Skully | JC guide me Profile picture
Jan 22, 2022 121 tweets 20 min read Read on X
[#JiangCheng centric/allcheng in the future?] It all started with a shot to his heart.

Or to be more exactly, his nephew "accidentally" shooting an arrow directly to his chest after a big argument on a nighthunt.
He was not sad, just disappointed and it must've shown it on his face the moment that realization came into their faces.

"No, nononono! Jiujiu!" He heard for the last time until his eyes, even if they were not closed, only shown him void and emptiness.
Quite fiting by being killed by the one you have only thought as a son even if it was his diseased older sister's child.

It was a silly discussion, in the eyes of others at least, but for him it wasn't the moment that Wei Wuxian's cultivation ideas surfaced on the young quartet
He had seen it one to his strangled shixiong when they were also their age and he didn't wanted for him and them to ever even think of the idea.

Everything was calm until said demonic cultivator and husband intervened. In that exact moment it was when everything went south.
"Whatever. I don't care anymore." He says, voice much softer and resembling now of a child.



Quickly just as he realized that, Jiang Cheng's eyes (when they were closed?) flied up only to find himself in a very soft bed, two adults sleeping on his side.
Jiang Cheng looked down showing only his small child hands.

He tried to think deeply on what was happening but a soft gasp broke his concentration.

"A-Cheng, darling you are awake!" The woman said and stumbled to his side, quickly engulfing him on a tight and warm hug.
"Oh baby, we thought we have lost you forever, you wouldn't wake up!"

Just as she said that, the other adult went to his side. Big and fat tears falling from his face showing his feelings openly.
"My son, you are awake." He says and proceeds to embrace him just as warm as the mother did.

Unfortunately, they will flinch when they hear the next words.

"Who are you?"

It seems like after dying, he luckily ended in the reincarnation circle but his life-threatening fever caused for him to remember his past life.

Or that is his theory at least; he cannot voice it out unless he wants to make his current parents cry more until they pass out.
"My baby doesn't remember me!" The father cried out loud while he hugged his son tighter on his big arms. "DARLING, CALL THE DOCTORS! HE MUST BE DELIROUS!"

"I-I am feeling better-"

"I have the doctor on the phone!" the mother quickly said and took out from her pocked-
a cellphone.

Jiang Cheng has never saw that on his past life so he accidentally voiced it out.

"W-what it that device? is magical?"

His father (?) cries harder the moment he said that, bowing hard that his son doesn't even remember his favorite electronic.

"I AM WITH THE DOCTOR ON THE PHONE!- Yes doctor! My son woke up finally and his fever went down but he doesn't remember anything!-", "MY BOY!!!", "And my husband is now hysterical! what should we do- yes, yes we are going right away!"
She quickly took both of HER boys and stormed to the hospital.

Jiang Cheng is glad he knows how to keep a neutral face by courtesy of those terrible sect conferences because if not, he would also be panicking like this life's father by all the new things he keeps seeing.

"The boy is fine." The doctor said and showed them the results on her screen. "Unfortunately his fever was very high at that moment and that might have caused him to lose his memory but with lots of luck he is now fine and has no other side effect."
The sobbing father was side-eyed by his son and wife but they ended ignoring him to place attention to the healer.

"W-would he remember in the future?" she asks and the doctor only sighs.

"We cannot know. It might be a possibility but don't have your hopes up. +
Maybe it would be better if the 3 of you create new memories. The kid is still very young so it won't be that bad."

When the doctor said those words, as if they were magical, the father brightened up and hugged his two loves close.

With lady luck smiling on his side, Jiang Cheng's now very expressive new father found a way for him to get to know better this new world and he will use his little adult mind absorb it so he would stop making them sad.

After a few weeks vacationing around the globe (and his father putting him on Daisy's huge pink bow headband on Disneyland), Jiang Cheng could finally take a grasp on many things that is happening during this timeline.
He is so out of touch that his parents have actually looked at him confused when tried to write on a normal pen (wow, he doesn't need to grind ink anymore!) and wrote in ancient Chinese.
"Darling, why my cute son is writing as if he was my grandpa's grandpa?" he said which his wife only shut him up with a playful slap on his head.

