Oh, gee, a recusal from one (1) docket! That solves absolutely nothing -- but is a confession that Gigi Sohn always was compromised and her denial were nonsense.
This is just astonishing. Biden FCC nom Gigi Sohn slyly confessed vast conflicts of interest and instead of withdrawing, says she'll recuse from one docket. WHo does this fool?
This is madness. At a minimum it would be crazy to move forward with a vote on Wednesday instead of another hearing. If Democrats do that, it's just pure, blind partisanship.
This letter is a desperate last-minute attempt to sweep massive bias, conflicts of interest, and ethical breaches under the rug. The broadcasters cut the judgment her company owed them 98%, from $32 million to $700,000! After she was nominated!
What does recusing from one docket solve? How can she honestly vote on any issue affecting the big networks that just let her company off the hook for 99% of a $32 million award? But how can you be on the FCC if you can't oversee broadcasters?
And why just one docket Public Knowledge filed in? Her days as a hard-left activist touched every issue the committee works on; there are more dockets she filed in than not.
And there's still the matter of her calling Fox News a threat to democracy and all the other nutty hyperpartisan tweets. It's supposed to ba an expert agency, not an activist playground.
Also, I mean, no offense but @SenatorSinema if you confirm the best friend of the group that's been smearing you for years... you're only going to encourage the nutjobs to get even worse. Don't do it.
The legislature expressly revoked this power and she just doesn't care. I hope the second department is watching.
Hochul publicly announces her child-mask extension while she lies to the court and says it's not hers but the health department's. She's peeing on the court's leg and saying it's raining.
Hochul mask science is the idiotic PNAS review and... get this... a random July 2020 op-ed from some lawyers in The Hill. I kid you not. thehill.com/opinion/judici…
Walk me through how you know something everybody with two eyes has seen is plainly false.
"Extremely effective" is absolute🤡world. You have crap endpoint-driven ecological studies, mannequin games, hamster, and hairdressers. And even those have tiny effect sizes.
Even your liberal mouthpiece publications have started to admit the truth.