I am teaching a graduate course on the “21st Century History Wars” this semester. If anybody is interested in following along here on Twitter, I’d be happy to keep a running diary of what we read and discuss. A few thoughts on the outline of the course and the idea behind it:
Not just in the United States, but on either side of the Atlantic, we are witnessing intense conflicts over questions of cultural hegemony and national identity that have catapulted debates over “history” to the top of the political agenda.
These are struggles over who gets to define the national story and what place the legacies of racism, slavery, colonialism, and imperialism should occupy in it – with serious implications for the political, social, and cultural order in the present.
These “history wars” provide an excellent window into the broader political, social, and cultural debates that define the U.S., in particular, and the “West” more generally – they are directly tied to current conflicts over multiracial, pluralistic democracy.
We start with a deep dive into past and present history wars in the U.S.: From the fight over National History Standards in the 90s to the current flurry of reactionary education / history bills on the state level, from the 1619 Project to the conflict over Confederate monuments.
We’re also exploring the inter- and transnational context: It was the killing of George Floyd in the summer of 2020 that led to a transatlantic wave of protests, acting as catalysts for broader debates over the past and present of colonialism and racism in the UK and elsewhere.
And we’re paying special attention to Germany, where a fierce new fight over how to study, teach, and remember the Holocaust, the so-called Catechism Debate, erupted in the summer of 2021 – not coincidentally at the height of the “History Wars” elsewhere in the “West.”
These German debates are interesting from a U.S. perspective, in particular, as the idea that America should “learn from the Germans” is so widely held over here, that Germany had somehow found a more honest, more productive way of handling the “Memory of Evil.”
Just when the idea of “Learning from the Germans” has been so widely applauded in the U.S., voices in Germany have become louder calling for a critical re-assessment of the German way of “working through the past,” diagnosing some deep and disconcerting flaws.
The overall goal of this course is to gain a better understanding of the ways in which “history” shapes the present, how it influences political, social, and cultural debates, who gets to define that “history” and what role historians, politicians, activists play in that process.
We want to examine why such conflicts over “history” come to the forefront of the political/social/cultural debate at specific moments in time, and explore them as reflections on national identity, with all the political consequences that entails.
I’ve never taught this course before, so it’s all a bit of an experiment and I am very much open to suggestions and ideas regarding readings and topics. I’m working with a fantastic group of students, and I am excited to find out where our discussions will go.
Very excited to find out that so many people are interested in following along. Wonderful. Once again: It will be an experiment. I’ll do my best to keep up over the course of the semester, outlining what we read, the issues we discuss, our main conclusions and open questions.
I think I’ll try to post an update every week, probably in the form of short, separate threads, otherwise this original thread would become unwieldy quite quickly. But I’ll always update this thread here with a link to those weekly reflections, so this can be the starting point.
The semester has already started, we are three weeks in - so as soon as I find the time, I’ll post an update on what we’ve been reading and discussing so far, before we’re set to revisit the 1619 Project next week. Excited to hear everybody’s thoughts and ideas!
People are suggesting a hashtag would be helpful, which I think makes sense. I’ll be using #GEST535 - simply because that’s the course’s official designation.
Also, a sincere apology in advance: It will be impossible to answer everyone’s questions or react to all the comments.
Finally, a warning: In addition to updates on the course, expect lots of U.S. politics and history. I focus on democracy and its discontents, and that’s obviously an acutely contested issue. I also write columns for @GuardianUS, if you’re interested. Here’s the latest:
Here’s the recap of Week 2: A look at some big-picture takes on the History Wars, and a discussion centered around how nationalist regimes deploy “memory laws” and whether American Liberals have abandoned the idea of progress in history.
Here’s the recap of Week 3: An attempt to contextualize the conflict over history education - and a reflection on “patriotic” visions of history and the project of creating national unity.
People who claim Zelensky was at fault yesterday and should have been more “diplomatic” or “respectful” are either deliberately propagating the Trumpist attack line – or they fundamentally misunderstand what the Trumpist project is and who is now in power in the United States.
There is this pervasive idea that Trump doesn’t really mean it, has no real position, and can therefore be steered and manipulated by tactical and diplomatic finesse; or maybe he’s just a businessman looking for a great deal. But that’s all irrelevant here.
Trump himself has been very consistent about his preference for foreign autocrats, especially Putin, and his (at best) disinterest and siding with Ukraine and (actually) explicit antagonism towards not only Zelensky, but Europe’s democracies more generally.
MAGA, the German Far Right, and the Transnational Assault on Democracy
A reflection on the German far right, Musk’s interference in the German election, and why the MAGA-AfD alliance isn’t nearly as irresistible as they want us to believe.
Some thoughts (and link below):
The results of the German election are in. On the one hand: About three quarters of the voting public stuck with democratic parties. On the other: The AfD got 20.8 percent of the vote - by far the strongest result the far right has achieved in Germany since 1945.
After it was founded in 2013, the AfD quickly evolved from what was initially mainstream-rightwing-to-reactionary territory into a far-right party that fully rejects liberal democracy and is undoubtedly the political home of Germany’s rightwing extremists.
I wrote a long profile of him: He’s one of the architects of Project 2025, an avowed Christian nationalist, and a radical ideologue of the “post-constitutional” Right
Vought is at war with pluralistic democracy (link below):
Vought will be singularly focused on bending the entire government machine to Trump’s will. He believes that any check on the power of Donald Trump, who Vought literally describes as a “gift of God,” is illegitimate. There is no line he doesn’t feel justified to cross.
Key to understanding Vought’s worldview is the idea that the constitutional order - and with it the “natural” order itself - has been destroyed: The revolution has already happened, “the Left” won. Therefore, conservatives err when they try to preserve what is no more.
Russell Vought will be a key figure in the regime, as competent as he is radical. He’s one of the architects of Project 2025, an avowed Christian nationalist, an ideologue of the “post-constitutional” Right.
Key to Vought’s worldview is the idea that the constitutional order - and with it the “natural” order itself - has been destroyed: The revolution has already happened, “the Left” won. Therefore, conservatives categorically err when they try to preserve what is no more.
Power now lies with a “permanent ruling class” of leftist elites who control all major institutions of life and especially the “woke and weaponized” agencies of the state. In order to defeat them, conservatives must become “radical constitutionalists” - and take radical action.
Lots of talk about the OMB because of the utterly illegal funding freeze it issued.
A reminder that Russell Vought, the guy Trump wants to lead the agency, seeks to “traumatize” civil servants, use the military to suppress protests, and sees Trump as an agent of God’s will. 🧵
Vought will be singularly focused on bending the entire government machine to Trump’s will. He steadfastly believes that any check on the president’s power – on the power of Donald Trump, specifically, who Vought literally describes as a “gift of God” – is illegitimate.
Vought may look like a boring bureaucrat. But he is a committed ideologue, convinced to be fighting a noble war to defend his “real America” of white Christian patriarchal rule, where people like him get to dominate the public square and define who belongs.
Been asked so many times: “What do you think will happen?”
We will know a lot more soon. But I do think it’s helpful to clarify expectations. The baseline, for me: Being lawless does not make Trump omnipotent. Yet the situation is significantly more dangerous than in 2017.
We must resist the temptation to perpetuate Trump’s constant attempts to assert dominance by reflexively despairing over our supposedly hopeless situation. MAGA desires to project power and strength – something we should subvert rather than confirm. 2/
Being lawless does not make Trump omnipotent, and obscuring that distinction is an act of defeatism that only serves the regime. There is a vast gulf between Trump’s authoritarian aspirations on the one hand and the realities of a complex modern state and society on the other. 3/