Because of that he ended going to Mandarin cram-school which he made a wonderful (?) surprise.
"Chifeng-Zun?" Jiang Cheng says when he sees an slightly older boy having another much older kid on a headlock.

The small kid's eyes shoot up and dropped the victim of his punishment un-ceremonially on the floor.

He stood up and gave him an up and down look.

"Jiang Wanyin?!"
At hearing his courtesy name, the adult on him could finally sigh in relief.

In all this madness -which at the moment he is not complaining-, he is not alone.

"So you are telling me that after you died you also ended here in the future with the body of your younger self." Nie Mingjue asks, his hand reaching for Jiang Cheng's bag of chips. "Huh, well at least you didn't punched your current parents on the face like I did."
Rolling his eyes, Jiang Cheng slapped the sneaky hand away from his chips.

"Stop eating my food!" He retorts but ends giving him more. "And ouch, why would you hit them first before asking them anything?!"

"Hey, I died via a qi deviation caused by a midget, get me some slack."

"And you are already speaking in a modern way, you caught up fast!"

"My father takes pride on being an older "cool" millennial; his words, not mine much to my mother's demise. So on the way I learned some stuff."

The boy snorted and nods.
"Understandable, my two dads are weird on their own, so I get it. One is a fashion designer and the other an architect. Do you know how it feels having artistic parents only for their son being-"

"A muscle head jock?"

"... Into sports. Good to know that you are still sassy."
Laughing, Jiang Cheng let his friend take more of his snacks.

"Seriously, you are a life saver! My parents are more into the healthy lifestyle and they don't let me have snacks or much meat!"
With an smile on their faces, both adults in their kids body continued to talk about their family, past and their remorse before dying.

It was a comfort that neither their families can give them but that together they will know how to process it better.

Seasons pass and the two, now teenagers have grown closer in a way that they wouldn't have ever thought.

Although they also made friends on the outside, they always knew that their friendship was different than the others but they didn't dared to gave it a name yet.
None of them knew that things would change after Nie Mingjue's college exam ended.


The teacher announced that it was over, and with it, Nie Mingjue's freedom.

After hours of being in the same place, the man finally was able to stretch.
His stretching caused some loud popping that made some of his classmates giggle.

Returning them a charming smirk, the man gets his things together and, by the disappointment of his future classmates, he leaves.
He has someone already waiting for him and he can get pouty if they made him wait to much.

On the way his smile grows imagining his best friend fussy and probably very covered up (the season was cold) and carrying on him a homemade snack that he adores to have.
His smile drops when he sees said friend talking to someone who fortunately (or unfortunately?) knows very well.

He quickens his step not minding the looks from others.

Heartbeat quickening because they both expected something like that to happening but still hoping.
Placing his arm on front of a slightly uncomfortable looking Jiang Cheng, Nie Mingjue sheltered him from a shocked looked Lan Xichen.

His stare quickly going from surprised, to confused, to saddened in a matter of seconds.

"Da-ge-", "Da-ge-"
Both Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng said at the same time. They shared a look but the Lan pointed at the slightly younger Jiang Cheng to speak first.

The young man shook his head and looked at the side.
Placing his hand on Nie Mingjue's bicep, Jiang Cheng whispers some words to him and leaves.

The shock on Lan Xichen's eyes was evident by the very intimate touch he gave to the taller man but he didn't cared.
If there is something that Jiang Cheng has learned about Lan Xichen on his past life is that if he is there, then his brother and his spouse might be close and no matter how many years it has been, he doesn't feel ready to see them.
No, he just don't want them close to him and his family.

He is finally loved by those who gave him life and no matter how cheesy they are he loves them back and he doesn't want to lose them for anything in the world.

Both men looked at the retreating back of the younger male; both sharing conflicting feelings about the elephant in the room.

Finally Nie Mingjue was the one to break the tense atmosphere with a hard pat on Lan Xichen’s back, almost sending him forward.
“Well, is good to finally see you again Xichen.”

The Jade gave him a short smile that didn’t stayed. He looked at the floor in shame and sadness

“I- I didn’t knew that Jiang Wanyin and you were close friends”

Nie Mingjue sighed and pointed with his head one of the shop’s table
Once they sat, the young Nie finally answered him.

