๐Ÿ”žSariel/Spider๐Ÿ”ž Profile picture
Feb 4, 2022 โ€ข 168 tweets โ€ข 24 min read โ€ข Read on X
Wanna start by thanking bati for the original inspo for this idea back in like November lolol

Even though this fic isnt finished yet, im gonna aim to post what i have so far a little bit every day๐Ÿ˜ค
Early cw: krbk, age gap, dom/sub, dilf kirishima (late 40's), college student baku(18), ftm bakugo, afab terms, bratty bottom baku, voyeurism & exhibitionism, spanking, size difference, will add more tags down the road

Kirishima thinks he's a pretty handy guy.

He manages his own renovations, his own car maintenance, and owns just about everything any handyman could dream of for yard work. Though that certainly doesn't mean he's great at everything.ย 

Modern technology is his one downfall.
Most of his home appliances aren't an issue: he can use the microwave to warm food from a can and make instant noodles.
He knows the one setting on the washing machine that spins his clothes clean (though admittedly he's a little scared of the dryer... Sometimes it shrinks his shirts and he doesn't know why.)
He also knows how to work a lawnmower and weedwacker, and... Really every tool in his shed he can use without issue! Most only need to be plugged into an outlet, or charged, and with the push of a button or two, they're ready to go!
So really it's just... anything with a screen Kirishima seems to have trouble with.ย 

Like televisions.
The settings on the remote confuse him to no end - and all those little plugs and cords behind the screen... If it's not a car, why does any one piece of technology need so many buttons and wires? Especially when half the functions are hidden away! Completely invisible!
While he owns a cellphone, he barely understands how to use it. And whenever he has to buy a new one, the little bit that he began to understand he has to relearn all over again!
(He's on his fourth phone now. And no, he definitely didn't accidentally break the last several in very dumb ways. It's not his fault they're so flimsy...)
Not to mention it takes him forever to reply to an email because he's only ever figured out how to use two fingers to type on a keyboard. There's just too many buttons! Computers are the worst of all!
Of course, he wouldn't be having so many issues lately if his daughter hadn't moved out last week. Normally, whenever Kirishima finds himself stumped, he just asks for her assistance. She's always been the technologically savvy one -
- always knows how to troubleshoot or help him disable annoying pop-up notifications on his phone...

But now that he's without her help, Kirishima finds himself squinting at his computer screen in complete bewilderment, wondering why in the world his internet quit working.
He really doesn't want to bother his daughter with this inconvenience - she's likely still busy with the move. (Plus he's already called her for three similar problems this week - he doesn't want to burden her with another.)
So instead he calls his internet provider (at least that much he can figure out,) and schedules for the first available technician to check the router.

The next day rolls around and Kirishima's doorbell rings, followed by a rattling, impatient knock - a little earlier than what he was expecting...
He sets down the birdhouse he's currently working on, hustling to the door to open it with a bright smile - only to be met with an angry scowl.ย ย 

In front of him stands an attractive young man - probably late teens -
- ashen blond hair and sharp features. He's about a foot shorter and is holding a red toolbox that almost looks like the one Kirishima owns. But he uses his tool set for carpentry and house work, not for small, finnicky pieces of technology. Surely, it couldn't be the same one...
The boy isn't wearing a company uniform like Kirishima was expecting - just black jeans and a loose muscle shirt that reveals strong arms. Proof he's clearly a hard worker!
No nametag is visible either - but Kirishima doesn't think or care enough to question any of this. So long as this young man can fix the wifi, he'll be a satisfied customer all the same!

