Armed right wing militias modeled on Revolutionary War "Patriots" are getting ready to do battle against a centrist Democratic President they think is in leagues with "globalists" who want to turn America Communist. The year is 1962.
Beatrice (Neb.) Daily Sun, 6 March 1962.
These militias also believe the government will cynically use public health laws to lock you up and forcibly give you a shot that will make you schizophrenic.
One leader had recently been arrested for indecent exposure and another was a registered sex offender.
A year later the right wing freak out du jour regarding UN/globalist invasions was “Operation Water Moccasin,” a “plot” that was “exposed” by Congressman James Utt.
The idea that rules to encourage ppl to get a safe & effective vaccine are comparable to exterminating 6 million people is ludicrous. But one of our two major parties (and their media arms) would rather get the votes of such people than call out their bullshit. So here we are.
There's always been medical misinformation and quackery out there. There's a reason the term "snake oil salesman" is in our lexicon. It'll never go away. But political leaders who know better can make a choice not to amplify and legitimize it for their own benefit.
I also feel obliged to point out that there's long been a connection between right wing "alternative medicine" proponents and antisemitism. The Spotlight was produced by the same organization that spawned the IHR Holocaust denial organization.
What if we have not a "pandemic of bureaucracy," but a pandemic of pompous privileged pundit propagandists perpetually platformed by pea-brained performers?
A riot of reactionary retreads revving revanchist resentments resulting in reality-rearranging revolt.
This alluvion of alliteration will be assigned in my Awesome Advanced Academy on argumentation at Austin in April.
In 1992 a member of the all-white Oakland Park, Fl board of adjustment said he felt guilty for slavery in a public meeting. The board voted 3-2 to kick him off the board for such an "outburst of 60s thinking." Miami Herald, 29 October, 1992.
Anyway, how about that left wing cancel culture, eh?
Note that the people who booted him off the board for expressing solidarity with black Floridians claimed they were doing so because they disliked racism so much and only had the best interests of the AME church in mind. Uh huh.
In hindsight, it was a very bad idea for the Salt Lake Tribune to publish this "both sides" whitewashed story about the rising KKK in Utah. Salt Lake City Tribune, 16 March 1981.
For example, there was no "Israel Cohen" who was an English Communist who said this. This was just pure fabrication that had been circulating in far right circles for years when the Salt Lake Tribune just printed it as if Mr. Hammond was telling the truth about anything.
In their defense, they also printed this piece in the same paper that was, I assume, intended to be a counterweight to that KKK stenography piece. But still we are asked, KKK: terrorists or just a social club?
Would you believe me if I told you that Dinesh D'Souza's mentor at Dartmouth, in whose living room the right wing Dartmouth Review was founded, wrote a column in 1977 describing Roots as a racist attack on white people?
And when pressed on it, he doubled down a month later?
I've got a pretty low bar in terms of what I expect from conservatives writing on race in the 1970s, but even I was shocked by this. Jeffrey Hart was proud that people wrote him letters like this.