“We are childhood friends.” He said and called a waitress. “A-Cheng and I meet at cram school after he gained his past memories and lost his childhood ones.”

“I see…” Lan Xichen said.
He took the tea that was brought to him on his hands for comfort, not knowing what to say or what to do. Fortunately, Nie Mingjue also knows well his past best friend, or at least he hopes.

“Xichen, is there something you wish to tell me?” He asks carefully.
When he sees the other flinch and let out an uncomfortable laugh, he knows he was not wrong on his assumption.

“… You know it was not your fault, right?” He says and the Lan embraces closer his tea. “He was worst than a snake; you shouldn’t feel guilty about how I died.”
“Is not only yours Da-ge.” He lets out painfully. “I- I got manipulated so bad by him that not only I didn’t believed in your words but I also hurt terribly Jiang Wanyin with my own and my actions.”
At that, Nie Mingjue’s eyes shoot up, a familiar feeling of overprotectiveness coming to him.

“What do you mean by that.” He did not asked, he ordered and Lan Xichen knows that he must use his words carefully.
“You always knew I had a soft stop for him since I meet him on his studies at my sect. But…”

“Xichen, SPILL IT OUT.”

Biting his lips, he continued.
“One time I accidentally got drunk, it was at Lanling Jin and for what Uncle told me I blamed him for what happened during the sage.”

The hand on Nie Mingjue’s coffee tightened.
“That was after you died so I wasn’t that good… After that and after Jin Guangyao’s words I ended harboring negative thoughts about him.

“He asked many times before for our help- my help, +
so I can place a good word so he could spend more time with Young Master Jin but I always sent a letter back in rejection.”

Nie Mingjue kept himself quiet but his stare turned less friendly.
“I loved him but I still had those honeyed words and rumors that let me thought that he wasn’t good to be around Young Master Jin so I did nothing…

Then… that day happened and I was such a coward.
The worst kind… that instead of helping him during his most painful times of betrayal, I decided to go into seclusion.”

“You let him alone when he was hurting while you let your stupid brother and spouse hurt him without any consequences!?” He finally shouted.
Without thinking he slammed his mug to the floor and jumped on his seat; burning anger olive eyes looking at crying amber ones.

“What the fuck was your sect rules existed for?!”

“Sirs please calm down-“ a waitress came but flinched when she saw the anger now directed at her.
“No need.” He says and slams big bill on the table. He looks at Xichen and glares.

“Don’t apologize for me and don’t ask me to help you.” He snarls and takes his backpack. “Do it on your own if you are so truthful on wanting on doing it but I will NOT help.”
Without looking back, Nie Mingjue leaves a now sobbing Lan Xichen.

It will not be the first and only time they meet, but he will need to man up to beg his friend for forgiveness.

He stormed out from the store.

His body radiated fury causing everyone to skip away from him and he didn’t minded; he surely felt like punching anyone who tried to touch him.

That is until he hears a voice that never fails on soothing him.
“Stop frowning, that is my professional job.”

As if his words were magical, his frown disappeared and looked at where the voice came from.

His cheeks turned red at the endearing sight.
Jiang Cheng was sitting on a bench close to the college’s exit, blowing his naked hands for warmth.

Nie Mingjue’s steps automatically moved towards him and he removed one of his gloved hands to give it to him.

“What are you doing here, shouldn’t have you gone home?”
He says while Jiang Cheng takes the glove and pouts when he sees is not enough.

Without any shame, he gives to Nie Mingjue the snack he made to him on his gloved hand while he takes his naked one into his and places inside one of the taller man’s coat slope.
Nie Mingjue’s reddness deepen but Jiang Cheng doesn’t mentions it, instead he sighs happy at the warmth.

“One, you dumb idiot, you forgot what I made you.” Jiang Cheng says and pulls the man with him to the exit. “Two, we were going to celebrate together, remember?”
“Ah, right.” He says dumbly.

“And three, I knew you will probably be ready to throw some punches to a poor random person so as a responsable friend I decided to wait for you.”

Nie Mingjue laughed out loud and felt his heart melt harder for him.

“Right right, the jock tamer.”
Jiang Cheng smirkes, his eyes twinkling in mirth.