The glare the technician gives is telling enough how much he must despise his job.
Kirishima's sure he must have already dealt with plenty of angry customers - so he quickly invites the blond inside, welcoming him with all the positive energy he can muster, flashing a bright, patient smile to demonstrate that he isn't planning to be a hassle.
At this, the boy quirks an inquisitive brow, but doesn't say anything as he accepts the invitation. Meanwhile, Kirishima doesn't exactly give him room to speak, too busy spouting apologies about his cluelessness,
expressing gratitude for someone being able to make it to his home so early. He then directs the boy to the router and steps out of the way, giving him plenty of room to work.
The technician is muted as he listens to Kirishima's rambling, but makes a show of rolling his eyes before loudly setting the box on the floor, leaving it untouched as he turns his attention to the router.
Kirishima waits patiently, but after the first few minutes, finds his eyes wandering... At first he watches the way nimble fingers work, fiddling with the router's wires sticking out the back.
But then they're travelling down... and he catches sight of soft skin underneath where the boy's shirt hikes up when he leans forward... and black elastic creeping out under tight skinny jeans.
Kirishima feels his breath catch in his throat the moment it dawns on him that his mindless gaze isn't so innocent. He's currently admiring the lacey elastic of a thong.
"Your problem here is these things are cheap as shit - " the technician grumbles but cuts himself short when he turns from prodding wires to notice the eyes on him.
There's a brief second of quiet as the world stops and Kirishima has to blatantly tear his gaze up until their eyes meet. Kirishima's eyebrows skyrocket like he's just been shocked. He stands straight as a board and clears his throat loudly, now not sure where to look.
He might be older, with deep crows feet and early speckled gray growing at the roots of his red dyed hair - but suddenly he feels like a teenager that doesn't know how to carry himself.
The technician's eyebrows are raised too, only he's scowling with accusation, but also... intrigue? His expression is hard to read. Kirishima blabbers quickly, trying to distract from what is a very awkward, highly innapropriate situation.
"Yeah! I mean, well, isn't that kind of on you though... right?" he asks a little uncertain, voice wobbling a bit as he lifts a big, bulky arm to rub the back of his neck, "I mean - not that I'm blaming you! Or - it's just that...
if the router is cheap, shouldn't you... /do/ something about it?" He visibly winces at himself.

"I /did/ do something about it," the technician deadpans as he drops the cord he'd been toying with and repositions the router, "Should be fine now. See for yourself."
Kirishima fumbles to check his phone, struggling to unlock the screen for a moment and... yeah, the internet is working now. "Ah... that's great. Thank you!"
The blond straightens then, picking up the toolbox he came in with - the one he didn't even use - and walks directly into Kirishima's space. The older man nearly drops his phone as he tries to pull away, but the back of his knees hit the coffee table.
Red, uncertain eyes are locked with unreadable ones, and Kirishima suddenly feels cornered, trapped under that intense gaze. And now on top of everything, he's trying to ignore how /good/ the boy smells, like a wood fire with an underlying sweetness he can't put his finger on.
He readies for the young technician to rightfully tell him off for being a gross old pervert, but instead...
Kirishima drops his eyes to watch soft, delicate fingers fold his own calloused ones over the handle of the toolbox - before shoving it against his stomach with a surprising amount of strength, making Kirishima grunt lightly.
"Tetsu told me to drop this off," he says, voice low with the hint of a smirk under his sharp gaze. "If you need anything else - /anything/ else," his eyes dance over Kirishima's broad chest, before snapping back to his face, "I'm right next door."
Kirishima reels for a moment, watching the blond retreat before throwing one last, knowing glance over his shoulder, hips swaying almost tauntingly.
He has to tear his eyes away to peek inside the mysterious toolbox, only to discover some familiar tools. /His/ tools - the ones he'd lent his friend and neighbor, Tetsu, last week.
Confused, Kirishima opens his mouth to put the dozen questions rampaging through his head to rest - but the boy has already left, slamming the front door behind him. The encounter leaves Kirishima's mind running and his heart racing.ย 

As it turns out, that boy most definitely was /not/ the technician Kirishima was expecting. The real technician showed up not long after his run in with the mysterious and bitter blond, leaving him to awkwardly explain that the problem had been fixed already.
Then he's left alone to confront the only clue he was given.ย 

That evening, while setting up his latest birdhouse on the edge of his yard, Kirishima catches sight of his neighbor on the other side of their shared fence,
his appearance announced by the familiar squeak of sliding glass doors. "Tetsu! Hey! You got a minute?" he calls out, flagging over the other man, who flashes a similar, wide grin.
The pair are exactly the same age, though already with a full head of silver hair, Tetsu might seem older at first glance.
"Yeah! Hey, thanks again for lending me your tools," He greets, trotting to the edge of the wooden fence and leaning over it, "You got them back in one piece I hope?"ย 

Oh, good. Kirishima didn't just hallucinate the whole thing then.
"Yeah, and actually, that's what I wanted to ask you about," he clarifies, hammering the last nail to secure the birdhouse to the post. When he turns to give Tetsu his full attention, the other man is frowning deeply.
"Katsuki didn't cause you any trouble, did he?"ย 

