A case is filed in the UK against Indian Army Chief Gen Naravane for war crimes in Kashmir. A Tribunal is held on ‘Kashmir’ in Bosnia. ‘Expert’ claims coming genocide in Kashmir?
All in a month?
A campaign is being launched globally to push the genocide narrative to create Kashmir into next conflict industry after Palestine.
Before we explain the mechanism, few tweets in the background. Pls do read through the whole thread, will take 2 min, will be eye-opening.
Conflict industry & vulture activists:
Vested interests exploit conflicts for funds in the name of victims by hyping the issue with help of activists/experts. The more hype ‘vulture activists’ will create, more money will come. They don't want the conflict to be solved.
The ‘vulture activists’ enjoy luxurious life without any real profession.
Only job: hyperventilate on Twitter in name of various issues. They travel business class, go to five-start hotels and get fat money – all in the name of real victims.
Vulture activists hold Tribunal:
A ‘Tribunal’ is held (Dec 17-19, 2021) at a 5-star hotel in Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina). It had 45+ judges & other attendees. The qualification? They all are connected with Muslim Brotherhood, except a few.
The Tribunal was organized by eight fronts – six of them were connected with either Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) or the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Other ‘eminent participants’ included - convicted ISI-mole Ghulam Nabi Fai & rape convict Lord Nazir Ahmed, apart from Ghulam Mir, an old player of Kashmir Conflict industry.
The ‘eminent judges’ and other participants gathered at a 5-star hotel to express concern about the war crimes in Kashmir. The cost of the event was at least $21k (INR 16 lakhs). None of the fronts explained where the money came from?
The org claimed to host the Tribunal is Kashmir Civitas (KC), established in 2019, with bases in Istanbul, London, Beijing, Rome, & Toronto. Farhan Mujahid Chak is the face of KC. He is Pak origin Qatar- resident.
Two weeks before the RToK, Chak was a keynote speaker at a seminar hosted by the Islamabad-based think-tank Islamabad Policy Studies (IPS) on December 2, 2021. The topic: Role of Qatar in the conflict of Kashmir.
Stoke White
Legal Forum for Oppressed Voices of Kashmir (whose link KC has deleted) published a report on Kashmir along with a UK-based Turkish front Stoke White on Jan 19. Based on its own ‘investigation’ Stoke White filed a case in UK against Indian HM & Army Chief.
The Director of Stoke White, Hakan Camuz is a British national of Turkish origin, having extensive relations with Erdogan family. He served as Director with two Turkish fronts: MUSIAD & Turken Foundation UK.
Stoke White had in past also targeted UAE & France. But in the case of France, AP published the French govt reaction.
Incidentally France & UAE along with India were target of MB’s #Boycott campaign (2021).
More interesting, Stoke White had in past targeted UAE & France. Both were at the target of the Muslim Brotherhood during the #Boycott campaign. But in the case of France, AP published the French govt. reaction.
Why the war-crime/ genocide narrative?
It's Economy Stupid! Various MB fronts (&others) collected millions of dollars in name of Palestine. Below is the list of SOME of these collections. And it doesn’t even include on-ground collection!
And how much money helped the victims?!
Even if a fraction had reached Palestine, it could have addressed absolute poverty. Irony! The graph of money collected by MB and the rate of unemployment in Palestine increased parallelly during the same time!
However, there seems to be conflict fatigue, and the collection in name of Palestine is going down in recent years. The conflict industry needs a new venture. The conflict industry needs a new venture.
While Kashmir has been exploited by Jamaat nexus for long, the game is going global under MB. The MB + QTPi nexus has already tested the #Boycott campaign last year October, using fake pics and videos.
To sustain the campaign, the narrative of fascism & genocide needs to be fortified. The first step is to dent India’s soft image. Why else, a #Toolkit for farmers protest would target ‘Yoga’ & ‘Tea.’ And why an anti-fascist ‘Christian activist’ crusade against Gandhi?!
Narrative building is strongest on social media.
The data analysis of BDS with Kashmir aligns with events organized against India globally since 2018, even though BDS has not officially launched. Two influencers started BDS on Kashmir - Zeeshan Khan & Helene Sejlert.
KC’s call for BD$M:
Since June 2021, Kashmir Civitas (KC) created a section of BDS on its website that redirects bds4kashmir. net that gives a list of Indian companies to boycott. Just three months before the #BoycottIndianProducts was trended by MB.
As expected, the Pak troll army is ever ready to hype the narrative of genocide and BDS. Hundreds of fake handles are created virtually before each campaign to push fake narratives.
Having tested waters, and putting key players in place, we should expect a call for BDS against India seeping in with the narrative of genocide. The ‘emerging’ conflict industry in Kashmir could play out in cultural, academic, and economic boycott.
However, the BDS will never be successful unless the hype of ‘genocide’ creates fear psychosis in India. Likely that some Indians would get carried away, willingly or unwillingly. They might get concerned from the narrative of genocide, which is ‘impending’ forever.
On face it may look merely about money, the narrative building has larger geostrategic implications. MB’s entry in Kashmir means it will keep festering the region. It is not a coincidence that Qatar, Turkish & Pak are actively behind this.
This is a war & it has begun.
Awareness is the only antidote...
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A sudden rise in Terror attacks in #Kashmir by 'new age' terror fronts calling themselves 'resistance'!
Who are they, who is behind them, and above all, who are the new masters of narrative?
#August5 #Article370
The valley is seeing an attempt at revival of terrorism. Suddenly ‘new fronts’ with English names have surfaced - People's Anti-Fascist Front (#PAFF); The Resistance Front (#TRF); United Liberation Front Kashmir (#ULFK); & Kashmir Tigers etc.,
However, it is well known that these fronts are mere reincarnations of notorious terror fronts like Hizbul Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Muhammad, etc., & duly supported by the Pakistani military establishment.
The US Embassy in India has taken a keen interest in ‘fighting disinformation’ and ‘hate speech’, conducting multiple workshops through its consulates and mission. However, the manner and the individuals engaged, raise some questions.
A thread:
Starting about 2019, the US Embassy in India and its Consulates – all started workshops on “counter disinformation” across India - Kolkata, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Mumbai.
But what kind of #Disinformation? And who conducted these workshops?
A workshop in Lucknow in 2019 was conducted by a ‘disinformation expert’ named Tina Lee. Incidentally, the workshop was against ‘far-right disinformation’ – and Ms. Lee is a self-proclaimed ‘far-left’ activist!