JUST IN: RNC passes resolution censuring Cheney and Kinzinger in a voice vote. They were combined with other resolutions RNC proposed. Overwhelming yes vote. Only a small handful of nos.
VIDEO here >>>
Here's how that full resolution reads.
One key line: "Cheney and Kinzinger are participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse" in their roles on the House committee investigating Jan. 6
Paul Farrow, Wisconsin GOP chair, told NBC News RNC members' frustration with Cheney and Kinzinger is over the Jan. 6 investigation "starting to broaden their scope"
"It almost seems like a fishing expedition where people are just trying to find something to hang on someone."
Ben Proto, Connecticut GOP chair, was one of a handful of members to object to the resolution. Here's what he had to say >>>
These GOP field operatives described an environment where cheating is on the rise, lax hiring practices and at times little accountability. They also said this is impacting the data Republicans are relying on in campaigns
And after an hour drive to Latrobe, I’m at another former president’s rally on behalf of a Pennsylvania Senate candidate
After doing interviews with a series of right-wing networks, PA GOP gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano hustled away from a gaggle of assembled local and national reporters standing at the bottom of the stairs
The forever 2016 campaign: At Trump’s Latrobe rally, a pregame video plays with the text “Justice is coming for Hillary” as a “lock her up” chant plays in the background
PITTSBURGH — where Dr. Oz is rallying with PA-17 Republican nominee Jeremy Shaffer tonight
Oz takes the stage, his wife in the front row
Lists his key issues: economy/inflation/spending, crime, fentanyl
Speaking briefly, Oz says he wants to bring “balance” to Washington, offer an “all of the above” energy solution, increased safety, and both “secure the border” and improve “legal immigration”
Mentions that when he went to the Steelers game a few weeks ago, they won
NEW: I traveled aboard the Shapiro Express as the candidate who is perhaps Dems' surest bet to win a critical swing state race hammers home his closing message as part of a 25-stop tour
Though up in the polls, he doesn't want to leave anything to chance
Mastriano's resource struggles have given Shapiro a boost. But supporters described him as a dynamic speaker & hard-nosed campaigner delivering the right message at the right time. Some said they could envision a presidential bid, a suggestion Shapiro batted away to reporters