Neil Abrams Profile picture
Feb 2 107 tweets 40 min read
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

A running thread of missed opportunities:
Republicans understand the importance of coordinated, vigorous campaigns to shape the media narrative. Dems just don’t. So *of course* the media will tend to overlook GOP fascism, amplify GOP talking points, and criticize Dems over nonsense.
Politics is not just about policy. It’s also about winning the daily media narrative. Unless and until Dems figure this out and start projecting dominance, they’ll keep getting hosed in the messaging war and look impotent in the public mind.
Nothing less than democracy’s survival is at stake. Here’s hoping Dems wake up to this neglected imperative.

Note: This thread only covers the period since Biden’s inauguration. But it does include revelations of events from the Trump admin which became public after Jan. 2021.
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex.1: NV SoS hopeful vows to crime again.
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 2: Newt muses on jailing J6 committee.
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 3: AZ SoS hopeful vows to jail Fauci.
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 4: Hailing the Confederacy on MLK Day
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex.5: Rogers just loves Holocaust-deniers
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 6: Trump urges vote-rigging next time
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex.7: Tom Cotton duped, humiliates nation
Note: Accidentally deleted the link for Exhibit 3. Here it is. (AZ SoS hopeful pledges to jail Fauci along with anyone else she feels like jailing.)
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 8: Youngkin does some antisemitism.
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 9: Apocalypse Now, but in school.
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 10: Wisc. GOP just wilin' out.
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 11: Giuliani directed fake electors.
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex.12: CRT panic was a giant psy-op
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex.13: Trump did too much PCP one day and
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 14: Cruz vows no-fault impeachment.
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it and it would put Republicans on the defensive.

Ex. 15: 21 GOP reps anoint themselves nation's leading assholes
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 16: GOP issues Orwell's final command
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 17: Rs debase themselves, families.
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 18: VA GOP promotes antisemitic flyer
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 19: Gosar & his Jew-hating buddy
If Dems did as Rs do and met every new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 18: VA GOP promotes antisemitic flyer
If Dems did as Rs do and met each GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation the media would have no choice but to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex.20: Mild nuisances are literally the Holocaust…
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 21: Mild inconveniences are literally the Holocaust…
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex.22: Anything I dislike is literally the Holocaust
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 23: What if, and hear me out, Sandy Hook was faked?…
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex.24: What if, and hear me out, we just shoot the Dems?…
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 25: What if, and hear me out, we *promote* fascists?
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 26: MTG uses slur against disabled people.
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex.27: Gaetz foments terrorism to distract from pedo case
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 28: "Execute the Dems, you say? Mmm tell me more."
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 29: Trump's control of GOP built on threat of murder
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex.30: Trump exploits death threats vs. election workers
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 31: Rand Paul caught thinking out loud again
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 32: Haley's 'friend' deems Holocaust 'God's plan.'
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 33: Gohmert rewards vile antisemite with big $$$…
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 34: GOP leader to 1/6 heroes: Drop dead.
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 35: GOP: 'We are the party of wonton destruction.'
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex.36: 'What if, and hear me out, we lynched 1/6 heroes?'
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 37: Cruz: 'You know, the Nazis did have a point.'
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 38: Newt: 'You know, the Nazis did have a point.'
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex. 39: MTG: 'Feel free to shoot, like, anyone, whenever'
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 40: Rand Paul profits--corruptly--from mass death.…
If Dems did as Rs do and met each GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex. 41: Conservative establishment endorses fascism for U.S.…
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 42: GOP rep. pines for civil war to reinstall Trump.
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 43: GOP leader: 'Help cover up our coup, or else.'
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 44: Vow of fascism now required for GOP candidacy.
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 45: #3 GOP rep. tries to foment more El Paso attacks
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex. 46: TX. Lt. Gov. comes out as full-on Nazi on live TV
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 47: AL SoS plots with noted lunatic to end republic.
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 48: Gaetz endorses Nazism to distract from pedo case
If Dems did as Rs do and met each GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 49: McConnell endorses 'cleansing' nation, jailing oppo.
If Dems did as Rs do and met each GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 50: Noted insurrectionists also threaten nat'l security.…
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 51: 160 U.S. military personnel want civil war.…
If Dems did as Rs do and met each GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 52: Noted insurrectionist foments violence vs. teachers.
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 53: Trump endorses failed attempt to kill his own VP
If Dems did as Rs do and met each GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 54: Pro-coup Youngkin guy opposes Af-Ams holding office
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 56: Youngkin rally attendees pledge allegiance to flag present at 1/6 coup. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex.57: Boebert with a new one from the "Big if True" file
If Dems did as Rs do and met each GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex. 58: Trump sabotaged CDC pandemic response, covered it up.
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex. 59: I don't even know where to begin with this one.
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex. 60: ***GOP '22***: Wife-beaters welcome (pt. 1)
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 61: ***GOP '22***: Wife-beaters welcome (pt. 2)
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 62: ***GOP '22***: Wife-beaters welcome (pt. 3)
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 63: Most corrupt administration in history even more corrupt than thought.
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex. 64: Trump-endorsed AZ SoS candidate rails against scourge of Judeo-Bolshevism Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 65: Trump finally reaches Hillary-levels of egregiousness. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 66: The real voter fraud was the friends we made along the way Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 67: WI Rs seek to jail disloyal officials who shun Big Lie. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 68: FL GOP to gleefully sic violent mobs on LGBTQ people. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 69: Rs looking to boost popularity even further w/ condom ban. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 70: DeSantis: Let's spread the plague, yes, but fascistly. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 71: Much patriotic, very America. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would have no choice *but* to cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 71: MTG bringing the spirit of Rwandan genocide to America. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 72: Trump personally responsible for 100s of death threats on elec. workers Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 73: But if Ds called out these denials wouldn't they alienate swing voters? Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex.74: But if Ds forced Rs to answer for this wouldn't it alienate swing voters? Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex. 75: Very normal MI SoS candidate vows to imprison his Dem opponent. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex. 76: McCarthy would like you to know that "Back the Blue" is not unconditional Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 77: Rubio really reaching for bottom of barrel to excuse Trump's coup. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 78: MAGA billionaires gleefully sought republic's overthrow Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 79: Trump allies tried to submit fake Electoral College certificates. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive

Ex. 80: SC justice is witting participant in wife’s effort to overthrow republic Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 81: GOP Sen. shows admirable contrition for Trump’s bid to destroy NATO. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 82: DeSantis team much patriotic, very American Greatness. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 82: House GOP much patriotism, very American Greatness. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 83: Leader of Republican Party: Much patriotic, very American Greatness. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 84: Tucker Carlson—much patriotic, very American Greatness. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 85: Mike Pompeo—much patriotic, very American Greatness Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 86: TX gov. pushes Nazi anti-trans agenda Americans overwhelmingly oppose. ImageImage
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 87: TX gov ordered price-gouging of Texans during crisis his party created. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 88: Bannon, distinguished recipient of Order of Lenin, speaks on Ukraine. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 89: Rogers goes full pro-Russia *and* full antisemitic in same breath. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 90: AZ Senator supports hanging political opponents. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 91: Elected GOP officials endorse white supremacy *and* America’s #1 enemy. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 92: Maybe Dems want to remind people of her role in Trump’s 1st impeachment? Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 93: GOP’s pro-lynching caucus makes its voice heard. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 94: AZ. Sen. can’t stop, won’t stop the antisemitism. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 95: GOP’s Total Dick Caucus makes voice heard on Ukraine vote. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 96: FL gov berates kids to take off masks, then fundraises off it. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 97: MTG corruptly profits off of Russia’s war on Ukraine. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 98: Seriously, MAKE THEM DEFEND their outrageous attacks on kids, families. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 99: Nazi Nick Fuentes helpfully clarifies the true meaning of America First. Image
If Dems did as Rs do and met each new GOP outrage with unified, relentless denunciation, the media would *have to* cover it. It would saturate the media narrative for days & put Rs on the defensive.

Ex. 100: NV Republicans praise vile death threats against Dem governor. Image

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Jun 3, 2021
Almost every Democrat in America recognizes the dire GOP threat to democracy and the common-sense reforms needed to save it--except a handful of fellow liberal obstructionists in key positions advancing myopic arguments that are prima facie ridiculous.
There's Manchin and Sinema's arguments against scrapping the filibuster, which are not only ahistorical but so obviously illogical that one struggles to understand how they possibly believe themselves.
Then there's Stephen Breyer, who not only refuses to retire, who not only proposes the absurd argument that the Court is *not*, in fact, partisan, and who not only thinks *Dems* are the real threat to the rule of law by proposing Court reforms, but...
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Jun 2, 2021
Post-Vietnam Dems have gotten so used to emasculating themselves before Republicans that they can't even conceive of a world in which they could possibly defeat the fascist threat the GOP poses. The thing is,
Republicans, by virtue of their *everyday conduct*, are debasing themselves and everything their party (supposedly) once stood for. But not enough people will come to realize this on their own. They need their leaders to point it out for them, consistently and in unison.
Psychologists have long noted how voters, thanks to human nature, crave displays of strength and dominance from leaders. For ex, see this:
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Jun 2, 2021
When GOP illiberalism is seen as too extreme, it embarrasses the whole Republican establishment and makes them shut up for once. What Dems need to realize is that they can make this happen at will. How do we know this?
Well, want to know the only Sunday since the election when no GOP seditionist had the guts to appear on one of the non-FOX Sunday shows? Feb. 14th. Why? B/c the previous week
Dem impeachment managers dominated the media narrative by putting the events of Jan. 6th on full display. And the previous day, Feb. 13th,
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