“Correct.” He says and continues to pull the other. “Lets go before any of my uncles gets an aneurysm when they know how much sugar I am gifting you.”
They both left the college primases, not knowing that a pair of amber wet eyes looked at them in longing.

One for love and the other for the friendship.

One day La Xichen thought that he went to sleep after another day of penance only to awaken the next day to a soft blue room full of cute criter plushies around.

He was so confused that he couldn’t speak right away by the whole surprise
Stumbling, he tried to get up from his bed tall bed only to fall right on his face.

Biting his lips he went up again to observe his arounds until he found a tall but covered mirror on his wall.

When he moved the white sheet, he gasped.

He was now on a child’s body.
To be more specifically, his body as a child but with more shorter hair.

“W-what is going on?!” He touched his soft face with his small hands, not noticing that two more people have entered into his room. “This cannot be happening, I was just in seclusion, how-?!”
“Brother.” One voice said making him move quickly his head to the sound.

On front of him was his younger brother but still on his adult body, meanwhile besides him was a more “sheepishly” also adult Wei Wuxian still in Mo Xuanyu’s body.
Both wore different clothes and hairstyles, but it was clearly that it was them.

His confusion turned into anger when he saw the clear remorse from his brother’s face.


For a second, Lan Wangji looked remorseful, but that didn’t last.
“… I had to do what we needed to do.”

He was going to explode in shouts but Lan Wangji placed on him a silencing spell and with a binding cable (not that it was necessary with his actual lac of cultivation) they bonded his body and took him to the house lounge.
“I know brother has some questions.” Lan Wangji says and quickly Wei Wuxian nods.

“Yes and we will answer brother-in-law all of them, but please, relax, we mean no harm!”

He cannot answer even if he wanted too, so the young Lan Xichen just kept himself on place.
“Ok, Lan Zhan. Do you want me to explain or…”

The second Jade shakes his head and looks directly at his brother. After taking a deep breath he places his golden eyes on clear amber ones and starts.

“… Brother died during seclusion.” He says.
“It was slightly after Jiang Wanyin died during the nighthunt.”

The eyes of Lan Xichen widen considerably in shock, then disbelief and followed by a deep boned sadness. It wasn’t missed by them but they decided to not touch the matter for now.
“After Shufu send us a letter, we… I tried to find a way to see you again, you talk to brother but all of my attempts went rejected.”

“Lan Zhan tried hard with Inquiry but brother-in-law decided to always cut communication with him. +
All close contact with your body was also rejected by Grandmaster Lan; saying that we couldn’t be trusted with his nephew’s body and we respected that.”

Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian’s hand on his and kissed it.

Feeling like the spell was broken, the small Lan Xichen spoke up.
“So you two reached immortality, isn’t it.” He say as a matter of a fact, not a question which his brother hummed in agreement; eyes never leaving his husband. “So what did you two did. If I am here with my past memories then it means that you two must’ve done something.”
“We… we walked around the city and close was a park.” Wei Wuxian started. “They were kids running around but there was one that captured our eyes. It was big brother.”

Wei Wuxian chuckled when he remembered that moment.
“Big brother was hugging a stuffed deer animal almost your size. It was so cute!”

“Go to the point, Young Master Wei.” Lan Xichen glared and made the other chuckle again but in an uncomfortable way now.
“W-well… it seemed that all of you were orphans and so we decided to adopt you!”



“Luckily my Lan Zhan and I had a lot of money so there was no issues with the paperwork. We adorned the room how you wanted and-“
“I didn’t asked that room, it was this body’s owner.”

Wei Wuxian throat moved as he started to slightly sweat.




“… we did the soul summoning ritual.”
Lan Wangji knew that he had fucked up the moment he said that.

Lan Xichen’s eyes watered in pain. Lips bleeding by how hard he was biting while he started to mourn for a poor boy who was used against its knowledge.
“H-his soul will be fine! I am sure about it! This is a new ritual I created-“

“You two disgust me.” The small boy said. “You two are filth that had no thoughts about others, just yourselves.”

“I always thought that Uncle and I raised a kind man with morals but instead we created a selfish monster.”

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji looked shocked at the small but angry kid with an adult soul.

