The Oregon state election of 1922 was known as "the Klan election." That election elevated Kaspar K. Kubli to the speaker of the house where he led a delegation that was almost majority KKK members. The state senate had such a majority. This is one of the first laws they passed.
The most important thing to know about the 2nd KKK is that it was comprised largely of middle class people who thought of themselves as “Christian Patriots” defending the nation from the “threat” of immigrants who were deemed racially, culturally, and religiously “other.”
It’s also important to note that the 2nd Klan devoted a good amount of energy to taking over local school boards in the name of restoring America’s greatness and putting America First.
Strom was a close associate of Revilo Oliver, a neo-Nazi who began his career on the right as a John Birch Society member. Massie gave the keynote address at the JBS's 60th Anniversary meeting in 2018.
A good chunk of Oliver's correspondence is available online because Strom has curated it. I won't link to the site because of its Nazi associations, but it's useful for those who research the right. One example of the sorts of stories one can find there.
1. The DeSantis spokesperson should be ashamed (but of course won’t be) 2. The Lincoln Project people who pulled that stunt re. Youngkin should also be ashamed because of course this is how it would be deployed by the right.
This was the stupid as dirt stunt the supposed political geniuses at the Lincoln Project pulled.…
There is nothing that right leaning Americans are more desperate to believe than that the terrible people to their right (who they agree with on 90% of things) aren’t really Nazis, they’re just plants paid by the left to make “patriots like us” look bad.
What a Quixotic thing it is for him to be so fixated on the 2020 election. Susan Collins, just today, said she wouldn't rule out supporting him if he ran again. Pence has been quiet as a mouse since Jan 6. From a purely 2024 electoral standpoint, this is totally irrational.
Always tilting at windmill cancer, that one.
I guess he figures he can berate & belittle his closest allies all he wants & they'll kiss the ring regardless. It sure revs up his base, but having lost by 7 million votes, a rational GOP strategist must recognize that revving up the base and alienating everyone else won't work.
[Neil Young voice] 🎼There is a Shovel Museum, in North Easton.
I stumbled upon this piece of information in this obituary of a far right Oregon Tea Party activist who got rich manufacturing sealants and then founded that Shovel Museum to honor his ancestors who were Puritan shovel entrepreneurs.…
For folks who don’t know Cerno. He’s the guy who invented the “Hillary has pneumonia” story in 2016 to help Trump. He’s a cynical liar and propagandist, a slightly upscale Alex Jones. Anyone who believes anything he says is either a dupe, or also a cynical liar and propagandist.
This article is from 2016. Marantz’s excellent book, Antisocial, expands on this portrait.…
He also bears some responsibility for teaching right wing trolls to use the word "narrative" to discredit fact-based stories they don't like. As in, "that story is just part of the left's narrative about" climate change, or vaccines, or racism, or Trump, or whatever.
The idea that rules to encourage ppl to get a safe & effective vaccine are comparable to exterminating 6 million people is ludicrous. But one of our two major parties (and their media arms) would rather get the votes of such people than call out their bullshit. So here we are.
There's always been medical misinformation and quackery out there. There's a reason the term "snake oil salesman" is in our lexicon. It'll never go away. But political leaders who know better can make a choice not to amplify and legitimize it for their own benefit.
I also feel obliged to point out that there's long been a connection between right wing "alternative medicine" proponents and antisemitism. The Spotlight was produced by the same organization that spawned the IHR Holocaust denial organization.