Kirishima gapes for a moment, because that /must/ be the not-technician's name. But also - how exactly does Tetsu know him? He hesitates a moment too long though, because then Tetsu is reiterating more firmly.
"Look man, I'm sorry if he was a problem. He's really a good kid, but I think it's just that age, you know? Moody teenagers, thinking they're top of the world and all," he sighs, sounding almost defeated, "If he was rude, I'll be sure to give him shit - "
"- No! No," Kirishima finally finds his words. He doesn't want to get Katsuki in trouble. "You're right - about him being a good kid. He uh, fixed my router for me." He'll be leaving the weird sexual tension out of this conversation, thank you very much.
"Really?" Tetsu's brows shoot up in what Kirishima assumes is surprise and he releases a short breath of relief, "I mean, that's good. Good. I'm glad to hear."
"So, he's your...?" Maybe Kirishima's jumping to conclusions, but based on the age difference and familiarity, there has to be some sort of familial relationship here, right?

"He's my second cousin. Technically..."
The moment Kirishima asked, he sees Tetsu's face light up, his initial worry vanished as he happily speaks of his cousin with pride aided by Kirishima's interest and approval.
With the help of Tetsu's enthusiastic rambling, Kirishima learns a lot in a very short amount of time.

He learns that while the two are 'technically cousins,' Tetsu is more like Katsuki's 'uncle' because that's just how their relationship was while Katsuki was growing up.
He learns that Katsuki's last name is Bakugo.

And he learns that Katsuki's won a handful of scholarships, and will be living with Tetsu over the rest of the summer and during his first year of college.
So, this certainly isn't the last Kirishima sees of the small, cute blond. Could say that he sees /more/ of him, actually - in multiple ways...
The next morning, Kirishima is mowing his lawn when he notices familiar, wild blond hair on the other side of the fence. It seems Katsuki is readying for a jog, headphones in as he makes his way down the sidewalk stretched ahead of the property.
Kirishima is a little ashamed by how instantaneously he finds himself distracted watching soft pecs bounce and ripple with every step beneath a gray, skin tight shirt.
He really needs to keep his eyes to himself, he shouldn't be looking at Tetsu's much younger cousin (nephew?) this way. But he can't help himself, like a moth to a flame, he's already captivated.
Especially when Katsuki notices him, because then he slows to stretch, right in Kirishima's line of sight. Purposefully bending his backside in Kirishima's direction to showcase plump, pliable looking cheeks confined in tight compress shorts.
He suddenly feels lost in his head, imagining a handful (and a /handful/) of very inappropriate scenerios that might let him feel that mouth watering physique.

Why was it so easy for this boy to nudge his way inside Kirishima's head?
He's supposed to be the mature one here! But it feels like his self control has been tossed out the window. Well beyond his years of fooling around, and yet here he is, awestruck like a teenage boy seeing boobs for the first time.
Kirishima's pulled back to reality when he stumbles with the lurch of his lawnmower, the blade running right through a section of his flowerbed. His eyes tear away from the beautiful sight on the sidewalk as he swears and wrangles the machine back onto the grass.
Serves him right, he supposes.

Once he wins the fight with the mower and glances up, Katsuki is jogging away with the toss of a conniving smile over his shoulder.

This is only the first of many near disasterous occurrences.

The second 'incident' happens the following afternoon.

Kirishima is in his backyard, only just preparing to water his plants, when movement on Tetsu's porch catches his eye.
It's not that Kirishima is /trying/ to be a nosy neighbor, no. It's just that the fence between their property isn't overly tall, and Tetsu and Kirishima are pretty good friends. So, the neighborly thing to do is to greet each other, right?
Only it's not Tetsu that happens to catch Kirishima's attention.