“I want you both to return me to that orphanage.”
“No-!” Lan Wangji tried to reject it but his brother’s glare made him stop on his tracks.

“I am not asking you, Lan Wangji. Is an order or this will have consequences.”

In the end, after that, Lan Xichen was returned to the orphanage with the means of not compatibility with his adoptive parents, much to the dismay of both men.

Before living, they made sure to keep track of him and to keep him from possible harm and hardships with a trust-fund.
Lan Xichen never touched the money and after a few months, he was successfully adopted by another couple where the woman was the reincarnation of his actual mother.

Unfortunately for him, everywhere he go, the shameless pair went.
And when he saw Jiang Cheng at that college campus so many years after, he accidentally made the stalking duo know his whereabouts too.

Jiang Cheng was meditating and cultivating his golden core when his dad came knocking on his door at night.

He took a deep breath and let it out to let rest his working own golden core.

Sure, in these ages he shouldn't need to cultivate but after some time thinking about it, +
Jiang Cheng found that cultivating helped to forget (alas momentarily) his dark thoughts on his young body.

The downsides is that he looks so young that no one would want to sell him alcohol.
Good graces that he has a jock bff that could gift him the goodies in exchange of unhealthy snacks.

He heard again the knocks on his door and stood up from his lap pillow to open it.

"Sorry, I was meditating."

His dad laughed, eyes twinkling with mirth.
"Is alright darling, I knew that was a possibility."

The young man smiled to his dad. He really loved him and his mother; thankfully with them he could notice the toxicity that was his original family and even if it hurts, he is glad that he is removed from them.
"There is some guys searching for you at the door. They say they know you."

Jiang Cheng tilts his head in confusion.

"Guys that knows me? Did they gave you their names?"

At that his father just shrugs and he starts to think but the only one that comes in mind is Lan Xichen.
Jiang Cheng saw him more than a week ago and he cannot stop thinking about him.

He blames his past fixation on him -stupid teenager hormones; or so he tries to blame- but it will be a lie to say that even if he was cruel at times while growing up, a part of him had a soft spot.
"Is him tall, pale with short black hair and white clothes?" He asks his dad and the man nods in agreement.

He takes another deep breath and prepares himself for it.

"Oh hoooo, is he someone you like?" He father asks with a wiggle of his brows and Jiang Cheng pouts.

"Then what is this?" He says and points and his own cheeks.

When the realization came to him, Jiang Cheng went and started to stutter, cheeks turning even redder.

"Shut up!"


Downstairs you could only hear a low "stop bullying our son, darling!".


Quickly and on his purple cat themed pajamas, Jiang Cheng marched downstairs to take the door, leaving a chuckling father behind.
Downstairs, his mother was on a meeting call so he waved at her and went to the door.

All kind of excitement went away instantly when he opened the door. Instead, dread and anger came into him.

"WOAH." Wei Wuxian said with a smirk on his face. "Nice PJs Shidi!"
"... Mom, I will go out for a minute." He said without looking back, his eyes sparkling violet.

"Ok! Dinner will be ready in an hour!"

He closed the door, his own hands leaving purple sparks on its way.

Looking on both sides and noticing that there was no close, +
Jiang Cheng took out a Qiankun bag and from it a leather jacket that was gifted to him by Nie Mingjue and his parents, on his back a nice artistic reminder of both of his past life's cultivation weapons.

He put in on and hit hard his shoulder on the couple, breaking their middle
"You have 30 minutes after we reach to the park. After that I want you both the fuck away from me and my family."

Not even caring if they were following him, Jiang Cheng moved away from his house.

Before he arrived to the destination, he sent a text message to Nie Mingjue.
Jiang Cheng might not look like it, but inside he was panicking because he knew that those two together only meant trouble.

He just hopes this time his instincts are wrong.

His walk towards the nearest park was cold but the fury and dread inside him still felt as warm as his golden core.

It was getting darker so there was little to none people in there which he was grateful in case any incident happened.
Jiang Cheng turned around and with the same dignified aura the he used to use as a Sect Leader, he faced them.

His body was slightly shorter than on his first life and him being still on his last teen years didn't help but his stare told sent them a clear message.

"Aya~ You don't need to be so closed to us Shidi-"

"28 minutes. Go to the point." He said and crossed his arms.

