roof mid December.
This was a formulated attack in order to make sure 90% of calls were pushed OTM so they didn’t have to delta hedge and any contracts ITM were hedged against making them delta neutral. They were allowed by Reg SHO and the SEC partnered with Blackrock.
They may have weaselled their way out of this gamma squeeze. But I hope you can take this information with a grain of salt and realize no one has sold, this is HFT to mitigate risk to the system. It’s us vs them. This isn’t over. It’s far from it. No one is selling GME either.
Okay so then how did the float (which was 100M at the time) trade 10X over when on January 27th was Position Close Only meaning people could ONLY sell.
YouTube, a place where inexperience and a platform go hand in hand.
When my DD went viral and YouTubers tried to explain it they missed the point entirely and that is where I woke up to where we are and how we got there.
I see a lot of hate for the YouTubers lately.
YouTube became an echo-chamber of confirmation bias. People throwing out dates and filings to justify when a stock is going to randomly fly. The YouTubers had no clue, just as I did. I just wanted to make money.
The YouTubers made their money on call options.
While I held life changing money and watched it vanish. I was awaiting the day they would just delete their accounts and disappear. There is high levels of infiltration going on and now as the price has come back down to earth people are exhausted and turning on each other
Citadel - FTD’s, Dark Pools, derivative strangles, statistical arbitrage, in bed with other HFT firms, long on both AMC & GME per fintel, the face of distraction.
Part 1.
Short sellers - FUD campaigns, infiltration, stock basher accounts, skewed fundamentals, articles, connections, shorting through the derivative market, shorting in a bear market, downloading options data daily in order to hit max pain, defending their ego…
Part 2.
In bed with every research firm out there globally, using the first amendment to spread lies and deceit.
What they do is unethical and on a fine line of legal. But what is illegal is them pushing the narrative that AMC is going bankrupt this year.
Gets pushed aside and people ask me to explain like they are 5. I work 7 days a week and AMC has been my second job for over a year now. For me the magic and the Hopium are gone and Im telling you who is in the play and how to beat them but it is to no avail.
Because I am now data driven and factual no one wants to hear it. I’ve uncovered the activist short sellers yet everyone wants to yell at citadel. I look at @koryamc1’s tweets and @ApeAverage’s tweets and they get little traction even though they are critical elements
With 90-95% of all retail orders being rerouted to the Dark Pools off exchange and retail orders being met with a “short to retail” sell the only way to move the price is through derivatives.
All buy and hold has done was slow the bleed.
Part. 1
As we found out with the Jan 21st options chain they download the options data daily in order to hit max pain (the short hedge funds) so leaps don’t have any surprise gamma as they can be delta hedged for over time. The key words I have been seeing are short-dated OTM.
Part. 2
Directly from a short report states they are no longer fearful now that retail has stopped buying short dated OTM calls.