As we pause to meditate on equity, community, and what it means to experience the love of learning in the context of #BlackLivesMatteratSchool, NTC Interim Co-CEO @amills4 shares a personal reflection:
"Without being privileged to enjoy the loving care of my parents, extended family, and mentors as I navigated the majority of my school years, I wouldn't have had critical nurturing experiences that affirmed my individual identity. We must hire more Black teachers…
1/4 "For years Black communities have fought for curriculum aligned to the humanity of the Black community and for Black teachers to be at the forefront of leadership - both in classrooms, schools, and districts…
2/4 …From Caroline LeCount in the 1800s to Black students in 1967 Philadelphia, the work and the resistance has centered Black curriculum and Black teachers. When a teacher corps reflects its students, achievement and opportunity gaps shrink…
3/4 Research indicates that having at least one Black teacher early on reduces a Black student’s likelihood of dropping out of school by up to 39%. And when Black students have two Black elementary school teachers, they are 32% more likely to go to college.