Lan Wangji tried to move in front of Wei Wuxian but the other didn't let him with a shake of his head.

"23 minutes."
"How are you? Are you alright, when did you regained your memories, Jiang Cheng?"

"Not of your business." Jiang Cheng rasped out, making Wei Wuxian slightly flinch.

"C-come on, are you still angry about that day? It was an accident! Jin Ling didn't-"

"19 minutes."
"You cannot scape from this Jiang Cheng!" The immortal finally exploded. "You don't know how hard has it been for everyone after you died!"


"Jin Ling stopped talking to us and at that time he even closed his boarder with Gusu Lan causing its decline."

"He has been searching for you madly and he even trained harder to become an immortal like us.

Shijie, Peacock, Uncle Jiang and Madam Yu are together we are just missing you-"

"I am not from that family." Jiang Cheng sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Everyone has made it clear from the day I was born that I am not that important to any of them. Why the fuck would I go back again to being ignored or used."

"What?! Jiang Cheng be rational!"
"I am and believe it or not I am finally free from all of you." He says and looks at his phone that is now blinking by the multiple messages of Nie Mingjue.
"I am not a Sect Leader, just a normal high school student who has a loving family and an amazing friend that I know for sure that he will never betray me, unlike someone in front of me."

"Jiang Cheng I never betrayed you, you are my-"

"You are my NOTHING." he glares.
"I am not a member anymore of Yunmeng Jiang, you stopped being one from the moment that you decided the Wens were better than me and our struggling sect."


"When I needed you most you weren't there and I am so tired of searching for something that was never meant for me"
On the corner of his eye, Jiang Cheng could see Nie Mingjue hiding behind a tree and he almost snorts because damn, his friend sometimes forgets that his body is big.

"Time is up." he says and pulls his jacket closer to him. "My charming prince has come and so I need to leave."
"Charming prince? Who do-" Wei Wuxian was going to ask more but he finally saw Nie Mingjue who was "hiding" on the tree. His eyes widened at the possible implication, making his heart drop. "Jiang Cheng, what did you meant by that-"
"Goodbye. Tell Jin Rulan and the others to forget about me, not like it was hard in the first place"

"I am not going to-!"

From his sleeve Jiang Cheng throws 3 small wooden carved wolves that when hitting the park's asphalt they start to shine purple with their spiritual energy
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian give an unconscious step back when the 3 creatures start to grow in an unimaginable manner.

Howling, the 3 giant spiritual creatures positioned themselves in a defense position to take care of their master.

Wei Wuxian started to tremble in fear.
By now the park was empty, only them present and Jiang Cheng knew it.

"Do you remember my 3 girls? Oh I bet you do, because of you they were 'sent away'" Jiang Cheng smirks sardonically.
"They have grown well isn't it? They cultivated themselves to become spiritual guards after they died."

"YOU-" Lan Wangji snarled, taking his sword from his hidden qiankun bag.

"LEAVE. ME. ALONE." the teenager said again and looked directly at his ex-shixiong.
"You and I have nothing more in common nor we have any business together." he says and points at the place where his golden core is "This one over here was cultivated by myself and alone. It doesn't have anything from you so there is no more silent contract or gratitude for you."
"J-Jiang Cheng-" Wei Wuxian tried but Princess barked loud, making him move back.

Finally Lan Wangji gave up when his enhanced hearing noticed people coming closer.

"Wei Ying..."

Nodding, Wei Wuxian accepted his temporary defeat.

"We are going to return. Is a promise."
"Your promises mean nothing to me, Wei Wuxian."

With a heavy heart both immortals left the place before being discovered by normal people.


Jiang Cheng and the beasts waited for a few seconds just to be sure they left.
Nie Mingjue's heavy steps approached him. Not thinking it twice, he pulled his friend for a half hug, purple wolves making themselves smaller to whine to their master in worry.

"They are gone." The older teen says and Jiang Cheng sighs.

"For now at least..."
"... want to talk about it?" Nie Mingjue asks and with his free hand he starts to pet Love's head.

"Not right now." he confesses and pulls the hand on his shoulder closer to him. "Come, is cold and I am getting hungry."

