More failures of ambition by Tower Hamlets Council
Tower Hamlets Council for about 10 years now has used 585-593 Commercial Road as its car pound
Now intend to sell it to a private developer for housing
Not develop itself despite it having excellent transport connections
Why? 1/
Why sell an asset you own with a public transport access of PTAL of 6a (where 1 is worst and 6b best) making it one of the best-connected sites in TH (close to Limehouse DLR & c2c station)
The Mayor says he wants to deliver 2,046 new Council homes but then routinely misses 2/
opportunities to maximise development on land it owns
If he really did want to deliver more new Council housing then you develop land you own - surely?
Many of the 2,046 homes 'new' homes are not newly built by the Council homes but purchases of old homes or those built by private developers (s106 housing that housing associations would normally buy)
But the Council is building some new homes itself
but mainly small sites (under 50 homes per site)
I worry that too many small sites = loss of economies of scale = too expensive per unit
This is why Croydon failed
This site could deliver at least 120 new homes (I think this is a major understatement)
But Council thinks this 5/
would be too expensive to develop?
But if housing associations & private developers can do it (both delivering high levels of affordable housing) why not the Council?
The plan 10 years ago was to develop it for housing around 2016
Why did we not build new homes 5 years ago? 6/
This is a big site
Opportunities for new homes (nearby have 9 storey blocks), new parks/playgrounds, new retail space, new community space & still respect conservation areas next door
Can deliver the ground floor family size units desperately needed + key worker homes for NHS 7/
staff at the Royal London Hospital 5 minutes cycle ride, 13 minutes bus & walk or 19 minutes walk away
By contrast Barking & Dagenham Council to build 3,000 new homes in 4 years…
They have set up their own delivery organisation
So by contrast why is TH so unambitious (they have sold land before)
Do they need the cash? they have lots of it & are not spending it
Is the land contaminated? but that would affect the price
Have they no confidence in their ability to develop big projects? Blackwall Reach 9/
If I was elected as Mayor I would
-Look to maximise delivery of new homes on Council owned land - either through Council or housing association partnership - this will mean some increase in height (but not to CW levels)
-Not sell land unless part of a deal to unlock new land
for development by the Council
-Compulsory purchase of undeveloped land
-Maximise delivery of larger accommodation + key worker housing to support schools, NHS, Police, Fire Brigade etc with recruitment
-Ensure new Council homes & places 'beautiful'
Forgot to add that a year ago the Council thought they could sell the site for £21.8 million
I cannot remember what the colours meant, maybe certainty of sale or value…
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NCP Car Park & Powerleague closure
The NCP car park at Crossharbour is about to or has closed
No longer listed by them as a car park on their website
Their 2nd car park next to Jack Dash House remains open
Above the car park were two 5 or 7 aside football pitches, they close 1/
as well on Sunday with only a few days notice
Used by Power League for football & others
This has nothing to do with CW College next door
TH Council wants the site re-developed as part of their Local Plan 2031 (replacing a car park with homes is fine as long as does not also 2/
mean losing scarce sports facilities)
I have always worried especially after COVID about the site being re-developed but I had hoped for more advance notice.
I have emailed NCP already asking what is going on and whether or not we can keep access to the sports facilities 3/
Register of Gifts & Hospitality report is always interesting but especially this latest one
One part of Tower Hamlets Council, TH Homes provides free £100 tickets for Cllrs?
And a developers agent also providing for free £100 tickets to Councillors… 1/
The Speakers Charity Ball has become one of the main ways for developers to 'meet' Councillors but except for Cllr declarations, pics & occasional reports little in the public domain
It is an annual party (I have only been to 1 year's ago) to raise £ for speakers charity
As you can see tickets to Cllrs for free attendance is common including from developers & housing associations including TH Homes (why should one part of the Council subsidise another?)
Like Robert Jenrick sitting at a table with a developer, this is similar 3/
Just some detail to add to the excellent Podcast about the 4 girls who went to Syria + the 4 who may have tried to go from the same school
Last year after talking to a guardian I had the idea of formally requesting a Serious Case Review into this case
A subject much discussed 1/
in Tower Hamlets but rarely in any formal Council session except for the attempt by @RabinaKhan in September 2019 that was rejected by other Cllrs
So last October I wrote this email which resulted in the discussion at Children's Scrutiny Sub-Committee featured in the podcast 2/
I later received the attached reply @RohitKachrooITV, @tamhussein@mohammedakunjee
Council had apparently decided in 2019 NOT to do a Serious Case Review
I think that was a mistake in retrospect
By 2019 we were pretty sure at least some of the girls had died (3 out of 4 now) 3/
@going4golds and I did a tour yesterday of St Georges Baths in Shadwell which remains closed & whose future is being decided next week - I wrote a report on Facebook including pics
Will do a Twitter thread later laying out key issues
But here are some 1/…
pictures of key issues we saw
Lots of rust in the building, most seriously in the iron bars within the concrete this is the most serious issue but how widespread is it?
Two areas had been exposed on the side walls but is it also in the ceiling? 2/
This is staff hallway - netting installed to catch things dropping from the ceiling as there is a lot of damage to the ceiling areas
Staff areas not nice 2/
Things in Tower Hamlets are often worse than you think they are
We knew Children's Services had major issues after OFSTED failed them quite badly in 2017 but 4 children mentioned in this report had issues mainly post OFSTED
Report more critical of Police than Council & 1/
some signs of improvement in the report but by providing detail on cases across 6 Boroughs (4 in TH) it provides a snapshot of problems & makes recommendations
But quotes from those involved were stronger then official report… 2/
The problem as a Councillor responsible for scutinising the Council is that we almost never get to see information like this unless somebody external writes a public report
The understandable need to protect children's anonymity = makes it easy to hide what is really going on
Tonight we should see the Councils 3 year capital program from 2022 to 2025 in advance of next weeks Cabinet meeting
It should include:
-St Georges Baths rebuild
-George Greens school rebuild
-latest Town Hall costs
-new bridge updates
Pics are of my alternate capital program 1/
that I am working on as an alternative to the Councils program as part of my Mayoral manifesto
-we should refurbish/rebuild St Georges bath
-expand John Orwell as sports centre + new homes
-floating lido in docks (by Canary Wharf & Shadwell basin)
-help New City College expand 2/
-pontoons to allow sailing in the Thames including for Sea Scouts who get no help from us
-facilities for other groups like the Scouts
-expand Council CCTV network to new residential areas
-the best child play & teenage spaces in Europe not just London with lights up to 6pm 3/