It's Katsuki.
The boy stands from a lounger on the higher end of the porch, flagging a page in his book before tossing it carelessly onto his seat. Now Kirishima swears that he's really not /trying/ to be a pervert - but there's no way he can miss how /bare/ Katsuki is.
Taking a moment to stretch, Katsuki raises his arms high, pulling the muscles of his naked chest taught. Strong legs are exposed too. In fact the only part of him that seems to be covered (thankfully, Kirishima's not sure he could handle any more) is a pair of thin black bottoms.
Their eyes meet, and in a pitiful attempt to cover up the fact he was staring, Kirishima offers a friendly wave (it's the /neighborly/ thing to do.) But Katsuki doesn't wave back.ย 

It's not that Katsuki doesn't notice him -
Kirishima definitely catches the way the boy's lips upturn into a small smirk.

Then, Katsuki's turning his back towards the fence and, oh... Now all Kirishima can focus on is the round, bare curve of Katsuki's slightly sun kissed ass.
Those black bottoms are, in fact, a very thin g-string.
All hope of Kirishima tearing his eyes away vanishes once Katsuki pops open the lid of his sunscreen, squirting out a generous amount into his palm before lathering the cream over his body in a way that can only be described as pornographic.
Hands slip tantalizingly slow, taking their time to outline the soft curve of hips and dip between strong thighs.ย 

Today, Kirishima can't even internally scold himself for thinking dirty thoughts when there's no need to imagine much more than what's already in front of him.
Katsuki demonstrates his flexibility - showing there isn't any part of his body that's unreachable. His fingers slip under the string of the thong, swiping it aside for only a moment when he bends forward. But Kirishima doesn't have a chance to see what's underneath -
- Katsuki turns around too quick, teasing.

He doesn't miss what's next though - he can't. The way Katsuki's hands immediately slide under soft, full pecs, kneading flesh and testing their weight...
The way his fingers slip around fat, pink nipples, pinching and rolling the perky buds. The way his head lolls and his mouth parts on what must be a quiet moan that Kirishima is just a little too far away to hear.
Kirishima's so caught up in the show, that he doesn't realize how long he's staring with his mouth open until water is running through the holes in his crocs, subsequently soaking his socks. He hadn't been paying attention where the hose was pointing,
and now there's quite the muddy puddle pooling around his feet.

He scrambles to dry land, clambering to turn off the valve before his poor plants drown, and hears the distant bark of a laugh carry over the fence.ย 

Kirishima is thankful that their fence is both opaque and high enough to keep his crotch out of sight when Tetsu calls him to where their front yards meet.
Because today, when he dares a glance to the other side, he sees Katsuki in nothing but booty shorts, that sinful chest bare except for an oil stained towel slung over one shoulder.
While Tetsu's attention is on Kirishima, he chats away - something about the truck they're fixing together - his back towards his much younger cousin, who lays in the driveway, rolling under said truck on a creeper.
(Funny, because that's also the word Kirishima might use to describe himself right now.) For the moment, Katsuki doesn't seem to notice he's there, which only makes his wandering interest that much more perverted.
He's lucky Tetsu can talk enough for two, because it's difficult to pay attention to anything but the way Katsuki's legs are spread open, sneakers planted firm on the cement to keep him steady.
At this angle, those shorts are so tight that he can see the outline of a plump pussy, fabric wet from the strain of working hard, the edge of a fat lip just beginning to spillย out one side...
Tetsu asks if they're working out together tomorrow, and Kirishima comes back to himself enough to respond an affirmation, add a moment of idle input in hopes to distract from how he's daydreaming of pounding Tetsu's cousin into next week.
It works somehow - Tetsu hasn't caught on in the slightest. And the moment he carries on the conversation, mesmerized eyes are slipping back past his shoulder.
Katsuki has rolled out from under the truck now, noticing that Tetsu is too distracted talking to share the workload. He appears annoyed at first, ready to snap - until he notices /who/ is holding Tetsu's attention. Then something in his expression shifts.
Even though Kirishima's been caught (again) he still cant find it in himself to spare whatever is left of his dignity and turn away. He feels frozen in place, waiting with bated breath to see what Katsuki has in store for him this time.

