RAIN: wednesday's temps and precipitation come at a time when the ground is snow-covered and frozen, which means sewers will be hit hard by runoff that has nowhere else to go.
our plant ops staff prep equipment, ensure backup systems are online, and prepare for higher flow. 2/
FLOOD RISKS: before the rain turns to ice, our Sewer Maintenance team will be monitoring for sewer issues, and our stormwater inspection and maintenance team will be tracking community reports of stream and basement flooding.
customers can call 216-881-8247 to report. 3/
ICE: when flow volumes are high, our pump stations are essential, pumping sewer flow from low points to higher elevations.
ice poses risks to power supplies, so our teams are prepped to monitor critical functions, on some days even through the overnight hours. 4/
ICE, PART 2: if ice damage leads to stream blockages, our stormwater inspection and maintenance team will be notified to determine the risk to the stream system and surrounding assets, and how and when to address the blockage. 5/
EMERGENCY RESPONSE: we have maintenance and emergency response crews ready at a moment's notice for sewer and stream issues. 6/
SNOWFALL: there are still variables in how much accumulation we'll get, but our operations team is responsible for working thru it no matter what.
large amounts of slush may affect local sewer flow but snow's bigger impact on our system is the snow melting over time. 7/
SALT: we get a lot of ?s about road salt & its enviro impact.
salt can/does build up in sewers. preventative mtce usually addresses issues. road salt is manageable in the water we treat. 8/
SALT, PART 2: but we don't treat water in storm sewers. so yes, it can affect that water that goes right to the environment as a contaminant.
minimizing salt and deicer is ideal, but plow crews have a responsibility to prep for icy conditions expected. 9/
SOCIAL: i may wear gloves with those tappy fingers so i can still tweet 10/
TP: are you stocked on toilet paper? bread, milk, and toilet paper remain the most popular emergency supply items but @Ohio_EMA offers tips for a preparedness kit weathersafety.ohio.gov/HomePreparedne… 11/
SUMMARY: weather events hit all aspects of infrastructure. as a public service, our work is about anticipating challenges and responding to ensure customers and the environment get the protection they need. 12/12
we are committed to what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy represents.
we’re committed to racial justice, diversity, equity, allyship, and inclusion efforts within our workforce and around our community because we cannot be complacent.
"A New Beginning: Choose Your Own Career Adventure"
The beep of the microwave rouses you from your sleepy state. Sliding your chair away from the kitchen table, your slippered feet scuffle to the half-full mug of coffee you've reheated for the third time.
Mornings are tough.
Your recent mornings have gone from hopeful routine to draining monotony, and even the "Hang In There!" kitty mug you're holding is no longer the humorous motivator it once was.
You sigh and take a sip.
It's a bitter blend, just like the day ahead. Perhaps.
"Maybe I need something different," you think. But you've gone beyond the coffee. You're now thinking career.
Your education and experience once excited you for opportunity. *Why can't I feel that way again?*