Putin’s subsequent invasion of Crimea punished Ukrainians for trying to escape from the kleptocratic system that he wanted them to live in — and it showed Putin’s own subjects that they too would pay a high cost for democratic revolution. theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/…
Following that “success,” Putin launched a much broader attack: a series of attempted coups d’état in Odessa, Kharkiv, and several other cities with a Russian-speaking majority.
This time, the strategy failed, not least because Putin profoundly misunderstood Ukraine, imagining that Russian-speaking Ukrainians would share his Soviet imperial nostalgia. They did not.
Putin is preparing to invade Ukraine again — or pretending he will invade Ukraine again — for the same reason. He wants to destabilize Ukraine, frighten Ukraine. He wants Ukrainian democracy to fail. He wants the Ukrainian economy to collapse. He wants foreign investors to flee.
I keep reading about this “need for purely diplomatic solution for Ukraine-Russia crisis, there is no need for indiscriminate sanctions and lethal weapons”
First of all, there’s no “crisis”, there’s an 8 year long war with thousands dead, injured and displaced
Secondly, suggesting finding “purely diplomatic solution” shows lack of any expertise in Ukraine-Russia relationship during the last decade.
Thirdly, what other way is there except imposing sanctions and supplying Ukraine with weapons? Pleading? Begging?
Diplomacy never did and never will work, because Putin is a bad faith actor. He keeps lying about Western intentions, about not sending troops to Ukraine, about everything, really, so what kind of diplomacy are we taking about here?
Christoper Miller: an island of stability in the treacherous waters of information warfare.
Ukraine’s in the news? Threat of war? Pleading for international support?
Let’s find some “Nazis” and say they’re GROWING THEIR VIOLENT MOVEMENT
(Jesus Christ, this is getting old)
It’s funny how “Maus” is getting banned in American schools, and we’ve all seen some actual Nazis in the West, hell, the KKK still exists, but man, twenty people in Azov busy with military training sure are a threat to the democracy!
How are they going to influence anything? With what? Do they have a political rating? How many are there? Couple hundred people? How are they influential? Are they gonna stage a coup? Are they gonna take part in elections? What is this?
Answering some of the ridiculous takes about Ukraine made by some poorly educated people: a megathread.
First of all, the phrase “Post-Soviet state”. Please stop using it, it’s been 30 years. Nobody says “post-Third Reich states”, “post-Pangaea states”, “post-Yugoslavia states”, that’s just dumb.
“Supplying Ukraine with weapons will only escalate the situation and threaten Putin”
If weapons are being given to Ukraine, this doesn’t mean Ukraine will use them to attack Russia. That’s not going to happen. That would be the worst thing ever. we need them for defense purposes.