"Does it means I get to eat your mom's food?"
"Yes you glutton, come."

"Score~ Not a salad night for me."

Jiang Cheng's opens his right hand and the 3 spiritual wolves jump there making themselves small and their wooden form.

Both teenagers walk back home once they are inside Jiang Cheng's hand, all safe and sound.


• • •

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Sep 10, 2022
[one sided Ruocheng/underage/mpreg] When Jiang Cheng ran back to his home in hopes to reach LP and save Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, he expected maybe some lowly ranked Wens.

What he didn't expected was for the Wen Sect Leader himself waiting for him close to his sect.

"Hello, little kitten." Wen Ruohan smiled and the tired and messy looking teenager. "I have been waiting for you, please come here."

Wen Ruohan signaled with his hand where.

The man was in a table, specifically brought for him by his servants.
On front laid extravagant food and wine, quite the contrast for being still in the deeps of the forest.

Jiang Cheng still wont move. Legs trembling in fear and from how tired he was.

I dont like to repeat myself, kitten, for you I will make an exception. Sit down and lets talk.
Read 145 tweets
Apr 23, 2021
[#xicheng/#mingcheng/#allcheng/#yuqiren/LQR adopts (steals) kid JC] #3

"How are you feeling Cheng'er?" Wen Ruohan asked when he saw the small boy's eyes blink, finally awakening from his slumber.

"... tired." Jiang Cheng mumbled, still lying on the Wen's bed
It has been more than a hour since his small breakdown, but unlike what people might think, Wen Ruohan didn't left his side any second.

He stood up and went to towards his vanity table to get a recipient with water and a towel.
The young boy followed him with his eyesight, but didn't moved by how tired he felt. He doesn't have any current recollection of what exactly happened but he knows that he felt bad, /really/ bad.

Wen Ruohan sat down again and started to clean his face who had tear strain marks.
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Sep 29, 2020
[#xicheng] Lan Xichen woke up again for a new day. Smiling he started to get ready and mentally prepared himself to once again see the boy of his dreams on his home; wishing once again since he meet it the first time to steal kisses, hold his hand in front of everyone and hug him
He once again was going to try today to silently court him.

“Tasting the waters” before he could do the official one.

When walking towards the teaching buildings, to be more specific, the one where Jiang Cheng was going to be, as his uncle assistant; +
He started to listen the bickering voices of the usual trio.

Automatically his face brightened more than usual and started to walk towards the source of the voices but then he quickly stopped on his tracks.

Honey eyes widened in shock.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 26, 2020
#xicheng but in a Longlong Man Au.

LXC is the Longlong man and JC the guy who is “dating” the girl but plottwist, JC is actually not dating anyone and is a single dad of a kid he recently adopted and his nephew. +
When he goes out to the zoo, the mall, etc. an strange hot man with bubble gum starts to make some weird ass stunts with it and a weird background music also sounds (where it comes from, who knows). +
JC is awed, not bcs the guy is hot or because the guy wiggles his eyebrows when he eats that bubble gum, but because “WHERE THE FUCKING MUSIC COME FROM?!” +
Read 4 tweets
Sep 25, 2020
Modern AU of Jiang Cheng and Liu Qingge fake dating.

They just did it because Liu Qingge wanted for girls to stop giving him love letters and Jiang Cheng for him to show that "he can date".
Together they experiment a lot of firsts just for the sake of pretending unknowingly making two guys angry and jealous.

SJ to SY: Ok, what does that brute see in that other brute?!

SY: Didi, don't call JC like that, he is not so bad when you get to know him!

SJ: ... brute.

[LXC crying at his two best friends]

LXC: Is not fair! I have been trying to date A-Cheng for years now!

NMJ: Seriously? Fawning secretly is not a visual way to show someone you like them.

JGY: I hate to agree with him but Da-ge is right

LXC: But I am better looking than him!
Read 10 tweets
Sep 22, 2020
Mermaid (actually a Siren) JC 🐟💜 Image
Please dont ask me why i also did the opening of the cloaca bcs ot even me knows the answer dkfd
For those who don’t know, I am re-doing each one (JC and LXC) individually from this drawing i did months ago lol. With color and everything. Image
Read 5 tweets

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