And boy, does he have a something in store
Katsuki stands slowly, wiping dirty hands on the towel - and bends over the grill of the truck to display that perfectly round ass in Kirishima's direction again. He leans under the open hood, like he's about to work on something in the guts of the vehicle.
Instead, his eyes remain trained over his shoulder, honed on Kirishima as he smirks with a cross between something mean and mischievous... And then he's reaching back, tugging the inseam of his shorts to the side to allow a delicious peek of what lies underneath.
All sweet pink, the beginning of a plump clit barely peeking out... When he spreads himself open with two fingers, Kirishima sees that lovely hole isn't only wet with sweat.
Kirishima's mind races. His mouth is watering. Did he do that? Is Katsuki wet because of him - ?
"- Hey man, you okay? You look a little off?" Tetsu finally draws his attention back to where it /should/ be, forehead creased with concern, and Kirishima has to use every bit of his brain power to respond.
"Yeah... Yeah! Just - phew - /man,/ it's just hot out here today, you know?" He dabs at his brow for added effect. Which isn't hard to sell - there's no doubt he's sweating.
"Dude, why didn't you say something earlier!" Tetsu reaches into what must be a cooler at his feet, and passes a cold bottle of water over the fence. Kirishima accepts it gratefully - momentarily considering dumping the contents over his face -
- but respectfully takes a few big gulps instead.

By the time he risks another glance towards the truck, Katsuki's clothes are back in place and he's busy tinkering under the hood like nothing happened.

Wanna take a moment to say I'm blown away by how much everyone has been enjoying this thread! All your qrts make me very happyโค

And! You can always support me here! (Especially if you want to see something specific, or other threads continued/updated)
To the person who dropped me $15 requesting more - thank you! So here's a 1k(+) update sooner rather than later! (I have a busy day today, so I was aiming to post tomorrow afternoon, but you guys get it now instead!)

The last straw happens later that same day.

Kirishima is brushing his teeth before bed, hair hanging damp around his ears after showering. He's in nothing but a pair of black boxers - since he has the house to himself now, it's not like he really /needs/ to be decent...
When finished, he switches the lights off, heading towards his bed with full intentions of sleeping after a hard days work. But before he can do that, an annoying light is flooding the yard beyond his window.
There's no way he'll be able to sleep with it seeping into his room like that. So he backtracks, reaches to pull down the blinds - and hesitates when he sees /where/ that light is coming from.
From Tetsu's home - specifically a wide window that can't be more than a few feet lower than his own.
Where light spills beyond the glass, Kirishima can see into a section of Tetsu's house: a room with off white carpets, a plush bed with black sheets accented with orange shapes. But none of this is what's keeping his attention of course.
No, what's made his eyes dilate and his breathing stutter, is the nearly perfect view he has of his blond neighbor fresh from the shower, nothing but a towel wrapped around his tight waist. (How hadn't he realized Katsuki's room was visible from his own until now?)
Kirishima's own bedroom light is off, leaving his space dark, so he's sure Katsuki hasn't noticed he's there - he probably doesn't even know someone is watching him, right...?
God, this is wrong. So, so wrong. Kirishima should just close his blinds and go to bed. It's the only appropriate thing to do.

But he can't bring himself to do that.
What he /does/ do, is lean against the window frame - pulling back just enough so that if Katsuki /were/ to look outside, he wouldn't see the barely there shadow of the creep watching him from next door.
What he /does/ do, is abandon the string of the blind, letting a weathered hand roam down, knuckles brushing over the dark, thick hair that trails his navel and disappears under the band of his boxers.
And what he /does/ do, is watch Katsuki, like a man possessed, as the boy slips the fluffy towel from his waist to dry off the rest of his creamy, soft skin.
Though he was definitely close before, this is officially the first time Kirishima sees Katsuki fully in the nude... The way all those sharp muscles travel into soft curves... The pale, trimmed hair of his mound standing above a treat he desperately wishes to put his mouth on.
What would Katsuki taste like, he wonders... Would his juices taste similar to how he smells? That smoky, sweet scent - Kirishima thinks he would like it branded on the back of his tongue...
Shit, he really /shouldn't/ be thinking about that! Yet he feels his cock twitch with interest anyway.

Katsuki tosses his towel somewhere beyond Kirishima's line of sight. But instead of dressing... his hands are sliding over his bare hips, dipping down between strong thighs.
And then he's falling back on the bed, legs splaying open and his fingers roaming towards that plush cunt.
Kirishima's breath hitches because, fuck - he can see everything from the soft blond fuzz framing glistening pink folds, to his tight little asshole.
Whatever morality Kirishima is still holding onto is dangling off the edge of a cliff. He palms himself, eyes lidded as he admires the way Katsuki pinches that fat clit between his index and middle finger, the first few strokes already enough to make those soft thighs tremble.
From how the window view is angled, Kirishima unfortunately can't quite see Katsuki's face. Which is a tradgedy. He'd really like to know what kinds of pretty expressions the boy is making.
Especially when his fingers momentarily dip down to collect some slick, before returning to circle the mess around his clit. Which must feel fucking fantastic, if the way his toes curl and flex is any indication.
Kirishima pushes closer to the window, resting a heated cheek against the cool frame like it will help him calm down -
- or see better. He doesn't know at this point, he's so conflicted, but it's already a lost battle. His warm, panted breaths distort the glass, so he raises a hand to cover his mouth.
While one hand is preoccupied teasing his clit, Katsuki reaches underneath his ass with the other to dip a finger inside his twitching cunt.ย 

That's the moment Kirishima finally caves.
He shoves his boxers down, enough to free his swollen cock, which is weighing heavy and dripping pre. He groans loudly against his palm as he feels all the pent up teasing over the last few days tugging full and heavy in his balls.
The inital grip of his palm is dry, but that little bit of contact is still enough to make his cock jump. What has this kid done to him..? He's completely /fucked./
Katsuki slips another finger beside the first, knuckles glistening with every thrust, and Kirishima finds himself spitting into his palm, wetting his own cock with saliva and pre. He wants to know how that sopping cunt might feel, stretched and pulsing hot with slick around him.
He tries to imagine himself there, fingers replaced by the stretch of his length instead. Katsuki's dainty, but hard working fingers are nothing compared to his size. How much more has Katsuki taken? Would Kirishima be the biggest?
While Katsuki works himself open, Kirishima tries to match his strokes with the plunge of wet knuckles, spurring on his imagination. He wishes he could hear the beautiful sounds bouncing around the walls of that room.
Unless Katsuki is silent in bed? Kirishima could change that... He really thinks he'd like to be the one to make the boy scream.
Katsuki cums - Kirishima can tell by the way his motions stutter and slow, clit twitching wildly and hole pulsing around his knuckles. He can see the glint of fresh juices dripping down his crack, no doubt soaking the bed.
Katsuki's thighs shudder for a few moments as he seems to be catching his breath - then he's rolling over - standing. His legs a little unsteady, as he walks towards the window.
Kirishima pulls back instinctually before remembering that Katsuki won't be able to see him - let alone know he's there (right?) - and risks a small peek past the frame.
Only he was wrong, and just like every other time, he freezes, brain no longer working. Because Katsuki is looking straight towards his bedroom window. And even though he's not looking /at/ him - there's still no way he could see Kirishima -
- but it's like he still knows he's there all the same.

Still knows that somewhere beyond the shadows is some old pervert stroking his cock to someone younger than his own daughter.
Kirishima blanches, but he can't pull back - can't look away.ย  Especially when Katsuki smirks at the shadows, eyes lidded but bright with afterglow. Teasing again, he curls a finger as if to say "come here," before dropping the blinds closed.
So, just like the other times - it was all for Kirishima...? Fuck. /Fuck./
Kirishima shakes with adrenaline, but despite everything his cock is still throbbing hard in his palm. So he fists himself to completion, cumming seconds later to the fresh playback of Katsuki fingering himself open.
He hopes the post nut clarity will finally make him realize how wrong this is - but actually, it only helps him make up his mind.ย  This can't keep going on like it is. He'll confront Katsuki tomorrow.ย ย 

I hate to cockblock everyone, but just so everyone is aware I will only have time for one more update before the 14th! But! This thread is far from over.

Starting the 14th I will be taking a hiatus for medical reasons, and then right after I'm gonna be (trying) to -
- post for bottom kiri week (though I may try to update during then too - depends on what kinda shape I'm in.) I hope everyone understands!
Kirishima's alarm blares in the early morning and he wakes groggily. Right, yesterday he agreed to work out with Tetsu...
The two always take turns driving to the gym - today is Tetsu's turn. He's already sitting in the truck at the end of the driveway by the time Kirishima walks out the front door. The same truck Katsuki had been leaning and spreading himself open on just the day prior...
On the drive to the gym, Kirishima finds himself a little more quiet than normal and equally so when they're working out. Part in guilt, part in consideration.
Though he feels bad - worried even, about what Tetsu would think if he found out one if his closest friends had intentions with his barely legal cousin... His mind is still made up. It's just a matter of /how/ he wants to approach Katsuki about it.
But no matter what - he doesn't want Tetsu to know. He's not sure he could ever stomach having that conversation...
It's not until he returns home after work that same day that an idea of how to approach Katsuki springs to mind...
Kirishima carries out his normal routine - showers, and changes into clean clothes. Then he sits in front of his computer to check his emails - but the system seems to be running extremely slow today...

