Stores are handing out N95 respirators. There is a reason, in an occ setting, you must be med cleared, fit tested to a specific brand, model & size. Must have training, be clean shaven & know it's limitations. Not for asbestos, which is larger than covid-19. @RMConservative
@OSHA_DOL you know this situation is not ETS eligible. Many OHS Pros and IHs are already fighting this and educating lawyers and legislators.
What angle will you attempt? None of this falls under the heirarchy of controls nor program mngmt.
How would we verify the confidence in controls? Where is the HRA showing no other control works, like engineering controls via dilution and destruction technologies.
Where is conveying risk to workers when the vaccine inserts are blank. That not informed consent.
The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard never mandated the Hep B shot. I wonder why that is? 🤔 Maybe because vaccines cannot be verifed as controls under OSHA's own standards and guidelines and are not OSFA. We've been saying this since Biden's press conference.