1/n Attending 9 different schools growing up because of a parent's frequent transfers gave me a unique perspective.
Depending on the area we moved to, I was enrolled in a Hindu/general or Christian school, based on which one had a better reputation.
2/n All of the schools I attended, per the general culture of private schools in India, had uniforms and school badges.
Prayers were Hindu or Christian, per the school's wish. I was okay with both and of course all students complied.
3/n All schools I attended were English medium schools, where except for a language class or two, subjects were taught in English.
A difference I found in the two schools is the respect given to a student's faith, and the student's native language.
4/n While Hindu schools had no problems with students wearing a cross, or other faith symbols. As long as you wore your uniform+badge, all was well.
Hindu schools also did not impose English in normal conversation between students. Teachers spoke to students in English.
5/n Christian schools imposed restrictions on non-Christian symbols.
Hindu girls were told to not wear a bindi in some schools. Others said to not wear flowers in hair (a common Hindu tradition in Southern India), even if said flowers came from a temple or from puja.
6/n Christian schools also imposed English in student conversations, unlike Hindus. So you cannot speak in the regional language. One school even fined pupils for conversing in regional language!
7/n A particularly brazen Christian school made students sing Hindu bhajans and kirtans and then changed all the divine names from Hindu to Christian.
For example, 'Jai Bhavani' became 'Jai Prabhu'.
Even today there are dance arangetrams changing Krishna kritis to Jesus kritis
8/n As children brought up in Hindu ethos of respect for all faiths we did not think to question these.
In high school I rebelled and refused to remove flowers from my hair that came from puja. Earned the nickname 'malli'(jasmine) being the only student with malli flowers.
9/n So basically disrespect for native traditions and languages, along with cultural appropriation happened in front of our eyes.
Saw a classmate get medical seat in a Christian medical college, because of her Christian faith. No such privilege for Hindus in India.
10/n Luckily none of the schools pushed conversion on me.
My heart goes out to children like Lavanya, a Hindu student pushed to suicide by conversion vultures.
11/n Our parents were innocent, and did not realize the agenda of the missionaries. Children are too young to understand.
Every Hindu needs to take a stance that they will not send a child to a school that has NO RESPECT for their faith or traditions.
12/n Sarva Dharma Samabhava (Live and Let Live) has been ingrained in us Hindus.
1/n With a likely new administration in January, I sure hope that the US does not start anymore wars in the Middle East, Venezuela or elsewhere.
Past wars were waged under some 'moral' pretext or other on oil-rich Middle East countries. Ended in disaster everywhere.
2/ GWB took out Saddam and it created the ISIS monster. Obama armed ISIS to take on Assad whose regime the US wanted to change. They cooked up some story about Assad gassing his people.
Tulsi who found and reported the truth of people's support for Assad was smeared.
3/ WikiLeaks vindicated Tulsi's stand.
Wars in the middle east create refugees from these theocratic states. The refugees who are used to theocratic laws pour into secular nations. They don't want to assimilate, and want their theocratic "God-ordained laws".
2/ It is a whole different mindset. Where Yazidi rapes and killings are not protested, where minorities are killed and abused and treated inhumanely, and no protests for that.
Where 'intellectuals' speak in support of beheading a teacher. And worldwide protests for a cartoon.
3/ This mindset is incompatible with free societies, where religious and gender freedoms are practiced, and freedom is enshrined.
Free societies should NOT allow adherents of this intolerant ideology to infiltrate. Education does not reform this mindset. Nor does wealth.
1/ I have a theory why leftists and Islamists are together. Leftists' "solidarity" with working classes can draw large crowds. Islamists have petrodollars. So Islamists routinely cry that they are 'oppressed'. Leftists pledge solidarity, Islamists money runs their campaigns
2/ Islamists end goal is to make the world a caliphate. To do that they need to enter as many open societies as possibly, using diversity, multiculturalism and shutting down any debate with the fake word 'Islamophobia'. Then they form enclaves, elect reps, and get into politics
3/ Leftists want campaign money, know that Islamists hate pagan faiths like Hinduism, so leftists indulge in Hinduphobia and call Hinduism 'oppression' while ignoring thetreatment of women and minorities by Islamic states. Islamists use leftists to gain political power gradually.