when i’m in a good mood i find extremely dumb things funny, like just repeating the word “bnuuy” to myself (it’s still funny i just checked). also recently i’ve found myself doing silly voices or straight up quoting lines from old cartoons. yesterday it was “return the slab”
i would like to get really good at impressions i think. i probably won’t put in the time but it would be nice to have
this shit is just permanently seared into my mind might as well use it i guess
guys can we talk about this completely insane thread where oxytocin nasal spray apparently makes an autistic guy not autistic temporarily? i'm gonna be fucked up about this for days
"I noticed my son's aspergers bigly today. I keep looking at him when I talk to him and he's like "what" and I'm like "what what" and it's really awkward. I can see what NTs see when they talk to us."
anyone know if there's a way to delete all liked videos on youtube at once? i found a quora thread with a bunch of answers none of which i could get working. so far i can only find a way to do one video at a time manually on youtube
here's the quora thread. i couldn't get any of the console scripts to work (using chrome) so if someone wants to debug them or suggest a new one that would be nice. some suggested using google activity history but i can't find liked videos there
i've written a lot of stuff implicitly and explicitly critical of (bay area) rationality and the (bay area) rationalists on here so to balance that out karmically here's a thread of stuff about rationality and the rationalists that i appreciate
1. my first rationality workshop taught me that it's possible for me to think about and solve my problems. idk if this sounds really basic or what but it was a totally new idea to me at the time (fresh out of college) and an important foundation for everything else later
2. rationality and the more serious rationalists have a deep respect for Truth that i've always really appreciated. that's maybe one of the things that drew me to them the most, even if we probably disagree in a lot of ways about what "Truth" means and how to search for it
once you've got custom twitter searches set up you'll also want to learn a few of twitter's search operators. these are weirdly poorly documented (the documentation i found has ones i don't think work anymore) but here are the ones i personally use to search tweets faster
1. from:username searches tweets from a user, that's how the custom searches for my own tweets and visa's tweets above work. to:username searches tweets to that user. you can combine them to look for a specific interaction if you remember who was involved. example:
2. min_faves:N restricts searches to tweets with at least N likes. at least that's the theory; in practice it doesn't seem to be exactly N, idk what's going on with that. use this to find popular tweets or at least filter out unpopular ones. example: