Turkish Imam says:
"There is no tolerance in Islam. Stop making up 'religion of peace'. Islam shows tolerance only if he converts to islam or obeys my sword and pays tribute money (jizya)"
Famous muslim Turkish poet * :
- First duty of a muslim is to be a terrorist!
- non-muslims must be scared of muslims!
- If not, then we aren't real muslims.
* Ismet Ozel was awarded with many national and two international peace awards: Sufi Award and Gabriela Mistral Award
Famous Turkish Imam says:
- Even in France, there are 12 million muslims.
- Nonmuslims are done, they are in panic. Because islam is prevailing all around the world.
- And gharqad tree will say that "nail jews, slaughter jews" in the day of resurrection.
We exmuslims are raised up in a muslim society, indoctrinated about how to spread islam to the West
And when we find out the real islam & the sneaky methods muslims are using to control the West,We decided warn you at the cost of our lives
Yet the western people just don't care
I still remember these 2:
-Even at the age of 8, I was always told to get married to a european woman so that she would convert to Islam and our kids would be muslims
-Always tell that Islam is a religion of peace(While they bully/curse you if You don't follow islam's orders)
I am a liberal, pro-lgbt, pro-women rights atheist. While we are fighting for their fundamental rights against Islam in muslim countries, this group of people fight for islam in the west! I just can't fathom this?