That's weird.
The mouse icon lags a bit. He double clicks the browser and... nothing happens. He double clicks it again. Still nothing. So he keeps clicking - and then a multitude of windows are flooding his screen all at once.
Closing them so many is a tedious pain, until eventually he's left with just one. But the problem is still there - reaching his email is just as slow. And after a few minutes when the first message opens - he can't even reply! At least not functionally.
It's like the keyboard is made of molasses. Though it doesn't /feel/ that way, it's like the buttons he presses just aren't responding right, taking their time (sometimes /minutes/) to show up in the little reply box.ย 

Yeah, Kirishima types slow, but not /that/ slow.
With a defeated sigh he pushes his chair away from the desk, grabbing his cellphone and readying to call his daughter. But much like his computer he lags for moment... then he's pulling up a different number entirely.
His thumb hovers over the dial button of the new name. Not because he doesn't know how to make a phonecall (that's the one thing he /can/ use his phone for. That, and debatably the odd internet search.)
No, he's hesitating because a part of his mind is trying to convince himself this is a bad idea.ย 

He takes a deep, steadying breath, and pushes "call".
The phone rings on the other end, once, twice. On the fourth ring he's considering just hanging up, then -

"Hey! What's up?" Tetsu's gruff voice comes through, sounding a little rougher than usual.
He was most likely sleeping - being that it's late afternoon on a Monday, the perfect time for a nap. "Hey, sorry if I woke you - "

"Nah, it's fine - Had to get up soon anyways."ย 

The intial call is only briefly conversational, then Kirishima is clarifying why he called.
"Any chance Katsuki is around? I need to borrow him for a bit," he winces - what if that sounds too obvious? He quickly clarifies, "I'm uh, having issues with my computer, and since he fixed my wifi last week - I figured maybe he could help me again? If he's not busy."
"For sure! Let me get him." Kirishima hears a bit of shuffling - probably as Tetsu pulls the phone away from his ear. That doesn't help with the noise by much though -
- the bass of his voice comes through clearly when he calls Katsuki, whose loud response is also picked up by the phone, albeit a little more distant.
"Should be getting paid for all the shit I fix for you old fucks." Kirishima barelyย makes out Katsuki's moody agreement which is followed by Tetsu's scoff of displeasure. Then he's talking into the phone again.
"He's coming over now," Tetsu informs, and Kirishima's eyes widen because fuck, okay - he wasn't expecting so soon.

"Oh wow. That's great - thanks so much! I owe you both. Seriously."
Though he feels like he's deceiving Tetsu, it's not like he's /lying./ And his gratitude is genuine. Though what Katsuki is due will be delievered differently, and a little sooner...
"Don't mention it. And if he causes you any trouble, just call me over and I'll be sure to drag his ass back here."

"Don't worry, I think I can handle him..."

So sorry this update is relatively uneventful. The next part that I also wanted to post alongside this one has more spicy stuff, but it's quite long so I didn't get around to cleaning it up! ๐Ÿ˜ญ
But my hiatus has officially started so next update won't be for a bit ๐Ÿ˜ญ

โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข

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Feb 21, 2022
#BottomKiriWeek2022 Day 1: Dom/sub dynamics

+ Cw: krbk, humiliation (unintentional,) cumming untouched, implied underage (if we're going by canon birthdays, Kiri wouldn't be 18 until after graduation,) pillow princess kirishima,
Cw (cont): multiple orgasms (refractory periods? never heard of her,) sub space, crying, praise, aftercare, gentle dom bakugo (because i had a mighty need)

Kirishima Eijiro has a bit of a problem.

Well, maybe 'a bit' is an understatement. Now, it's not the end of the world (probably.) And he's not in any sort of trouble (yet.)ย 

In fact, maybe it's not so much a 'problem' as it seems to be a curse.
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